1 February 2024
Condolences to our colleague Ahmed Masoud

‎Picture: Ahmed (left) and Khalid (right) Masoud.

Ahmed's Instagram post:


( يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي)

‏‎ نحن مجموعة للفلسطينيين في جامعة الفنون لندن نتوجه بأحر التعازي لصديقنا أحمد مسعود بوفاة أخيه المغفور له المرحوم الشهيد خالد مسعود. نسأل الله ان يتغمده بواسع رحمته ويدخله فسيح جناته.

اللهم إرزق فلسطين السلام واللإستقرار وافتح أبواب الرحمة والمغفرة ، اللهم أنصر المستضعفين في فلسطين وكن لهم عوناً ومعيناً.

وعظم الله اجركم.


We, your colleagues and friends from University of the Arts London are deeply saddened by the killing of your dear, beloved brother Khalid. We wish you and your family the strength to bear this tragic loss. Please know we are here to support you.

94 verified
  1. Romain Potier, Digital officer, UAL, London
  2. Shumi Bose, lecturer, central saint martins, london
  3. Leila Ghouri, Specialist Technician, Central Saint Martin’s UAL, London
  4. Rahul Patel, Lecturer, UAL UCU Joint Branch Secretary, University of the Arts London, London
  5. Melanie Khorshidian, Operations Assistant, University of the arts London, London
  6. Claire Hiscock, tutor, University of the Arts London, london
  7. Saad Abudaka, Student, UAL, London
  8. Sheila Andon, Teacher, University of the Arts London, London
  9. fatima abdalla, library assistant CSM, University of the Arts, London
  10. Nadine Monem, in friendship, Lecturer, CSM
  11. Florence Meredith, Specialist technician, Ual, London
  12. Nathalie Khan, Course Leader, Central Saint Martins, LONDON
  13. Dr Serkan Delice, Course Leader, London College of Fashion, UAL, London
  14. Markas Klisius, Project Coordinator, University of the Arts London, London
  15. Annie Goh, Lecturer, LCC, UAL, London
  16. Danah Abdulla, Reader, UAL, London
  17. Polly Nash, Sl, Ual
  18. Alison Green, in solidarity, Reader, CSM, LONDON
  19. Katherine Hearst, Associate lecturer, University of the Arts, London
  20. Rhiana Bonterre, Student, Central St Martins, UAL, London
  21. Chuck Blue Lowry, Lecturer, Central Saint Martins, London
  22. Tanveer Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London, London
  23. Hannah Kemp-Welch, AL, UAL, London
  24. Ben Bethell, Lecturer, Central Saint Martins UAL, London
  25. Helena Walsh, Artist and Lecturer, University of the Arts, London, London
  26. Sarah Macdonald, Lecturer, University of the Arts London, London
  27. Kevin Biderman, Lecturer, UAL, LONDON
  28. Dr Michael McMillsn, Associate Lecturer, UAL, London
  29. carolyn clewer, Lecturer LCF, UAL, London
  30. Siobhan Clay, Educational Developer, UAL, London
  31. Fritha Jenkins, Associate lecturer, CSM, UAL, London
  32. Lucia Pradella, Reader, Kings College London, London
  33. Kyran Joughin, UCU NEC, (UAL-UCU)
  34. Naomi Dines, Lecturer, University of the Arts, London
  35. Teige Matthews-Palmer, Research Scientist, University of Oxford, Oxford
  36. Mark Stuart-Smith, Teacher, City Lit, London
  37. Jayne Pearson, Lecturer, King's College London, LONDON
  38. Rana Abu-Zhaya, Lecturer, University College London, London
  39. William Crosby, PhD Student/Associate Lecturer, UAL:LCC, London
  40. Gargi Bhattacharyya, UAL, London
  41. Brian Kelly, Reader in History, Queens University Belfast UCU, Belfast
  42. Pete Bicknell, UCU FE Secretary - London Region
  43. Rupert Wadron, Senior Lecturer, UAL, London
  44. Matthias Kispert, Associate Lecturer, LCC, UAL, London
  45. Lucy Algar, Artist/Course Leader, Wimbledon College of Arts, UAL, London
  46. Carlo Morelli, Senior Lecturer, Dundee University, Dundee
  47. Ciarán McMullan, Careers & Work Placement Consultant, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast
  48. Saira Weiner, Lecurer, LJMU UCU, New Brighton
  49. Bee Hughes, Chair, LJMU UCU, LJMU UCU, Liverpool
  50. Donatella Barbieri, Senior Research Fellow, LCF - UAL, London
  51. Margot Hill, Lecturer, UCU, London
  52. Maria Costantino, Lecturer, UAL, London
  53. Vanessa Ansa, Cultural Producer, The South North CIC, London
  54. Lesley McGorrigan, Retired, UCU retired, Bradford
  55. Dr Tony Sullivan, Senior Lecturer, London College of Fashion UAL, London
  56. Caroline King, Academic Support Lecturer, Chelsea UAL
  57. John Piprani, Technician, University of Manchester, Manchester
  58. Samantha Kemmy, Lecturer, London College of Fashion, London
  59. Nj Stevenson, Lecturer, UAL, London
  60. Matthew Crowley, Senior Lecturer, UAL, London
  61. Sarah may, Lecturer, Lcf, London
  62. Charlotte Clewlow, Lecturer, University of Derby, Sheffield
  63. Katherine Pogson, UAL
  64. Diana Georgiou, LCF
  65. E-J Scott, Lecturer, CSM, UAL, London
  66. Maria Kheirkhah, Artist Academic, Middlesex university, London
  67. Rukaya Raja, Senior Lecturer in ESOL, Bolton College, Bolton
  68. Tamara Rabea Stoll, Lecturer, LCC, UAL, London
  69. Nur Afshan Mirza, Lecturer, Central Saint Martins, London
  70. David Greenhalf, Lecturer, Weymouth College, Weymouth
  71. Chris Sams, Lecturer, LCC, London
  72. Helen McAllister, Associate Dean, UAL, London
  73. Vicky McWilliam, Head of Pre-sessional Programmes, UAL, London
  74. Simon Adams, Tutor and Academic Lead for Digital Learning PSE, UAL, London
  75. Liam Orr, College lecturer, New City College, London
  76. Elisa Adami, Editor & Research Fellow, Afterall, CSM, London
  77. Nicholas Brown, Librarian and Researcher, University of the Arts London, London
  78. Gemma Riggs, Resource Developer, UAL
  79. Nooshin Farhid, Associate Lecturere, UAL, London
  80. Matilda Aspinall, Lecturer, Ual:London, Londo
  81. Jhinuk Sarkar, Senior lecturer / Illustrator, University of the arts London, London
  82. Paul Tabram, Lecturer, UAL, London
  83. Lara smithson, Artist, Technician CSM, London
  84. Noor khazem, Technician, Central Saint martins, London
  85. Ama Josephine Budge Johnstone, Writer, Artist, Scholar, Centrain Saint Martins, UAL, London
  86. Mia Liyanage, Educational Developer: Climate, Racial and Social Justice, UAL, London
  87. Chiara Minestrelli, Senior lecturer, University of the Arts London, London
  88. Jheni, Educational Developer, UAL [sending prayers], London
  89. Vicky Blake, UCU NEC / Uni of Leeds Educational Engagement, University of Leeds / UCU, Leeds