21 May 2024
Disappointment & Sadness about shutting down the Sustainable Destination Development Program at Campus Gotland


Jenny Helin (Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor for Campus Gotland),

Annica Nilsson (Vice-head of Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering at UU),

Susanne Mirbt (Head of unit at University Administration; Division for Quality Enhancement; Academic Teaching and Learning at UU),

Anders Hagfeldt (Vice-Chancellor at UU),

Håkan Kullvén (Head of department at Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering; Administration och service at UU)

Marcus Lindahl (Subject responsible Professor at Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering at UU),

we, the students, alumni, teachers, stakeholders, and friends of the Sustainable Destination Development Program at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University, are writing to express our deep concern and disappointment regarding the decision to terminate this valuable program.

Since its establishment in 2018, the Sustainable Destination Development program has been an important platform for academic exploration and community engagement. Situated on the island of Gotland, a region struggling with over-tourism every summer yet striving to become Sweden's most sustainable destination by 2040, our program has played a significant role in advancing sustainable practices in this special setting.

The program's location on Gotland serves as a strategic advantage, offering students a unique opportunity to engage directly with the challenges and opportunities of sustainable tourism. Acting as a living laboratory, this setting allows for immersive learning experiences and fosters close collaboration with local stakeholders. Through this synergy between academia and the community, our research and educational endeavors have tangible real-world impact, aligning with the university's commitment to promoting sustainable development and fostering meaningful community partnerships. These commitments are readily available for everyone on UU's webpage within their strategic vision.

While we understand that difficult decisions must sometimes be made, the decision to close the Sustainable Destination Development program not only undermines the investments of students, teachers, and stakeholders but also contradicts the university's strategic goals. Despite consistent numbers in student enrollment (which can be read up on the website of Universitets-och högskolerådet) and fruitful collaborations with local stakeholders, the closure disregards Uppsala University's commitment to local sustainable development and community collaboration. Further, the data collection on Gotland for a master thesis reveals that the decision was made without adequate consultation with stakeholders, leading to feelings of frustration and disillusionment among those who have invested in the program's success. This lack of transparency and consultation surrounding this decision is deeply troubling. Stakeholders who have been integral to the program's success were not informed of the impending closure, eroding trust and jeopardizing future collaborations with Uppsala University. Furthermore, the closure of the program represents a squandering of resources carefully built over the years and undermines the university's commitment to responsible stewardship of taxpayer funds.

For the students currently enrolled in the program, the closure came as a devastating blow. They faced uncertainty about the future of their education and lament the loss of a vibrant academic community that has enriched their learning experiences. Students graduating in 2025, in particular, express concern about the impact of this decision on their final year of study, deprived of the opportunity to mentor and learn from incoming cohorts as students have done in years past.

The decision to discontinue the Sustainable Destination Development program at Uppsala University's Campus Gotland raises concerns regarding the university's reputation, international collaborations, and commitment to sustainable development. It may be perceived as a deviation from the institution's commitment in forward-thinking programs aimed at addressing pressing societal challenges. Moreover, international students, alumni, and partners may perceive the closure as indicative of short-term considerations taking precedence over the university's long-term commitment to sustainability and responsible resource management. Furthermore, the loss of this program jeopardizes valuable international collaborations and partnerships, which have been cultivated over the years.

To sum it up, the discontinuation of the program represents a loss of valuable resources and expertise that have been cultivated over the years. In the words of a local stakeholder that worked with the program: “It seems like a failure for Gotland and a shortsighted decision by the university.”

