A growing number of your customers, myself included, are starting to feel like we are not having our concerns heard. Many of us are early adopters into your products and have spent thousands of not tens of thousands of pounds having your products installed in our homes.
Recent changes within GivEnergy have led to a detrimental impact on customer service, specifically the closure of your telephone lines for end users. Customers are frustrated by the lack of support they receive for their systems and many are seeing problems which are beyond the scope of what the original installer is capable of resolving such as poor state of charge management, access issues with the new SSO platform etc.
There are also a growing number of customers (again myself included) who are seeing very poor performance from their systems, specifically around how your batteries calculate state of charge. Customers who purchased batteries advertised as delivering 13.5kWh of storage are seeing less than 10 (and lower in some cases) which is unacceptable. The issues have been blamed on the temperature yet customers with other battery systems (and those who drive EVs) are not reporting such drastic reduction in capacity due to the weather.
It should be noted that whilst unhappy with GivEnergy and the products themselves, we acknowledge the fantastic work your employees who do engage on social media do and this letter is no reflection on their efforts.
We implore you to take these concerns seriously and engage with your customers instead of either ignoring them or in some cases gaslighting them.
The undersigned.