12 November 2023
Open letter to UKCP about their guidance regarding so-called ‘gender-critical’ views

Dear UKCP,

We are writing in response to your recently published statement on the law regarding so-called ‘gender-critical’ views and its implications for the practice of psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic counselling. We are a group of over 100 registered therapists and trainee therapists, some of whom are trans, non-binary and/or gender-expansive people and some of whom are allies. We note that trans voices are palpably absent from UKCP’s statement and hope that this letter goes some way towards correcting the balance of discourse in the psychotherapy and counselling profession, which routinely discusses trans lives without centring the voices and lived experiences of trans people themselves.


We were concerned by the publication of UKCP’s statement, which has created confusion and fear within both the profession and trans communities. We wonder why the statement was published at this time, with no explanation of its place within or alongside the UKCP Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (2019) and the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy (2022), of which UKCP is a signatory.

Although not all of our members are registered to practise with UKCP, many are, and our stance outlined in the above paragraph is consistent with several points in UCKP’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (2019), specifically:

Point 3: Respect your client’s autonomy (p.1).

Point 24: Understand the limits of your competence and stay within them in all your professional activity, referring clients to another professional when appropriate. This includes recognising that particular client groups, such as children and families, have needs which not all practitioners are equipped to address (p.3).

We believe that therapy which affirms trans, non-binary and gender-questioning clients has the power to save lives. There is overwhelming evidence that gender-affirming care can improve mental health and general wellbeing, whilst decreasing risk of suicide (Lawson et al, 2023). We advocate for an affirmative approach, in which the therapist supports the client’s right to define themselves. Affirmative therapy is exploratory in nature. However we are concerned that the term ‘exploratory therapy’ is increasingly being used to justify therapy undertaken by those with so-called ‘gender-critical’ beliefs. We believe that unless a therapist holds the view that being trans is one of many potentially favourable and healthy outcomes, they are not competent to work with gender in the therapy room. Any ‘exploratory’ approach that does not consider transness to be as good as any other state of being, and which seeks to uncover and possibly ‘fix’ the ‘reason’ for the client’s gender identity is conversion therapy.

As with any marginalised client group, therapists have the task of unlearning preconceptions or pre-decided theoretical ideas regarding a client’s identity in order to work safely and effectively. Consider, for example, the similarities with lesbian, gay or bisexual affirming practice, where therapists are asked to examine and unlearn unconscious biases about sexuality, and to refer clients on if this is not possible (point q, section 5, UKCP, no date). It should be no different for gender identity and gender-expansive experiences.

Simply put, we consider it exceedingly difficult for therapists to hold the dual position of having ‘gender-critical’ beliefs whilst offering genuinely ‘exploratory therapy’ with trans, non-binary and gender-questioning clients. We are concerned that this is not the view UKCP presents to its members and the general public with its new statement. To position therapists with ‘gender-critical’ beliefs as the main proponents of 'exploratory therapy' is highly misleading.

Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy

TACTT wishes to understand why UKCP has published this statement now and what purpose it is intended to achieve. We would like to remind UKCP that, as a signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy (MoU, 2022), you are already bound to an ethical stance on working with gender diversity:

Ethical practice in these cases requires the practitioner to have adequate knowledge and understanding of gender and sexual diversity and to be free from any agenda that favours one gender identity or sexual orientation as preferable over other gender and sexual diversities. For this reason, it is essential for clinicians to acknowledge the broad spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities and gender expressions. (MoU, 2022, p2; emphasis added)

Indeed, point 36 of the UKCP Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (2019, p.4) specifically highlights that practitioners should be familiar with the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy (MoU) (2022). We are concerned by the stark omission of the MoU in this statement. We are also concerned to find a discrepancy in point 30 of UKCP’s own Code of Ethics and Professional Practice:

'Not allow prejudice about a client’s sex, age, colour, race, disability, communication skills, sexuality, lifestyle, religious, cultural or political beliefs, social economic or immigration status to adversely affect the way you relate to them.' (UKCP, 2019, p.4)

We notice that gender is not included in these protections and wonder why? As a signatory of the MoU, UKCP is committed to the protection of gender diverse people. May we remind UKCP that ‘gender reassignment’ is still a protected characteristic under the Equality Act (2010).

