29 March 2024
An Open Letter from the ELT Community in Solidarity with Palestine

As members of the global English Language Teaching (ELT) community, we are compelled to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and express our profound disappointment at the silence exhibited by ELT organisations and by our peers in the industry.

In recent years, the ELT profession has increasingly embraced the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to inclusion, equality, and social justice. We have proudly championed these ideals, integrating them into our teaching methodologies and curricula, and striving to create inclusive learning environments where all voices are heard and valued.

However, as the world witnesses the atrocities unfolding in Gaza, we cannot ignore the contrast between the principles we profess to hold and the silence of our community. The genocide being perpetrated against the people of Gaza demands our attention, our outrage, and our unequivocal condemnation.

Since 7 October 2023, over 14,000* children and 264** teachers and school administrators have been killed by the actions of the Israeli state. In addition, 141** schools have been either severely damaged or destroyed. But these statistics, which reduce humans to mere numbers, do not even start to represent the realities of the past six months—or indeed the past 75 years.

We acknowledge those individuals and groups who have shown solidarity through actions small or large, public or private. But we must acknowledge, too, that the widespread silence about Gaza in ELT is a failure—a failure to uphold the principles of social justice and equity that we claim to promote. By remaining silent, we are complicit in the suffering of innocent civilians—including children, who are bearing the brunt of this violence.

We call upon all ELT professionals and organisations to break their silence and publicly condemn the genocide in Gaza as well as the oppression of Palestinians in the West Bank.

Whether you are a classroom teacher or a board member of an important ELT institution, we can all do something to help. We urge you to use your platforms to raise awareness, mobilize support, and advocate for an immediate end to the violence. Let us demonstrate that our commitment to inclusion, equity, and social justice extends beyond the confines of our classrooms and into the wider world.

*Government Media Office in Gaza, 19 March. **Gaza Ministry of Education, as reported in Middle East Eye and Al Jazeera, 26 March.

What you can do (in addition to signing this letter):

1 Keep informed about current events in Palestine and keep learning about the history of the area.

2 Support civil society groups who are taking a stand.

3 Donate to fundraising initiatives.

4 Open up discussions about Palestine in your classrooms and teachers’ rooms, where you can do this safely.

It may seem trivial to sign a letter—it might seem like a drop of water in the sea—but history says otherwise. Every little bit helps and this is the little thing you can do today.

Together we heal and grow stronger.


This letter was put together by the ELT Professionals for Palestine community, but we hope that these words will resonate with many ELT professionals beyond this small community. Do join us if you would like to connect with others who are committed to the same mission, and would like to know more about how you can help.

Instagram: @elt_for_palestine

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/elt-professionals-for-palesti...

Please remember to validate your signature by clicking on the link in the email. If you have difficulties, please send an email to elt4Palestine@gmail.com.

Update 23 April 2024

Have you signed the letter? 500+ voices and counting

Thank you to all the freedom-driven ELT professionals who have read, signed and shared this letter. Thank you too for all the other solidarity work that you are doing for Palestine.

To those who are still struggling to find their voice, we urge you to join the growing number of teachers, trainers, writers, editors and other ELT professionals who are breaking their silence and speaking up for Palestine.

Now is the time.

Please remember to verify your signature. The email may be in your junk or spam folder, or you may need to use a different device or a different email address.

ELT Professionals for Palestine is a grassroots movement engaging in solidarity actions for Palestine. It is an inclusive space where all ELT professionals belong. We do not tolerate antisemitism, Islamophobia racism, homophobia, sexism or any other type of discrimination; nor do we tolerate hate-speech or hate-incitement. We welcome diverse voices, while striving to centre the voices of Palestinians.

Email us at elt4palestine@gmail.com to join our private group or for any other questions or suggestions you have.

You can follow us here:

Instagram: @elt_for_palestine

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/elt-professionals-for-palesti...

Facebook page: facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557889146552...

And please keep sharing the open letter!

Update 15 September 2024

And update and an invitation

It's seven months since ELT Professionals opened its symbolic doors.

The situation in Palestine has not improved in these months; in fact things just seem to get worse as the weeks and months drag on, with ever more shocking news reaching us from Palestinians on the ground, in Gaza and in the West Bank. Despite this, ELT organisations remain mostly silent: complacent and complicit.

However, public opinion seems to be changing, little by little, and more and more ELT professionals are finding the courage to speak openly about Palestine. These changes are in part due to all the small and large actions that you - signatories of this letter - have taken. Every conversation about Palestine counts. Every small show of solidarity. Every dollar donated. Every email or phone call to your government.

Meanwhile, volunteers at ELT Professionals for Palestine continue to do what we can, and we'd like to highlight in this update two of our current projects.

Firstly, we'd love you to join us at our free online conference on Saturday 21 September. Peace for Palestine: Testimonies of Resilience will be in three parts, with three speakers in each panel. The panellists include Palestinians and Israelis, leaders of large organisations, leaders in smaller organisations, and academics. But most importantly, they can all provide immense insight.

To make this a safe environment, participants will be anonymous to each other and private messaging will be turned off, but we welcome questions directed to the panellists using the Q&A function.

To register for this free event please click on these links:

Panel 1 @ 11am GMT: Sandra Rasheed, Hazem Almassry, and Ben Yeger


Panel 2 @ 1pm GMT: Josh Paul, Steve Sosebee, and Rajaa Abu Jasser


Panel 3 @ 3pm GMT: meital yaniv, Yazan Alnahhas, and Hani Amaldhoun


Secondly, we teach English to Palestinian students, so if you know Palestinians (age 18 and older) who could benefit from online tutoring, please email tutoringeltforpalestine@gmail.com. If you'd like to volunteer as an English tutor, please fill in this form: docs.google.com/forms/d/1DZYNeXNtRq_FpRf1osQqSe-r0...

For more information about our other initiatives, see this article: linkedin.com/pulse/reflection-six-months-elt-profe...

If you're not yet following us on social media, please do.





If you're following us, hopefully you know that every Friday is Show Your Solidarity day for ELT. We hope you'll join this movement, particularly if you are a leader at an ELT organisation.

Please do spread the word about all of this!

