30 January 2024
Call for a Free Palestine

As students and researchers of IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, we stand in mourning and in full solidarity with Palestinians in their decades-long struggle against settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the Israeli government. More than one hundred days into one of the most brutal campaigns of bombardment and displacement of a civilian population, as scholars, we cannot continue to perpetuate academic silence around such a blatant example of colonial violence in real-time.

As members of the Italian academic community, we write this letter in the name of freedom and justice, united by the demand for an immediate end to the ongoing genocide against Palestinian people in Gaza. We believe it is our individual, communal, and scholarly duty to oppose the positions taken so far by the Italian government, which continues to abstain from voting in the UN General Assembly resolution on the immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, and to take responsibility for actions and demands to counter the increasing level of violence we are collectively witnessing.

We unite our voices with those of the students protesting and occupying schools and universities in Italy and all around the world, of international communities of researchers who have published similar statements, and those of the Italian academic community who condemn Israel’s crimes against humanity and genocidal conduct against the Palestinians, that has caused the death of more than 23.000 people, for the most part women and children, in addition to the displacement and disabling of countless more.

We, the undersigned, declare our support and express our solidarity with the Palestinian people. We strongly condemn the atrocities committed by the Israeli regime and call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the blockade of Gaza, an end to the military occupation of Palestinian lands including the West Bank, a dismantling of the entire apartheid system, and the implementation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the rights of self-determination and return, healthcare and education.

Lucca, 30/01/2024

103 verified
  1. Ginevra Ludovici, Ph.D. candidate and independent curator, IMT - School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Rome
  2. Martina Cavalli, Phd student, IMT Scuola Alti Studi, Lucca
  3. Marco Foravalle, PhD Student, IMT - School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  4. Michal Lynn Shumate, PhD candidate AMCH XXXVI, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  5. Giulia Menegale, Phd candidate, IMT (School of Higher Studies of Lucca), Lucca
  6. Giulio Pappa, PhD Student, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Lucca
  7. Francesca Leonardi, Researcher, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  8. Derya Acuner, PhD candidate (AMCH XXXIV), IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  9. Gemma Bolognesi, PhD Student, IMT - School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  10. Muhammad Irzam Liaqat, Researcher, IMT Lucca, Lucca
  11. Irene Sánchez Rodríguez, PhD Student, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  12. Roberto Pizziol, PhD student, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
  13. Yara El Rassi, PhD candidate, IMT school for advanced studies lucca, Lucca
  14. Bisma Naeem, PhD student MDT, IMT Lucca, Lucca
  15. Federica Ruzzante, PhD Candidate, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  16. Samrawit Ayele, PhD, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  17. Silvia Di Vincenzo, Researcher, IMT - School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  18. Luca Bailo, research collaborator, IMT - School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Monza
  19. Lina Rinaldi, PhD student, IMT Lucca, Lucca
  20. Livia Torchio, PhD Student, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Lucca
63 more
verified signatures
  1. Giulia Gilesi, PhD Student, IMT, Rome
  2. Giulia Avvenuti, Research Collaborator, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Lucca
  3. Anna Pirri Valentini, Assistant Professor, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
  4. Angela D'Alise, PhD Student, IMT Scuola Alti Studi Lucca, Lucca
  5. Riccardo Clemente, PhD Student, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  6. Alice Baudone, staff, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
  7. francesca tabarrani, Journalist, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Viareggio
  8. Julien Salama, PhD student, University of Florence / IMT Lucca, Lucca
  9. Alessandro Demichelis, Ph.D. Student, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Torino
  10. Alessandra Federici, PostDoc, MT - School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Lucca
  11. Andreas Themelis, IMT alumnus, Kyushu University, Fukuoka
  12. Beyza Uzun, curator, Sadberk Hanim Museum, Istanbul
  13. M. C. Olimpia Nicosia, Alumna, IMT Lucca, Paris
  14. Shaimaa Atef, PhD Student, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca
  15. Eva Nuti, Press officer, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Lucca
  16. Demetrio Grollero, PhD candidate, IMT School for advanced studies, LUCCA
  17. Emi Ferra, Senior Financial Controller, Gm international, Monza
  18. Miguel Ibanez, assistant professor, IMT, Lucca
  19. Karima Ben Ammar, Brussels
  20. Hamed Zarei Mahmoodabadi, Postdoctoral Researcher, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, LUCCA
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