We request more clarity on how UKCP members should act on the information provided in the statement - is it guidance, or policy? How should this statement be observed and put into practice with clients whilst UKCP’s members abide by the UKCP Code of Ethics and Professional Practice and the Memorandum of Understanding?

An exploratory approach?

We disagree that an ‘exploratory’ psychotherapeutic approach is likely to be taken if a practitioner has sympathy with ‘gender-critical’ views (Ashley, 2023). We also find UKCP’s definition of ‘exploratory therapy’ to be unclear. It has already, in the short time since the publication of its statement, created confusion and distress for clients and the wider trans community.

Whilst case law has confirmed that ‘gender-critical’ beliefs are protected under the Equality Act 2010, the expression of such beliefs is not protected if it causes harm or distress to another. The ‘gender-critical’ belief that sex is binary and immutable translates into a belief that trans identities are not valid. We agree with the MoU (2022, p.2) that ethical practice when working with gender requires clinicians ‘to be free from any agenda that favours one gender identity […] as preferable over other gender […] diversities.’ Thus, when therapists work from the starting point that being trans is not a favourable outcome and are constantly looking for an ‘explanation’ for someone’s identity, this can easily tip into conversion practices. How can a therapist, who does not believe that a trans person is who they define themselves to be, conduct therapy ‘without any preconceptions or pre-decided theoretical framework regarding the person’s gender identity’ (UKCP statement)?

To work with gender ethically and competently, therapists must accept that being trans is a good state of being and a good outcome - one of many possible, valid outcomes, none of which is preferable to another. Furthermore, any movement towards one of many possible, valid outcomes should always be determined by the client.

While we agree that practitioners will often hold differing views on what approach is in the best interests of our clients, what is missing from this statement is any acknowledgement of what the client wants, needs or feels. Clients who are trans, non-binary and gender-questioning do not always present with ‘dysphoria’ and when they do this term means different things to different people. It is vital that we follow our clients’ lead and explore what they want to talk about. In general, therapists are not medical gatekeepers and, outside of gender services, we do not play a role in whether or not clients can or should access medical care. It is our role to support clients’ sense of agency in defining themselves. It is not our job to greenlight our clients’ gender journeys but to be with them as they figure out where they go.

Research by Hunt (2014) found that therapists’ lack of awareness and competence in working with gender can be a barrier to trans people accessing the support and space for exploration they may require from therapy. Indeed, therapists may not actually be someone their clients choose to share their gender journeys with. But the chances of this are more likely if clients feel able to bring all of themselves. Again, we emphasise that trans voices are noticeably absent from UKCP’s statement, which appears to prioritise the right of the therapist to assert an approach that ‘is in the best interest of their clients’ over the actual needs and desires of their clients.

Misleading and contradictory

We found UKCP’s statement to be misleading and contradictory in several ways. First, we are concerned that by leading with a reference to the interim Cass Review and its implications for UKCP members, and then continuing to reference medical interventions for children and young people, it replicates a hyperfocus on trans children and young people which excludes their voices whilst contributing to public hysteria. Furthermore, therapists who are not informed about the Cass Review and its specific emphasis on children and young people may, having read UKCP’s statement, now take this as direction to hold a particular stance in relation to providing psychotherapeutic support to adult clients.

Secondly, we find that overall UKCP’s statement conflates working psychotherapeutically with being directly involved in any medical care trans clients may wish to consider and access. Psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors are not medical professionals. Outside of specific Gender Identity Clinics, therapists are not involved in any decision-making about gender-affirming medical care. This is the case regardless of whether we find ourselves supporting children, young people, or adults. This continues to be the case even if a client self-defines as experiencing gender dysphoria (in whatever language they may use), has a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria, or may be seeking a gender dysphoria diagnosis for any number of reasons.