Yours in solidarity,

ELT Professionals for Palestine


635 verified
  1. Fatima Aldajani, Assistant Professor, University of Toledo, Toledo
  2. Dr. Omar Abuhammad, Supervisor of Teaching English, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza
  3. Lina Bitar, Teacher, School, Nablus
  4. Rajaa Abu Jasser, EFL teacher, The Hands Up Project, Gaza, Palestine
  5. Dr Amina Douidi, DEI Consultant, UK
  6. Huma Riaz, ELT Professional, Dubai
  7. Sarah Gaylard, ELT Professional, Cape Town, South Africa
  8. Lottie Galpin (she / her), DEI in ELT consultant, Self-employed, Kent, UK
  9. Michelle, ELT professional, British Council, **this signature does not represent the views of my employer
  10. Gordon Weetman, Editor, Bilbao
  11. Milena Jakicevic, ELT Editor, London, UK, This signature does not represent the views of my employer
  12. Peter J Fullagar (he/him), DEI in ELT consultant, self-employed, Reading, UK
  13. Lea, Training Consultant/ESL instructor, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palo Alto, CA
  14. Frances Amràni, Educational Consultant, Cambridge, UK
  15. Alan Pulverness, Co-Director of independent ELT consultancy, TransformELT, Norwich, UK
  16. Samir Salama, EFL teacher and teacher teainer, HUP, Gaza
  17. Nahla ElGeyoushi, Publishing Consultant
  18. H. L, ELT Professional, Algiers
  19. Andy Hockley, ELT management trainer and writer, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
  20. Chay Tower-Hughes, Teacher, ARMS, Athol
  21. Cecilia Nobre, Teacher trainer, University of Warwick, Birmingham
  22. Katie webb, Teacher, Warwick University, Coventry
  23. Teresa Fidge, Business owner, Italy
  24. Charlotte al-Qadi, Publishing professional, Oxford
  25. Ángela Avida, ELT Professional, N/a, Taguig City
  26. Sana Nasfi, English Language Teacher, Tunisia
  27. Nick Bilbrough, teacher/trainer/coordinator, The Hands up Project, Totnes
  28. Lubna Majeed, Teacher, Gurgaon
  29. Gillian Flaherty, ELT writer, Sydney
  30. David Heathfield (he/him), Storyteller, teacher trainer, author, Freelance, Exeter, UK
  31. Maryam, ELT Professional, Self-employed
  32. Aleks Palanac, Teacher, University of Leicester, Leicester
  33. Juliet Dagnall, Teacher Trainer, Freelance, Birmingham
  34. Michelle Worgan, ELT Writer & Trainer, Spain
  35. Fadi, ESL/EFL teacher and Trainer, Gaza
  36. Gerhard Erasmus, Academic Director, Inspired CPD
  37. Jonathan Laubscher, Teacher, Inspired Kids, Taipei
  38. Heidi Newby-Rode, Translator/language teacher, LEKWA One World Collective, Johannesburg
  39. Tabinda Nabil, ELT Professional, Dubai
  40. Kath Bilsborough, ELT author, Self employed, Burgos
  41. Ragad, Teacher, Oxford English School, Hatay
  42. Bruno Garcia, Teacher Trainer, Brazil
  43. Rachael Roberts, Business Coach, Earn Learn Thrive Ltd, Leamington Spa
  44. Susana, Teacher, Humanity, Bon Accord
  45. Rasha Zein, Teacher, Mef
  46. Renae Akritidis, ESL Teacher, Deakin University, Melbourne
  47. Sumbella Khan, Facilitator, Well Teachers, Dubai
  48. Ruth Pringle, ELT Business owner, Blue Noun, Perth
  49. Kaye Greenleaf, Retired ELT publishing executive, Sydney Australia
  50. Isra Richards, EAP Tutor, Leicester, UK.
  51. VARINDER Unlu, Teacher, London
  52. Peter, Freelancer, Freelance
  53. Lynn Wilde, Teacher, University of Liverpool, UK, Liverpool
  54. Ainara Solana Moreno, Editor, Freelance, Il, USA
  55. Anna Fox, Teacher, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
  56. Michael Cook, Teacher, University of Leicester, Leicester
  57. Farzana Birader, Teacher, UK, Leicester
  58. Frances Jones, Teacher, University of Leicester, Leicester
  59. Shenaz Ismail, Nurse, General practice, Leicester
  60. Ayman Ali, Teacher, Leicester, UK
  61. Aylwen O'Regan, ESL Teacher, Learn English with Ayl, Cape Town
  62. Alexander Black, Professor, Universidad del Mar, Mexico, *This signature does not represent the views of my employer.
  63. Ana Jovic, ELT Professional, Serbia
  64. Sara Carline, Teacher, Self-employed, Catalonia
  65. Maria Matheas, ELT professional, Melbourne
  66. Lillian Rodrigues-Pang, TESOL and ELT professional Australia, The Story Line Pty Ltd, Stanwell Tops
  67. Mechthild Lier, Teacher, Geseke
  68. Maria Teresa Continanza, Teacher of English, Hamlet Online, Bahía Blanca Argentina
  69. Rose Gimenes, ELT Teacher, EMEF Pres. João Pinheiro, São Paulo
  70. CARLOS LIMA, Teacher, Educomunicator, Imprensa Jovem Student Agency, São Paulo
  71. Leticia Segura, Teacher, Mexico
  72. Anuschka De Coster, Language Teacher, Sint-Niklaas
  73. Evangelia Karydi, EFL Educator, Academic Director, Teacher Trainer, iLearn Language School, Athens
  74. Despina Vardas, English teacher, Despina Vardas Private institute, Nicosia
  75. Somaya Latief, Teacher/researcher/editor, Edbit Editing Services, Cape Town
  76. NZ, Teacher, School, Germany
  77. Shifa Desai, teacher, Presidential School, Uzbekistan
  78. Paul Dummett, Writer, Freelance, Oxford
  79. Grenville Yeo, ELT CEO, Sharing One Language, Barnstaple
  80. Phil Longwell, Academic Tutor/Teacher Trainer, No affiliation at present, Wells-next-the-Sea
  81. Jonathan Bifield, Teacher, Secondary school, Leicester
  82. Georgiq Pieri, English teacher, The Intelligent Kids, Nicosia
  83. Portia Lesch, ELT, Freelance, Cape Town
  84. Melody Mason, ESOL Volunteer Teacher, Welcome Here, Stratford upon Avon
  85. Katy Kelly, Teacher & trainer, Freelance, Cordoba
  86. Magdalena Mocka, Translator and English teacher, Self-employed, Agadir
  87. Leon Lentz, ELT, self-employed, Amsterdam
  88. Simona Stambazzi, Teacher and Storyteller, Freelance, Monza, Italy
