8 December 2023
Irish Citizens Revoke Symbolic Support for Joe Biden's 2024 Presidential Campaign

President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D.C. 20500

United States of America

Dear President Biden,

Just this year on your visit to Ireland you spoke in the Dáil about your Irish ancestry and it is widely known that you wear your Irishness as a badge of honour and with a deep pride.

However, no son of Ireland, in good conscience and aware of their own history of subjugation and colonisation would support the collective punishment of the Palestinian people and the humanitarian catastrophe that is unfolding in front of our eyes.

In that same Dáil speech you told us that your mother would often remind you that "courage is the greatest virtue of all, for without courage, you can’t love with abandon."

Show your courage now and reverse the US veto United Nations resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire under article 99 of the UN Charter.

If you do not do so, President Biden, we the citizens of Ireland revoke our symbolic support of you, as an Irish American, running for re-election as President of the United States of America in 2024.

Not in our name, explicitly or tacitly. Not Hewitt, not Hanafee, not Finnegan, not in the name of any of your Irish ancestors and relatives.


The Irish people

17,582 verified
  1. Donagh Humphreys, Dublin
  2. Caroline Grace, Accountant, Dublin
  3. Matt Mantalvanos
  4. Laura Wall, Dublin
  5. Colm Humphreys
  6. Luke Coleman, Dublin
  7. Katherine O'Dwyer, Optometrist, Specsavers, Dublin
  8. Heather Nolan
  9. Patricia Moloney, Dublin
  10. Una Ní Raghallaigh, Blackrock
  11. Darragh Humphreys, Dublin 5
  12. Mary Carroll, Dublin 2
  13. Eilis Doyle, Kildare
  14. Kate Purcell, Teacher, Rathgar
  15. Colm Mac Unfraidh
  16. Fiona Mcnally, Nurse, Balbriggan
  17. Clara Purcell, Theatre producer, Dublin
  18. Laura costello, Dublin
  19. Barra McGuirk, Dublin
  20. Claire Reilly, DUBLIN
17,542 more
verified signatures
  1. Fiona white, Wicklow
  2. Aoife Ní Bheinéid, Waterford
  3. Barry, Director, Newry
  4. Marie, Coach, O, Ireland
  5. Tanya lo
  6. Barbara Mac Nelis, Dublin
  7. Kate McGuinness, Co Dublin
  8. Alaa Almanassra, Doctor, Dublin
  9. Changyi
  10. Joan Arthurs, Health visitor, Medway Community Healthcare, Kent
  11. Martin Porter, Retired, aDrift, Buncrana
  12. Brian Currid, translator, Berlin
  13. Jamie McGrath, Waterford
  14. Amber Curtis, Aurora
  15. Aidan foley, Plumber
  16. David Cunniffe, Dublin
  17. Elizabeth O’Leary, Physiotherapist, Melbourne
  18. Eibhlin Ambrose, Nurse, Naas
  19. You Do Not Speak For Me, Solicitor, Dublin
  20. Kathleen O'Connor Want, Retired census worker, Freegaza org