However, thirdly, this statement unnecessarily centres the concepts of gender dysphoria and medical intervention, as though these are the only experiences of being trans in the world. It is incorrect, disrespectful, and reductionist to regard all trans, non-binary and gender-questioning clients as experiencing gender dysphoria and/or seeking gender-affirming medical intervention. Doing so dismisses the incredible diversity of what it means to be trans, non-binary or gender-expansive, and to experience oneself authentically and euphorically. This statement reads as though it has been written by people who have never worked with trans, non-binary and gender-questioning people. As per point 29 of UKCP’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (2019, p.4), we urge you to expand your knowledge of transness, to honour the diverse narratives of trans people, and to make space for other experiences, such as gender euphoria and trans joy.

Reductive and pathologising

We find the UKCP Chair’s use of the term ‘gender issues’ in this statement to be reductive. By placing this alongside ‘mental health conditions and emotional issues such as depression, eating disorders and relationship difficulties’, UKCP treats gender diversity as problematic and pathological and ignores the creativity, potentiality and joy that can be found in working with trans, non-binary and gender-questioning clients. The Chair further reduces working with gender to ‘questioning’, which in our experience is only ever part of a vast, kaleidoscopic landscape of what it means to work with gender in therapy. Many trans people in therapy already know what their gender is; it is living in a world which denies their existence and does violence to their bodies which causes them psychological distress and harm.

We also wish to remind UKCP that trans people may seek therapy for all the reasons anyone seeks therapy and it is important that therapists do not assume clients are only seeking support for gender identity or transition. We work with clients on family issues, sex and relationships, work, bereavement, isolation, anxiety, depression - all the things any client may bring to therapy.

The Chair’s assertion that a ‘thorough exploration’ of gender ‘can take time, and sometimes a very long time’ is highly alarming, and redolent of the potentially harmful concept of ‘watchful waiting’. It suggests that therapists have the power to decide how long a ‘thorough exploration’ should take, all the while clients are held in a place of discomfort and dis-ease. How will the therapist know when enough time has passed? What will tell them that any exploration is ‘sufficiently thorough’? Again, this argument appears to prioritise the approach of the therapist over the agency of the client. As Saketopoulou (Acast, 2022) suggests, “This seems to have more to do with the person who wants to do the watching, rather than the person that is doing the waiting.”

We believe the Chair’s reference to medical interventions has no place in guidance published by a UK psychotherapy body. As we have stated, in the UK, psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors are not medical gatekeepers; it is not our responsibility to determine ‘risk’ in seeking gender-affirming medical care. UKCP’s statement risks generating panic amongst practitioners and clients by suggesting that it is the therapist’s place to sanction a client’s access to gender-affirming care.

For UKCP therapists who are interested but inexperienced in supporting trans, non-binary and gender-questioning clients, such panic prevents them from learning and offering appropriate psychotherapeutic services. Thus, the pool of competent, safe therapists available to such clients becomes ever smaller.

Furthermore, medical intervention is not the only choice open to trans and non-binary clients, and this reductionist statement does nothing to help wider public understanding of the complexity and nuance of what it means to explore gender or to be trans in the world.

We find the Chair’s closing argument troubling. It creates further concern about UKCP’s stance on how its members should work with gender diverse clients:

Regardless of viewpoints, all professional psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors who work with gender dysphoria or gender-identity want the best for the person who is struggling and needs help. If this is always kept in mind, these vitally important conversations, however difficult, can take place in a healthy and supportive manner, allowing us to ensure our clients’ and the public’s best interest and safety remain paramount. (UKCP statement)

Can UKCP clarify why safety is a concern for the public in relation to transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people seeking therapy? How will psychotherapists and counsellors know what is ‘best’ for clients? Who defines ‘best interest’? Does this mean respecting our clients’ autonomy? How will UKCP act to protect trans, non-binary and gender-questioning clients from therapists whose ‘gender-critical’ beliefs cannot be bracketed and unduly influence what they believe is in the best interest of the client?