  89. Greta Pizzuti, ELT professional, Brussels
  90. Belinda Roozemond, Senior content writer, Wiesbaden
  91. Amrita Alam Sandhy, ELT Professional, Prince Language Center, Kuala Lumpur
  92. Ayesha Zafar Sabri, English Teacher/Architect, International House Milano, Milano
  93. Khawar Malik, Founder & CEO, somos
  94. MANUELA Kelly CALZINI, Academic Lead for English Language@Trinity College London Italy, Manuela Calzini, Castiglion Fiorentino
  95. Nada Sherif, Academic Supervisor, Cairo, Egypt
  96. Lisa Horvath, ELT materials writer, Independent, Gyor
  97. Eda Hayal, ELT Writer, Rockville
  98. Sue Lyon-Jones, ELT Professional, Liverpool
  99. Rhona Snelling, ELT Author, Freelance, Bristol
  100. Natasha Cooper, Lecturer, London
  101. Rasha Rizk Elsharkawy, Freelance English Instructor & teacher trainer, British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
  102. Kate Cory-Wright, Author, Cambridge
  103. David Courtney, English language teacher and director, West Bank, Bethlehem
  104. Melissa Thomson, Freelance educator, Freelance, Bilbao
  105. João Afonso Diniz Paixão, Teacher, Self-employed, Vitória
  106. Nele Noe, Teacher Trainer, Duffel
  107. Scott Thornbury, Freelance, Barcelona
  108. Rawaa Nizar Amin Al Khatib, ESL teacher, British University, Cairo
  109. Tamzin Heathfield, EFL coach, Heathfield creative coaching, Exeter
  110. Viviane Fernandes Beccaria, English Teacher, São Paulo
  111. Chris, Graduate indentured servant, Knoxville
  112. Boelo van der Pool, Teacher Trainer and Dyslexia Advocate, Teacher Studio, Malaga
  113. Maren Behrend, English language specialist and instructional designer, Pukeko Learning Solutions, Auckland
  114. Abdulwahab Sabbagh, English Teacher, Heaven Learning Academy, Mersin
  115. Z Smith, Educator
  116. Leandro Paladino, Teacher Educator, Colegio York, La Plata, Argentina
  117. Jason Santoro, Teacher, KFUPM, Dhahran
  118. Özgür Çelik, Lecturer, Balıkesir University, Balıkesir, Türkiye
  119. Jo Sayers, Learning Designer, LearnJam, Exeter
  120. Deborah Bethany Gilmore, Teacher, International School of Turin, Biella
  121. Shaun Sweeney, Co Director, Dublin TEFL, Dublin 16
  122. Şüheda ŞAHİN, English Teacher, İstanbul
  123. Safa, English Language Teacher, Freelance, Mecca
  124. Bonnie NIcholas, ELT professional, Edmonton
  125. Karthic Raja, English Online teacher, British Council, UK
  126. Kenza, Paris
  127. Katrina King, Language School Owner, Study Sulmona, Sulmona
  128. Tarek Terfani, Practice Manager, NHS, London
  129. Julianna Dudás, Teacher of English, I. L. I., Godollo
  130. Danny Norrington-Davies, Teacher & Teacher Trainer, International House London, London
  131. Fiona Hunter, Teacher, Founder (Kids Club English), Kids Club English, Cádiz
  132. John Goodall, ELT tutor, Christchurch, New Zealand
  133. Sarah Dilger, ELT professional, UK, Witney
  134. Noha Hilmy, HOD, Higher Education, Alexandria
  135. Jen Dobson, ELT writer and teacher trainer, Self-employed, Spain
  136. Ammar Ahmad, CEO, Its IT Group, Faisalabad
  137. Annie Altamirano, Teacher trainer, Freelance, Salamanca
  138. André Hedlund, ELT Consultant, André Hedlund Learning Solutions, Goiania
  139. Kate Hickman Tavares, Commissioning Editor, Macmillan Education, London, UK, **This signature does not represent the views of my employer
  140. Chris Robinson (he/him), Commissioning Editor, Macmillan Publishers, Madrid, **This signature does not represent the views of my employer
  141. Reena Mistry, EFL teacher, IH Lacunza, San Sebastián
  142. MUGHAMMAD KAASHIEF Kafaar, Instructional Designer, Jubail industrial college, Jubail
  143. Farah, Teacher, Sharjah
  144. Tomasz John, Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
  145. Jill Hadfield, Author
  146. Chiara Bruzzano, Founder and manager, LanguagEd, Piacenza
  147. Melanie Ferreira, EAP tutor, Birkbeck university of London, Ely
  148. Liam Orr, ESOL Lecturer, New City College, London
  149. Fatima Gabru, Online TEFL teacher, Johannesburg
  150. Laura Patsko, Learning experience designer, Self-employed, Athens
  151. Charles Hadfield, retired teacher and trainer, materials writer, freelance, Auckland NZ
  152. Teresa Gerdes, Teacher, MADRID
  153. Mohamed Hamdouna, EFL teacher, Gaza
  154. Adam Beale, Educational Content Team Lead, Twenix, Les Franqueses Del Valles
  155. Gerard McLoughlin, Teacher Trainer, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona
  156. Wojciech Dmochowski, Lecturer, New City College, London
  157. Benjamin James, ESL tutor, Minnesota Peace Project, Minneapolis
  158. Esam Nimer
  159. Ben Windle, Academic and Study Skills Tutor, MMU, Manchester
  160. Yasmine Boughazi, High school ELT, Aicha Oum El Mouminine High School, Algiers, Algeria
  161. Sinem Atamsoy koşar, Instructor, Ege University, Turkey
  162. Fiona Wattam, IELTS Teacher, University of Essex, Colchester
  163. Kelly Webb-Davies, EAP Tutor, Bangor
  164. HArry Alexander John Waters, Founder, Renewable English, Valencina De La Concepcion
  165. Lamia Abdalkader, Teacher, Lamia Abdalkader, Everett
  166. Mehmet Akdogan, Global Success Manager, TeenEagle, London
  167. Dominic Brassington, EAL Coordinator, School, London
  168. Nasrin Akhter, Examiner, UK, Reading
  169. Sam Shepherd, ESOL lecturer, Leeds
  170. Declan Flanagan, Teacher, Chair - NATECLA Island of Ireland, Belfast
  171. Orsolya Dunn, ESOL lecturer, Ayr
  172. Clare Holohan, academic advisor, blackrock
  173. Ali Orf, EFL teacher, MOE Tunisia, Zarzis
  174. Essam Abulkhaire, Freelance Teacher, Suez
  175. Amīna Bagus-du Toit, Principal, Darun Na'im Academy, Cape Town
  176. Laura Cannella, EAP Teacher, University of Birmingham, Birmingham