It is our hope that alternative solutions can be explored to preserve the legacy and contributions of the Sustainable Destination Development Program.


the students, alumni, teachers, stakeholders, and friends of the Sustainable Destination Development Program

59 verified
  1. Fie Broker-Bulling, Phd Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  2. Giulia K. Bel, Student, Visby
  3. Maria Jensen, SDD student, Uppsala University, Visby
  4. Clara Nicolai, student, Visby
  5. Sara Lundin, Student, Visby
  6. Martin Pritula, Student, Visby
  7. Kati Ahtee, Development Manager, Gotland Tourism Association / Gotlands Förenade Besöksnäring, Visby
  8. Eoghan O Reilly, Tourism & sustainability manager, Ahascragh Distillery, Galway
  9. Patricia Horlacher, SDD Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  10. Leonie Paul, Junior Researcher, RMIT/LUT, Lappeenranta
  11. Brodtrager Felicitas, Student, Tenerife
  12. Blanca Fernández Cavadas, SSD Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  13. Sara Schmidt, SDD alumni
  14. David Doms, Industridesign och stadsplanering, Studio Doms AB, Visby
  15. Jo Siebeck, student, Berlin
  16. Viktor Jacobsson, Communications officer, Uppsala University, Visby
  17. Charlotte Sprengel, Project Coordinator Smart City, City of Dresden, Germany, Dresden, Germany
  18. Aida Alonso, HR Konsult, Visby
  19. Eveliina Anttila, Business Intelligence Specialist, Helsinki Partners/ SDD Alumni Association, Helsinki
  20. Lukas Weyh, Project Manager Sustainable Tourism, Oekoinstitut, Bolzani
  21. Siwei Xia, SDD Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  22. Bela Stahl, Visby
  23. Xue Sun, SDD Student, Uppsala University, VISBY
  24. Kurt Müller, Bicycle infrastructure planner, Mobilitätswerk GmbH, Dresden, Germany
  25. Ulrika Persson-Fischier, Researcher, Uppsala university, Uppsala
  26. Alina Bavykina, PhD student, SDD alumni, Umeå University, Umeå
  27. Jana Koegst, student, Uppsala University, Visby
  28. Annika Hallwass, Nordic Travel Designer, Arctic Inbound, Luleå
  29. Hilde Lanting, Student, Hemelum
  30. Erik Öhrn, Verksamhetsledare, Gotlands Förenade Besöksnäring AB, Visby
  31. Alexandra Jakubciakova, Foresight Consultant, Creative Dock, Prague
  32. Dídac, Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  33. Martina Minguzzi, SDD Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  34. Lorenz Schwarzenbach, Project Leader, Engineering Office for Renewable Energies, Landsberg am Lech
  35. Jan Palyza, SDD Alumni, Brussels
  36. Orlando Loy
  37. Sandra Håkansson, Utveckling, Gotlandspecialisten och Krusmyntagården, Visby
  38. SIMON FRID THOMSSON, communicator, Gotland Tourism Association / Gotlands Förenade Besöksnäring, Visby
  39. Chantal Kling, Consultant & PhD Candidate, bfw & Leipzig University, Leipzig
  40. Anniki Birth, Student, Uppsala University, Berlin
  41. Emma Rautiainen, Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  42. Yolanda Bazán Martínez, Sustainable certification manager, Spain
  43. Léa Gelez, SDD student, Uppsala University, Visby
  44. Jean Bastin, Phd Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  45. Tu Mai Zahkung, Program Manager, Danmission, Chiang Mai
  46. Valentine Villain
  47. Sameer Chalise, Student in SDD program, Uppsala University, Visby
  48. Paul Descoeur, SDD student, Uppsala University, Visby
  49. Noble JohnBosco, Entrepreneur, SOILearn.com, Chennai,INDIA
  50. Olivia Liu, Lecturer, Uppsal University, Visby
  51. Liv Marend, Krögare, Restaurangen Stora Karlsö, Stora Karlsö
  52. Kristoffer Dagerås, Restauranteur, Dageras kok AB, Fårö Sweden
  53. Inès van Tol, Impact Analyst, Norselab, Oslo
  54. Oleksandra Khalaim, Researcher/lecturer, Uppsala University, Visby
  55. Mara D'Andrea, Student, Uppsala University, Visby
  56. Carolien den Boer, Coordinator Sustainability, Sawadee, Amsterdam
  57. Karin Schlingmann, Hotelier, Villa Alskog, Ljugarn
  58. Elena Zucchini, environmental educator, Le Loubatas, Peyrolles-en-Provence
  59. Lena Rothe, Lena Rothe, Radebeul
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