It cannot be said with any certainty that all psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors who work with gender dysphoria or gender identity want the best for those who are struggling and need help. By definition, therapists who hold ‘gender-critical’ beliefs already disagree on what trans, non-binary and gender-questioning people define as best for themselves.

Overall, UKCP’s statement grossly misunderstands the reality of working with trans, non-binary and gender-questioning clients who seek psychotherapeutic support. There is nothing ‘difficult’ about being allied with our clients’ views on how they feel about themselves, or their expressions of identity in ways that are fulfilling and meaningful. Doing so is simply part of offering psychotherapeutic support in an ethical manner, making space for difference and diversity along the way.


We ask that UKCP clarifies its original guidance and responds to the questions and points we have raised throughout this letter.

We invite you to further your own education on trans experiences and centre trans voices in any future public commentary on trans lives. This can be achieved by consulting with trans and non-binary therapists, as well as practitioners who are undertaking affirmative therapy with trans, non-binary and gender-questioning clients. There are many practitioners in TACTT and beyond who would generously share their experiences in the interest of making emotional and mental wellness a human right for trans people.

Finally, we urge UKCP to reflect on how a ‘gender-critical’ therapist could reasonably, ethically, and legally be able to offer psychotherapeutic support to trans, non-binary and gender-questioning people. We see nothing but risk of harm in this approach.

We fear that if UKCP continues down this path, the council and its members will be considered by clients to be synonymous with being 'gender-critical'. Indeed even in the short space of time since this statement was published, we are already seeing this fear shared amongst trans people. Many practitioners train for a long time to achieve UKCP membership and registration; it is disappointing that those of us who are trans-affirmative are starting to question our place in the organisation.

We invite other psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors who support this letter to sign below.

Yours sincerely,

Therapists Against Conversion Therapy and Transphobia (TACTT)


Acast. (2022). ‘Exposing Transphobic Legacies, Embracing Trans Life.’ Couched (Podcast) 24 June. Available at: Episode 3, Season 3. iPlayer, 17 February 2023. Available at: couchedpodcast.org/exposing-transphobic-legacies-e...

Ashley, F. (2023). ‘Interrogating Gender-Exploratory Therapy’. Perspect Psychol Sci. 18(2): 472–481. Available at: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10018052/...

Bachman, C. L., & Gooch, B. (2018). LGBT in Britain: Health Report. Stonewall. https://www.stonewall.org.uk/lgbt-britain-health

Hunt, J. (2014). ‘An initial study of transgender people's experiences of seeking and receiving counselling or psychotherapy in the UK.’ Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Journal. 14 (4): 288-296. Available at: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1080/14733145.2013....

Lawson, Z., Davies, S., Harmon, S., Williams, M., Billawa, S., Holmes, R., Huckridge, J., Kelly, P., MacIntyre-Harrison, J., Neill, S., Song-Chase, A., Ward, H., & Yates, M. (2023). ‘A human rights based approach to transgender and gender expansive health.’ Clinical Psychology Forum 369.

Available at: https://explore.bps.org.uk/content/bpscpf/1/369/91

Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy in the UK: Version 2 - Update March 2022. (2022). Available at: bacp.co.uk/media/14985/memorandum-of-understanding...

UKCP. (2019). Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. Available at: psychotherapy.org.uk/media/bkjdm33f/ukcp-code-of-e...

UKCP. (no date). Guidance on the Practice of Psychological Therapies that Pathologies and/or Seek to Eliminate or Reduce Same Sex Attraction. Available at: psychotherapy.org.uk/media/hhxle33g/guidance-on-ps...

Update 20 November 2023

Update 20/11/23

Over 750 of you have signed the open letter to UKCP so far - thank you! We sent the letter to UKCP last Monday, 13th November, but they have yet to respond or acknowledge it. We will contact them again and let you know about any response.