  177. Becky Winstanley, ESOL teacher, English for Action, London
  178. Shigufta Faseeh, Housewife, Non, Dubai
  179. Abimbola Alli, Teacher, Abuja
  180. Nada Kataw, English teacher, Freelancer, Istanbul
  181. Haruna Mustapha, Student, Ahlul faidhatin Mai Diwani Group, Kano, Nigeria
  182. Shaun Trezise, Elt, Englishonline.training, Berlin
  183. Helal Haikal, English I, Orange County
  184. Mike Chick, Esol lecturer, Cardiff
  185. Siham Hoobdar, Tutor& Interpreter, Birmingham
  186. Luke Phillips, Efl teacher, London
  187. Giulia Sulis, Postdoctoral Researcher, Graz
  188. Shaun Wilden, EFL freelancer, Oxford
  189. Ivan Cartwright, ESOL Teacher, Lewisham College, London
  190. Amira Salama
  191. Pinar Smith, English teacher, LP, Haverfordwest
  192. Michael Khabie-Zeitoune, Freelance PM/Editor, London
  193. Elaine Hodgson, Editor, Signing as a freelancer, Cambridge
  194. Joanna Ross, Editor and author, Warkworth
  195. Beverly Whittall, EFL teacher and Director of Studies, International House, Braga
  196. Jacqueline Walkden, editor/writer, Freelance, Falmouth, UK
  197. Rima, Cluster TeChing Centre Coordinator, The British Council, Doha
  198. Simon DYE, University of Greenwich, Senior Lecturer in ELT
  199. Sean Shadbolt, Elt teacher, Auckland
  200. Bhavna Gupta, ELT Consultant, Independent Professional, Mumbai
  201. Soofia Amin, Teacher, Primary school, London
  202. Dan Humm Soriano, Senior Development Editor, This signature represents my personal views
  203. Naziha Raza, Teacher, Dubai
  204. Nicholas Skews, Teacher, Hanoi
  205. Liz England, Professor, Liz England & Associates, LLC, Winchester
  206. Mayar Ahmed, Teacher, Alexandria
  207. Vira Bunoan, English teacher, DepEd Philippines, Quezon City
  208. AUZELLEA KRISTIN MOZIHIM, Teacher, HIVE Educators, Kota Kinabalu
  209. Aneesha koosh, Teacher, Bc, Doha
  210. Gamze Yavaş Çelik, Lecturer, Balıkesir University, Balıkesir
  211. Jenny Galligan, DOS, Spain
  212. Mehrdad, EFL Teacher, London
  213. Mehmet Aydın, Instructor
  214. Nadzirah Barsil, Teacher, Secondary School, Papar
  215. Lucie Cotterill, Director of Innovation, IH British School Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria
  216. Fajarudin Akbar, Teacher, Golden English, Bekasi
  217. Martin Cooke, English language instructor, International Trade Institute (TAITRA), Kaohsiung
  218. Hani du Toit, Author & Facilitator, The Leadership Factory, Cape Town, South Africa
  219. Denisse González, Teacher, Nord Anglia Education, Rotterdam
  220. Sarah Fouad, English instructor, Egypt
  221. Macit Hayati, ESL/EFL Insteuctor, Turkish Private Insititutions, Tashkent
  222. S Shah, Teacher, RedEverywhere, Scunthorpe
  223. Ebru AKSAY, ESOL Tutor, Leicestershire County Council, Leicester
  224. Jennifer Cantave, Managing Owner, Cantave Creative and Consulting, Miami
  225. Mariam Mohamed, Assistant Portfolio Manager, Cairo
  226. Rachael Chaffer, Academic Developer, University of Leicester, Leicester
  227. Salma Umerji, University of Leicester, Leicester
  228. Claire Medwell, ELT/ESL independent materials writer, Madrid, Spain
  229. Dr Farhana Yasmin, Assistant Professor, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore
  230. Oliver Dean, Commissioning Editor, Dean Editions, Swansea
  231. Ghazal Elmassri, English Teacher, School, Kuwait
  232. Jacob Huckle, Teacher, International School, Suzhou, China
  233. Asmaa Othman, University lecturer, Deraya University, Minya
  234. Hebatallah Matbouli, English Lecturer and Teacher Trainer, Cairo
  235. Humairaa Malek, Speech and language therapist, Nhs, Leicester
  236. Eunice Marsh, Teacher, British Council, Bucharest
  237. Rose Aylett, Training consultant, UK
  238. Mohamed Elkahkany
  239. Ali Shepherd, Teacher
  240. Bouraoui Masmoudi, English language teacher, Ministry of Education of Oman, Muscat
  241. Julio Menochelli, Educational Strategy and Innovation Senior Consultant, Independent, São Carlos
  242. Gemma Webber, EL Teacher & Trainer, Self-employed, Lombardy, Italy
  243. UmmZakariya, ESL Instructor, Freelance, Lahore
  244. Rami Ghamrawi, English Teacher, SABIS, Riyadh
  245. Steve Brent, ELT Consultant, SBAssociates, London
  246. Elizabeth Hollis-Watts, Pre-sessional coordinator, University of Greenwich, London
  247. Ebru Dogan Gauri, ESL Teacher, Self Employed, Dubai
  248. Adrienn Szlapal, Teacher, Kuala Lumpur
  249. Linda Ramadan, Leicester
  250. Evgenii, ESL Teacher, London College of United Knowledge, Mubarak Al Kabeer
  251. Venera Mukhtarzada, ESL Teacher, EAS, Baku
  252. ZshidaNaveed, Teacher, The Educators, Karachi
  253. Weronika Fernando, London
  254. E Davies (this signature does not represent the views of my employer), ELT professional, British Council
  255. Sarah Smith, Teacher trainer, eltonix, Athens
  256. Hind Youssef, English Teacher, English Castle, Alexandria
  257. Maria H.eron, Teacher trainer, Freelance, Madrid
  258. Ruheena, Business Lecturer, UK
  259. Rubina Joiya, Teacher Educator, Bright Minds, Multan
  260. Hussam Aldalou, Teacher, School, Gaza
  261. DEEPIKA VASUDEVAN, English language teacher, Teruel
  262. Драгица Здравеска, Прилеп
  263. Kash Sajwan, Teacher, Self, Doha
  264. Mehmet Ali Yavuz, english teacher, National Ministry of Education Türkiye, İstanbul
  265. Nuray Ahmed, ELT, National Ministry of Education Türkiye, Bolu
  266. Mohamed Ali Oummih, Director of teacher training, English for africa, Meknes
  267. anonymous, Professor, University of Antioquia, Medellin - Colombia
  268. Janeth Ortiz Medina, Professor, University of Antioquia, Medellin
  269. Kajee Ayesha, Educator, Johannesburg
  270. PINAR KARADUMAN, EFL TEACHER, Secondary School, MoNE,İstanbul, this signature does not represent the views of my employer
  271. Liz McGrath, Editor, Self-employed, Galway
  272. Cristina Manea Gultekin, Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages Gaziantep University, Gaziantep
  273. Hania Orszulik, EAP teacher, University of Leicester, Leicester
  274. Tyson Seburn, Freelance, Toronto
  275. Amaal Taliep-Magiet, Retired ELT Teacher, full-time wife and mother, Cape Town
  276. Cristina Paradise, English teacher, Taipei
  277. Ku-Yun Chang, English Teacher, British Council, Taipei
  278. David McDowall, Director, TEFL Professional Network, London
  279. Ahmed Ragheb, Teacher of English, British Council Vietnam, Hanoi
  280. Autumn Westphal, Training and Development Manager, Pearson, Brooklyn
  281. Nozizwe Vundla, CSI professional, Johannesburg
  282. Samira Racine, Professor, BC, London
  283. Najwa Saba 'Ayon, Associate Professor, Rafik Hariri University, Saida
  284. Sandra Houghton, Founder, Learning Designer, Circular Learning, Perth
  285. SEV Hirschman, teacher/writer, freelance, Lewes
  286. Mira A Alameddine, ELT teacher, Rafik Hariri University, Beirut
  287. Deborah Tobin, ELT lecturer, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
  288. Susan McDowell, English Language Teacher, Loghatona, Blida
  289. Harry Kuchah, Academic, LEEDS
  290. Aymen Naït Mihoub, ESL Teacher, British Council, Algiers
  291. Oussama Boukhelkhal, English Teacher, Tlemcen University, Tlemcen
  292. Ben Beaumont, Teacher, College, London
  293. Dr Samira Chaibeddra, Lecturer, Jijel, Algeria
  294. Alexis Walmsley, Teacher, College, Cambridge, UK
  295. Lekat Sarra, Teacher, University of Jijel, jijel
  296. Cherifa Ourkhou oulebsir, English language teacher, Algiers
  297. Fatima Hedna, Teacher, Paris
  298. Eliza Winnert, ESOL teacher, Refugee Literacy Project
  299. Fatma DOB, Teacher of English, Ministry of Education, Ouargla
  300. Chadia Chioukh, Associate professor, Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia University, Jijel-Algeria
  301. Dr. Souheyla Ghebghoub, Lecturer, University of Jijel, Jijel
  302. Alex Luke, Teacher, Wangal land, so-called 'Australia'
  303. Bousba Meriem, Associate professor, University of Jijel Algeria, Jijel
  304. Jacob Palmer, Teacher of English, British Council, 新北市
  305. Amanda M. Amarotico, Teacher, American University Iraq, Baghdad, Baghdad
  306. Mohammed Aziz, Education Consultant, Riyadh
  307. Sharifah I'Nur, Educationist, Kuala Lumpur
  308. Hamida Bouzekria, Associate Professor, University of Jijel, Jijel
  309. anonymous
  310. Kalina Papadimitriou, ELT professional, McGill University, Val Morin
  311. Mahmood Alhosni, ELT professional, Muscat
  312. Ahmed Al Mata’ni, Educator, Oman, Muscat
  313. Tasnima Aktar, Lecturer, London
  314. Nik Peachey, Publisher, PeacheyPublications, Torquay
  315. Michelle Hunter, Teacher, Freelance, Grafenau
  316. Amy Alice Chastain, Executive Director, Global Ties Iowa, Cedar Rapids
  317. Marshall Linton, retired teacher, University of Nizwa, PERKASIE
  318. Wissame Boubrioua, EFL Teacher, Jijel
  319. Amina Hamdoud, English teacher, Higher education, Algiers
  320. Joanna Patterson, ESOL lecturer, Edinburgh College, Edinburgh
  321. Zeyneb Khaldi, Ph.D student, University of Mouloud Maameri, Jijel
  322. Simimol Muhammed Raffy, English Instructor, Sharjah
  323. Emma Parry, Commissioning editor, Cambridge
  324. Soha Samir Ahmed Mahmoud Khamis, Teacher, El Arish university, Select an option…
  325. Peter Fenton, English Language Teacher, Taipei
  326. Bill Templer, retired EFL lecturer, Shumen University, Bulgaria
  327. Edel ferry, Language assistant, Poitiers, France
  328. Cristian Perez de Guzman, Language Coach, EvnFlow, Madrid, Spain
  329. Hosain Kaldine, English Language Educator, Roodepoort
  330. Lucy Tilney, Teacher and business owner, Bristol Homestay Tuition, Bristol
  331. Afrah Ali, Lecturer, University of Bahrain, Manama
  332. Korkmaz Andrea, English teacher, Ringwood
  333. Geoff Taylor, EFL teacher (retired), TEFL Workers Union (IWW) / UCU Southern retired branch, Kidlington
  334. Fern Lai, ESL teacher, IHB Bristol, Bristol UK
  335. Abir zitouni, Teacher, University of león, León
  336. donia ahmad, Teacher, Online teacher, Ismailia
  337. Yasmeen Seedat, Student, Durban
  338. Kerry McCarthy, Education Coordinator, Doras, Co. Kerry, Ireland
  339. Sheigh Abdul Kader Crombie, ELT Instructor, ICOSA, Cape Town
  340. Sara Lawrence, Teacher, Foundation Institute, University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman, Ojai,
  341. Pauline, Teacher, Cambridge
  342. James Taylor, Freelance, New York
  343. Ella Mobbs, Teacher, Habibi.Works, Ioannina
  344. Maged, Teaching Center Manager, Al-Azhar university, Cairo
  345. Sarah Church, Operations Director, ELT Publishing Company, Reading, UK
  346. Laura Kirkpatrick, ESL/English Associate Professor, USA
  347. ANNCHEN DOHERTY, English Coach, Annchen Doherty Coach, Granada
  348. Jeremy Day, Writer and consultant, Freelance, Warsaw
  349. Emma Songeur, Language Learning Facilitator, Mang, Paris
  350. John Macalister, Professor, VUW, Wellington
  351. Dorothy Zemach, Editor, Author, Eugene
  352. Sandy Millin, ELT trainer, writer and consultant, Sandy Millin, Reading
  353. Tim Radnor, EAP Tutor, University of Sheffield, Sheffield
  354. Leo Kay, Artist/teacher, Bari
  355. Eliana de giorgi, Teacher, Italia, Lecce
  356. Rob Peutrell, ESOL teacher, Nottingham, UK
  357. Rebecca Thornton, Learning consulatnt, LearnJam, Manchester