If you have signed the leter but your name has not yet appeared on the web page, please check your email for the verification link and make sure you click this, thank you.

Update 27 November 2023

Update 27/11/23

Last week the CEO of UKCP replied to us to say that UKCP is working on a substantive response to this open letter. We have not yet had any further details but will share any as we receive them. In the meantime please keep sharing the letter - it's fantastic that we now have over 800 signatures.

We also wanted to draw your attention to an updated reference:

Acast. (2022). ‘Exposing Transphobic Legacies, Embracing Trans Life’ with Dr Jules Gill-Peterson & Dr Avgi Saketopoulou. Couched (Podcast) 24 June. Available at: Episode 3, Season 3. iPlayer, 17 February 2023. Available at: couchedpodcast.org/exposing-transphobic-legacies-e...

This is the same reference used throughout the letter but we have updated it to fully credit Dr Jules Gill-Peterson and Dr Avgi Saketopoulou. We canot edit the text of the letter above but have done so on our website at therapistsagainsttransphobia.org/2023/11/13/open-l... If you haven't yet, we highly recommend listening to this podcast.

Update 13 December 2023

TACTT response to UKCP’s latest statement on ‘gender-critical’ views (Update 12/12/23)

It is now one month since TACTT published our open letter to UKCP about their guidance (A) regarding so-called ‘gender-critical’ views, which has been signed by over 900 people. We are still waiting for UKCP to respond to our concerns.

TACTT was dismayed to see the statement (B) published on Monday 11th December regarding ‘Litigation pursued by James Esses – Gender critical beliefs’, which raises fresh concerns about the protection of trans clients as well as trans psychotherapists, counsellors and students training in UKCP-accredited institutions.

We now ask UKCP to respond to these additional concerns and remind UKCP of our original concerns about their guidance regarding so-called ‘gender-critical’ views, published on 2nd November 2023, to which we are still waiting for an answer.

In our open letter dated 12th November 2023, we expressed concern that:

  1. UKCP’s statement contradicts its own Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (C).

  2. UKCP is a signatory to the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy (D) and thus bound to an ethical stance on working with gender diversity, which is contravened by its statement.

  3. It is unethical for any practitioner to offer therapy to trans and gender-expansive people when they do not have adequate knowledge and indeed hold an agenda that favours one outcome over another.

  4. There is a lack of clarity on how UKCP members should act on the information provided in its statement.

  5. The statement replicates the public hyperfocus on trans children and young people, which excludes their voices whilst contributing to public hysteria. It is dangerous rhetoric to position conversations about gender alongside questions of public ‘safety’.

  6. UKCP positions psychotherapists and counsellors as medical gatekeepers, when practitioners outside of gender services hold no such power. It is vital that the therapist follows the client’s lead and explores what they want to talk about, without being influenced by the therapist’s own agenda or beliefs. This statement risks generating panic amongst practitioners and clients by suggesting that it is the therapist’s place to sanction a client’s access to gender-affirming care.

  7. UKCP misrepresents the trans experience by focussing predominantly on gender dysphoria and medical intervention, as though these are the only experiences of being trans in the world. Trans people may seek therapy for all the reasons anyone seeks therapy, without transition being a focal point at all.

  8. UKCP is proposing that a ‘gender-critical’ therapist could reasonably, ethically, and legally be able to offer psychotherapeutic support to trans, non-binary and gender-questioning people. We see nothing but risk of harm in this approach.

Following UKCP’s publication of its latest statement on 11th December 2023, TACTT would now like to highlight additional concerns and emphasise that:

  1. UKCP misrepresents trans-affirmative therapy, of which exploration has always been a feature. We argue that affirmative therapy means the therapist supports the client’s right to define themselves.

  2. The splitting of ‘exploratory therapy’ from affirmative therapy is now being used to justify a form of therapy based on so-called ‘gender-critical’ beliefs. To position therapists with ‘gender-critical’ beliefs as the main proponents of 'exploratory therapy' risks harm to trans and gender-questioning clients.