  358. Abrar Hammuda, EAP Lecturer, UCA, WOKING
  359. Jamie Lee Bower, Teacher, Nottingham
  360. Lois Davis, ESOL teacher, LONDON
  361. Zahida Azam, ESOL Tutor, **this signature does not represent the views of my employer, London
  362. Louise Webberley, Teacher, Teaching Personnel, Totnes
  363. Brigid Farrell, ELT Trainer, **this signature does not represent the views of my employer
  364. Suhad Nassrallah, teacher, UNRWA, Tulkarm
  365. emilysfrisby@gmail.com, Teacher, WEA, Sheffield
  366. Sara Wood, Learning Coordinator, Hands Up Project, Palma de Mallorca
  367. Caitlin Coyle, ELT Professional, Glasgow
  368. Janet Isserlis, educator, multiple, Providence
  369. Elsa Auerbach, Professor emerita, UMass Boston, Boston
  370. Anthony Picot, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester
  371. Juana Simpson, ESOL Practitioner, **this signature does not represent the views of my employer, Belfast
  372. Tuija Palmunen, English language teacher, Finland
  373. Xana de Nagy, Teacher Trainer, Freelance, Lisbon
  374. Ben Rampton, ESOL volunteer & university professor, English for Action, London
  375. ARTEMIS APERGI, English language teacher, International House, Lisbon
  376. Karen Grey, ESOL Lecturer, Newcastle College, Newcastle
  377. Rachel Öner, Freelance, Oner Training and Consultancy, Norfolk
  378. Sundar Huma, Lecturer, Lahore College for Women University Lahore, Lahore
  379. PaulSceeny, ELT Consultant, Paul Sceeny Educational Consultancy, Derry
  380. Anne Erde, Retired ESL teacher UMB, Jamaica Plain
  381. Zaheer Ullah, Lecturer, University of Malakand, Islamabad
  382. Glyn Jones, Consultant, Freelance, London
  383. Fauzia Eastwood, Marketing Manager, London
  384. jenny roden, ESOL consultant ELT writer, self-employed, Farnham
  385. Hilary Day, ELT professional, N/A, Cambridge
  386. Andrea Young, Professor, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg
  387. Damian Ross, Teacher, Universidade do Porto, Porto
  388. Joe Beckett, English teacher, Freelance, Wolverhampton
  389. Richard Badger, Lecturer, University of Leeds, Otley
  390. Kiros Langston, Manager, British Council, Tunis
  391. Jane Booty, Volunteer ESOL tutor, Cardiff
  392. Sarah Jacobs, Elt teacher, London
  393. Pauline Finn, EFL Center Director, El Jadida, Morocco
  394. Tuce uzumer, Teacher, Turkey
  395. James Simpson, University Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
  396. Rebecca Durand, ESOL Teacher, London
  397. Behzad Limooie, Business English Trainer, Learnlight, Istanbul
  398. Sylwia, Teacher, Worldwide
  399. Helen Backhouse, Tutor, London
  400. PHILIP SHIGEO BROWN, Teacher, trainer, editor, International Teacher Development Institute, Doha
  401. Louise Dearden, Language teacher, Birmingham
  402. MAJELLA CAHILL, ELT, RefuAid UK, Newry
  403. Anne McConnell, ESOL teacher-organiser, English for Action, London, LONDON
  404. Daniel Barber, ELT trainer & writer, freelance, Cádiz, Spain
  405. Angela Palmer, ESOL Development Worker, MESH, Otley
  406. Jacob McCullough, ESL Teacher, Belfast
  407. Theresa Wall, ESOL consultant, Calgary, Canada
  408. Linda Moran, Teacher, Galway
  409. Christina Griffiths, ESOL Teacher and PhD student, Liverpool City Council and University of Liverpool, LIVERPOOL
  410. Nabia Ghaffar, Instructor/Employment Counsellor, TIES, Calgary
  411. Andrew Blackmore, Teacher, Self employed, Liverpool
  412. Amber Lin, Marketing, Inspired Kids, Taipei
  413. Natasha Rust, Lecturer in EAP, University of Leeds, Leeds
  414. Dr Rachel Stubley, adult ESOL teacher and teacher educator, Newport, South Wales
  415. Helen Towler, EFL teacher and used book dealer, freelance EFL teacher, Quito
  416. CA Edington, EFL Teacher, Sapporo
  417. Richard Storton, ELT Author and Editor, StortonELT, Inverness, Scotland
  418. Anurag Mishra, Sales and marketing, Cambridge University press, Patna
  419. Anne-Sophie Cocault, EAL teacher, Belfast
  420. Colin Michell, Teacher, University of Exeter, Saskatoon
  421. Marcus Murilo Arantes de Lacerda, teacher and teacher educator, freelance, Brasília
  422. Priyanka
  423. Deirdre McKenna, Lecturer in EAP, University of Leeds, Leeds
  424. Jean Solano, Teacher, Kyoto International School, Kyoto
  425. Alex Holloway, teacher, Leeds, Leeds
  426. Alejandra Lucía, ELT Professor, Udelar, Montevideo
  427. Asmaa, online tutor, Gaza
  428. Dani Mundy, Teacher and Trainer, Freelance, Birmingham
  429. Ali Alkintar, Techer, Kuwait
  430. Mairead Donohoe, Teacher, N/A, Newry
  431. Rafael Braz, Director of Studies, Now Club, Porto
  432. Erin O'Byrne, Teacher traniner, Better Teach, Dublin
  433. Ruth Lorimer, ESOL Lecturer & volunteer tutor support worker, Edinburgh College, Currie
  434. Rosaline Martin, EAL Teacher, EAL Service, Glasgow
  435. Helen Rountree, Teacher, Riverside primary, Stirling
  436. Abdul Saboor, Tutor, Sterling English, Oxford
  437. Mohammed El Fatih Guilal, English Language Teacher, UK Academy, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh
  438. Nicola Harwood, EFL teacher, Lexicalship, Brescia
  439. Tina Teller, Teacher, Tanzania
  440. Mohammed Zaky, English language teacher, Ministry of education, Cairo
  441. Ayman Alasawedeh, CEO, NewViews Edutec GmbH, Stuttgart
  442. ceinwen atkinson, teacher, Atkinson English, Hondarribia
  443. Siham, Teacher, Kuwait
  444. Sulaiman Al Mashaan, EFL Teacher, Public Schools, Kuwait
  445. M Castillo Juan, ESL Teacher, Online Teacher, VENEZUELA
  446. Anna Butler, Volunteer ESL instructor, Chapel Hill
  447. Haythem, English teacher, Tunisia
  448. Emily Bryson, ELT professional, Emily Bryson ELT, Glasgow
  449. Hannah Stodart, English Teacher, IHA, Thessaloniki
  450. Nina Ahmad, Teacher, St Marks Academy, Merton
  451. Jeanne Moore, Providence
  452. Hassan Dajani, CSR Officer, Seha Healthcare, Cairo
  453. Joanna Preshous, ELT Professional, Coventry
  454. Hassan Dajani, CSR Officer, Seha Healthcare, Cairo
  455. Joanna, Teacher, Freelance, Barcelona
  456. Jo Cummins, ELT Writer, Westgate-on-sea
  457. James Styring, Teacher, Materials Developer, Oxfordshire, UK
  458. Chris Enticknap, Teacher, United Kingdom, Newcastle upon Tyne
  459. Zoe Safia Kenny, Learning Designer, Monash College, Melbourne
  460. Mason Long, ELT Writer, Editor, Teacher, Prague, CZ
  461. Clare Solomon, Young Learner Programme Coordinator, This signature does not represent the opinions of my employers, London
  462. Nour Lallali, English teacher, Ira Academy, Dawat New Horizons and Preply, Algiers
  463. Jen Read, English Language trainer, Independent, Bellac
  464. Gretchen Rudy, Instructor, Phnom Phen
  465. Michelle Rhoton, ElT teacher, Port Moody
  466. Lorna Carruthers, Storytelling Teacher, Self Employed, Ciudad Real, Spain
  467. Heidi Underwood, ELT Editor, Oxford
  468. Belinda Kennedy, Editor, Freelance, Oxford
  469. Jonathan Yates, Teacher, Inspired Kids, Taipei
  470. Sarah Dandelles, English Language Instructor, Northeastern Illinois University; Literacy Chicago, Chicago
  471. David Vallejo Acuña, Project Manager, British Council, Bogotá
  472. Paula Ayala, Academic consultant, Fundación Barco, Bogota, Colombia
  473. Carolina Barriga, Teacher, Bogotá
  474. M. Ciardullo, EFL teacher, Venice
  475. Alaa Bader, English instructor, University of Dayton, Dayton
  476. Beenish Akhlaque, Curriculum Lead-English, The City School, Islamabad
  477. Widad jassim, Training comsultant, British council, Islamabad
  478. Laila Zahoor, Training Consultant, British Council, Peshawar
  479. Muneeza Junaid, Training Consultant, Freelance, Lahore Pakistan
  480. Ismat Bahar, English Language Teacher, British Council, Nowshera
  481. Yusra Anwar, Educationist, Rawalpindi
  482. Asma Sheikh, Training Consultant, British Council, Lahore
  483. Zaira Sarmad, Training Consultant, British Council, Lahore
  484. Dr.Sadaf Iqbal, Freelance training consultant, British Council, Mansehra
  485. Shazia Asif khan, ELT consultant and human rights activist, OMPACT, Karachi
  486. Anumsayed, Teacher, British council, Karachi
  487. Rabea Saeed Hassan, Educationist and Researcher, Freelance, Lahore, Pakistan
  488. Yusra Rafiq, English Language Teacher, Peshawar
  489. Noreen Mirza, Educationist, Hive Medical Academy, Rawalpindi
  490. Zertashia Jamal, CEO, Pak Development Mission, Peshawar
  491. Zeynep Duz Bostan, English teacher, A private school, Istanbul
  492. Jamila Aziz, English Language consultant, British council, Gilgit
  493. Nur Khaleda, Teacher, SMK BANDAR BARU SG BULOH, Sungai Buloh, Malaysia
  494. Gavin Kerr, EFL Teacher, Chichester
  495. Maham Abdur Rahman, Student, None, Dmm
  496. Azer Denjo, English Language Teacher, Online Academy, Sarajevo
  497. Emily Cook, Teacher, Aberconwy
  498. Rosa Cook, EFL teacher, Serres
  499. Sana Younis, Queens
  500. Francesca Mazzucato Addamo, BUSINESS ENGLISH COACH, Freelance Professional, Milan
  501. Amal Farhat, Specialist, Qatar University, Doha
  502. Carlos Ramos, English Teacher, Vienna
  503. Dr. Parisa Mehran, English Lecturer, The Netherlands
  504. Siddhu Tekur, IGCSE English Teacher, Akshar Arbol International school ECR, Chennai, India
  505. Nick Tims, ELT writer, trainer, Nick Tims, London
  506. Adekunmi Olatunji, ELT professional, International
  507. Gabriela Brun, ELT teacher, ISFD 129, Junín
  508. Sumbal Salim, ELT Professional, Islamabad
  509. INARA LUCIA CASTILLO COUTO, English teacher, 011.785.218-00, São Paulo
  510. ANDERSON BORGES COSTA, teacher, private, São Paulo
  511. Elaine Costa, ELT Teacher, Public School/Private tutoring, Brazil
  512. anonymous
  513. Gilberto Sorbini, Poet, none, São Paulo
  514. Rukia Mohamed, Global issues in ELT, Self employed, Nairobi
  515. Laura Zanardi, EFL Teacher, Genova
  516. Tim Hazell, Teacher Trainer, Bell, Poznan
  517. Lucimar Menezes, Teacher, Private, São Paulo
  518. Patricia A M Saheli, Teacher, São Paulo
  519. Martha Rebecca Cockram, English Teacher, Bologna University, Bologna
  520. Ceri Jones, Author and teacher educator, Freelance, Cádiz
  521. Jackie Spencer, ELT teacher, Sydney
  522. Hannah copeland, Esol teacher, Learn Ealing, London
  523. Dulce Viridiana Gutiérrez Méndez, ELT Editor, Freelancer, Mexico City
  524. Nicola Gardner, ELT Editor and Writer, Freelance, Wellington
  525. Vera Cabrera Duarte, Professor, Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo
  526. Graham Hall, Freelance ELT, WHITLEY BAY
  527. Abida khatoon, ESOL Teacher, Hopwood Hall College, Rochdale
  528. Kate Gibson, EAL Support, Liverpool
  529. Mike Baynham, Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds, Leeds
  530. Bathsheba Wells Dion, English Teacher, Bristol
  531. Mary Begley, project worker, Migrant English Support Hub, Leeds
  532. Ms Lucy Tilney, Teacher, Bristol Homestay Tuition, Bristol
  533. Jane Daffe, Education Consultant, HEART, Nottingham
  534. Chrissie, Researcher, Ipswich
  535. Lucie Gegg, ESOL Lecturer, CAVC, Cardiff
  536. Tomoko Sawaki, EAP researcher, Australia
  537. Emily Grundy, ELT teacher
  538. Usha Mani, EAP Teacher, University of Dundee, Dundee
  539. Marcus Farstad, Literacy Teacher, Refugee Literacy Project, Athens
  540. Martine Royle, Teacher Trainer, UCLES, Bolton
  541. Simon Liu, EAP Teacher, UCL, London
  542. Margarita Kosior, ELT Professional, Tales of Strays Campaign, Thessaloniki