  3. UKCP fails to acknowledge that the holding of ‘gender-critical’ beliefs does not give licence to a person to harm or discriminate against trans, non-binary and gender-questioning people.

  4. By failing to make clear that gender reassignment is also a protected characteristic under the Equality Act (2010), UKCP’s latest statement leaves trans, non-binary and gender-questioning psychotherapists and counsellors, including those in UKCP-accredited training organisations, vulnerable to harm and discrimination.

We ended our open letter by stating that those of us who are UKCP members or training in UKCP-accredited organisations are starting to question our place in the organisation. UKCP is fast losing the trust of its members who work in a trans-affirmative way.

We urge UKCP to respond to the concerns raised in our original letter and the additional points raised in this update.

We want our clients to know that access to safe, ethical, affirmative therapy is possible, and we will continue to advocate for their autonomy. We encourage anyone accessing therapy to seek help with their gender to seek clarification on their therapist’s position on trans-affirmative therapy, and be sure that they feel comfortable and safe before proceeding.

We are grateful to the 900+ professionals who have signed our open letter. Please continue to share our updates and encourage others to sign. We will continue to use this platform to update and expand our commentary on UKCP’s actions.

Yours sincerely,

Therapists Against Conversion Therapy and Transphobia (TACTT)

(A) psychotherapy.org.uk/news/ukcp-guidance-regarding-...

(B) psychotherapy.org.uk/news/litigation-pursued-by-ja...

(C) psychotherapy.org.uk/media/bkjdm33f/ukcp-code-of-e...

(D) bacp.co.uk/events-and-resources/ethics-and-standar...

Update 21 December 2023

UPDATE 21/12/23

UKCP has now published a response to our open letter, which is published on their website: psychotherapy.org.uk/news/response-to-tactt-open-l...

TACTT will respond in full in the new year. We are publishing this holding response to let everyone who has signed the letter know about UKCP’s response, and also to make clear that we are disappointed with this response and do not believe it satisfactorily engages with the concerns we have raised.

Yet again, any mention of trans, non-binary and gender-expansive clients and therapists are absent from UKCP’s writing. We are still unaware as to whether any therapists with lived and/or working experiences of gender expansiveness were consulted in the process.

We also reject the framing of ‘affirmative’ therapy as somehow lacking in exploration, as opposed to being an approach in which the therapist supports the client’s right to define themselves and continue to explore with and alongside them.

We are confused about UKCP’s confirmation that their original guidance, which prompted TACTT to write its open letter, should not be taken as a change in policy nor position. It is still unclear what members are supposed to do with the information outlined in this guidance, outside of UKCP’s members being permitted to hold gender critical views whilst carrying out their work.

We continue to view UKCP’s guidance (along with their most recent response) as sitting dangerously close to permitting conversion therapy. This not only puts clients at risk of harm, as this goes against UKCP’s Code of Ethics & Professional Practice, but also negates UKCP’s position as a signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy.

We will expand upon these points in our full statement in the new year. We will continue to press for the centering of trans, non-binary and gender-expansive voices in conversations about working with gender.

We believe that no gender or sexuality is inherently better than or preferable to any other.

We believe that any place across the spectrum of gender identity and expression is as good an outcome as any other. We believe that everyone should be able to explore their gender and sexuality in an open, non-judgemental space when accessing therapy services.

Update 24 January 2024

Final response to UKCP

On 2nd November 2023, UKCP published “guidance regarding gender critical views” for their members. We were very concerned by this guidance and wrote this open letter detailing our concerns, which has been signed by over 1,000 therapists, trainees and other professionals. There followed an exchange of statements with UKCP, which you can read on our blog (1) and as updates to this open letter. We are now publishing this as our final update, inviting UKCP into dialogue in the hope that the Council may yet find understanding, compassion and empathy for trans life, and that we can work together to protect and support trans clients. At the end, we also address all psychotherapists and counsellors; trans and gender-expansive therapists and trainees; and our current and future trans and gender-expansive clients.