  543. Vicki Jade Stevenson, EAP Tutor, University of Bristol
  544. Michael Hepworth, Lecturer, University of Sunderland, Sunderland
  545. Alison Leslie, Lecturer in EAP, University of Leeds, Leeds
  546. KM Donovan, Lecturer of EAP, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai
  547. Faye Griffiths, Teacher, NYC Charter Education, New York
  548. Anis, Teacher, KPM, Sepang
  549. Monika, Research scholar, Lovely professional university, Jalandhar, India
  550. Tamara Qutteineh, EFL teacher, Multiple, Donostia
  551. Jo Eastlake, Teacher Trainer and Teacher, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth
  552. Afsana Hamidy, Student, London
  553. Ahlem Marrakchi, Teacher, British Council, Tunis
  554. Jada Downing, EFL Instructor
  555. Ann Veitch, ELT professional, Dunfermline
  556. Efi Tzouri, Teacher, Greek Ministry of Education, Athens
  557. Ginny Rowlands, ELT consultant, Toulouse
  558. rania achouche, ESL teacher, lingua franka, algiers
  559. Tonia Paflis, Teacher, Padua college, Melbourne
  560. Halimah McG, Teacher, Melbourne
  561. nurain farhana sairin, Teacher, MRSM Tun Mohammad Fuad Stephens, SANDAKAN
  562. Frances Acton, EAP tutor, University of Leicester, Leicester
  563. Nabila Souaber, ELT Professional, Paris
  564. Tahir Shaikh, Assistant Professor, Guangzhou Huashang University, Greater London
  565. Stephanie B, Teacher, Freelance, Ireland
  566. Jenny Hardacre, foremer lecturer, ELT teacher, teacher trainer, writer, Cambridge
  567. Olivia Rule, English Teacher, Everest Language School, Dublin, Ireland
  568. Yuniar Siregar, PhD Candidate (in TESOL), Perth
  569. Kara McBride, Sr. Education Specialist, World Learning, Northampton
  570. Csilla, EFL Teacher, Doha
  571. Ingrid Daniels, EFL Teacher, Hong Kong
  572. Rose Cortijo, ELT Educator, Lima, Peru
  573. Laura Corns, Freelance ELT Editor, Freelance, Folkestone
  574. Eileen Baker, Teacher ESL, Washington
  575. Maria Davou, Teaxher, Glossomatheia, Λεοντάριο
  576. Ashley Dell’Orso, PhD Student, previous EFL teacher, Lisbon
  577. Evgenii Golubev, ELL teacher, London College of United Knowledge, Mubarak Al Kabeer
  578. Muhamad Zuhrianto, Translator, Freelance, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  579. Clare Solomon, Director of Studies, Personal capacity, London
  580. Annapoorni Sethu, Assistant Professor of English, University of Madras, Chennai
  581. Hadeel Hejja, Behavior Analyst, H2 consultation services LLC, Plainfield
  582. Laura MacIsaac, undecided, Sydney
  583. Cynthia James, Teacher, Kota Kinabalu
  584. Albert Halac, Retired, Intercultural Facilitation LLC, Reston, VA
  585. Railene Barker, Education Developer, University of Leicester, Nottingham
  586. Mariam Dubashi, Certified 7-12 ELA Teacher, Philadelphia
  587. Eliyos Adam Ruile, teacher, British Council Valencia, Valencia
  588. Heather, Teacher, Self employed, Valencia
  589. Salam zalloum, Pm, Na, Amman
  590. Nadia Sarwar, Teacher, Learn Alliance, Lahore
  591. Sharon Mengersen, Educator, Morphett Vale
  592. Anum Babar, PETARO
  593. Jelena Brkić o, EFL teacher, Akademija umjetnosti, Banjaluka
  594. Joelle Finck, Teacher Trainer, Self-employed, London
  595. Ursula Smith, Teacher, Remit Training, Hove
  596. John Maidment, English trainer and coach, Berlin
  597. Sophie Stewart, EAP teacher, MPW College, Birmingham
  598. Marianne Graham, Teacher, Ottawa Catholic School Board, Ottawa, Canada
  599. Elena Deleyto, Educational Designer, DLA, Sa Rapita
  600. Sejal Mandalia, Teacher, Inlingua, Logroño
  601. Ganesan Arasan, Associate Professor of English, RKM Vivekananda College Chennai, India
  602. Bibi Aysha Rajah, Pensioner, Mogale City
  603. Rabia Benefeld, Graphic Designer, Johannesburg
  604. Arianna Cominu, Teacher, IIS MARIANO IV D'ARBOREA, Oristano
  605. M Lunceford, examiner, British Council Global Assessments, Kansas City
  606. Arwa Saied, English instructor, None, Asyut
  607. anonymous
  608. Amel, Psychologist
  609. Benyoucef HABBICHE, Assistant Teacher,ELT/ESP Teacher, University of Khemis Miliana,Algeria
  610. Majida Thalji, Self employed, Belmont
  611. Yousuf Hindess, teacher, INTO University of Exeter, Exeter
  612. Takara Kenza Allal-Sumoto, Associate professor, Kobe Design University, Kobe
  613. Mitsuhiro OKAMURA, Associate Professor, Kobe Design University, Kobe, JAPAN
  614. Shaffee Memon, Professional, Na, Mississauga
  615. anonymous
  616. Liz Fishwick, Teacher Educator, The Anglo Professional, Mexico City
  617. Gina Sharar, Retired teacher, Iowa City
  618. Sonya Khan, Teacher, Na, London
  619. Emma, editor,
  620. Hanaa Saadi, English Teacher, British Council, Algiers
  621. Yoveshine Pillay, Durban
  622. Naazim Adam, Principal, Palestine Solidarity Alliance, Johannesburg
  623. Heather Spence, EAP Lecturer, UCL, London
  624. raghadshahir98@gmail.com, Palestine, Gaza
  625. Huw Jarvis, Semi Retired TESOL Academic, New Mills, High Peak
  626. Carol Goodey, Associate Tutor, Glasgow
  627. Eily Murphy, Teacher, France
  628. Rahina Q. Rost, Teacher, Freelance, Oslo
  629. Garan Holcombe, Freelance writer and editor, Garan Holcombe, Ely, Cambridgeshire
  630. Kim Benson, Teacher, Squamish
  631. Fouad, Teacher, British Council, Hong Kong
  632. KIP A CATES, Professor Emeritus, Tottori University / JALT Global Issues SIG, Tottori, Japan
  633. Naazim Adam, School Principal, PALESTINE SOLIDARITY ALLIANCE, Johannesburg
  634. James A Foley, Teacher, University of Sheffield, Sheffield
  635. Naasira Gattoo, Educator, Educators for Humanity, Johannesburg
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