Dear UKCP,

Thank you for your response (2), published on 15th December 2023, to our open letter (3) about your guidance regarding so-called ‘gender-critical’ views. This will be our final written response in this series of communications, although we otherwise remain open to dialogue with UKCP on this matter. We are using this written response to expand upon points made in our holding statement (4) published in early December, as they were not adequately addressed in your response to us.

We do not wish to volley written statements back-and-forth with UKCP; our concern is making therapy safe for our trans and gender-expansive clients. We would welcome an opportunity to meet with UKCP and discuss how the Council too can support this work.

At this stage, we would like to highlight our continuing concerns with the statements published by UKCP, both in your original statement and in your response to our open letter, before addressing other therapists and any clients who may be reading:

  1. Once again, this latest response from UKCP entirely fails to explain how it will protect trans and queer therapists, trainees and clients. Indeed, any mention of what trans clients might want from therapy is entirely absent. UKCP is speaking over the people who are most impacted by their statements and creating an atmosphere of fear and confusion. There appears to have been no consultation with trans and queer therapists or clients. This is regrettable given UKCP has shown some effort in the past to include and listen to marginalised groups.

  2. TACTT is concerned that this statement either doesn’t understand or misrepresents what affirmative therapy actually is. Affirmative therapy means the therapist supports the client’s right to define themselves. The splitting of ‘exploratory therapy’ from affirmative therapy is now being used to justify a form of therapy based on so-called ‘gender-critical’ beliefs. We cannot stress enough that all good therapy should be exploratory in nature, but weaponising affirmative therapy to make way for so-called ‘gender-critical’ praxis is blatantly unethical and, we believe, amounts to discriminatory practice. The play on language does not hide the unethical attempt at trans-erasure.

We note UKCP’s imperative to remind us that so-called ‘gender-critical’ beliefs are protected under the Equality Act 2010; we remind UKCP that trans people are also protected under the same legislation. We are not seeking to discriminate against people who hold so-called ‘gender-critical’ beliefs. However, if a practising member of UKCP does not believe in the legitimacy of trans life then, according to UKCP’s own Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (5) and the MOU on conversion therapy in the UK (6), said practitioner would be ethically bound to refer on to competent colleagues.

As practitioners committed to trans-affirmative therapy, we now find ourselves in an uncertain and increasingly unsafe professional environment, where anti-trans activism is emboldened. Those of us who are trans and queer professionals and trainees find ourselves isolated and left to advocate for ourselves against institutions with far more power. The available pool of truly competent and safe therapists for trans and non-binary clients is already small. UKCP’s guidance does nothing to help this.

  1. We are dismayed that much of our effort to communicate with UKCP has involved having to remind the Council of its own core values, pointing to the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice and its position as a signatory of the MOU on conversion therapy. UKCP still has not acknowledged that its position on so-called ‘gender-critical’ beliefs, which may cause harm to transgender clients, contravenes its position as a signatory to MOU. We fear that, at best, this will cause significant confusion for members and, at worst, harm to clients.

As stated, we do not want to get into an interminable correspondence with UKCP. Rather, we would like to invite UKCP to a roundtable discussion with members of TACTT to address our concerns. We seek dialogue, not to call out our colleagues, but to invite you to join us in finding understanding, compassion and empathy for an extremely vulnerable client group.

Alongside this, we will continue to work to improve therapy for trans and gender-expansive people through advocacy, education and campaigning. We ended our open letter by stating that those of us who are UKCP members or training in UKCP-accredited organisations are starting to question our place within the Council. If UKCP is unwilling to engage on these questions, you are likely to continue losing the trust of your members who work in a trans-affirmative way, as well as the trust of clients.

Yours sincerely,


We now turn our attention to the different audiences reading this letter.

To all psychotherapists and counsellors:

We urge you to expand your knowledge and learning on trans-affirmative therapy, and specifically, seek training and education from trans and non-binary practitioners.

We encourage self-reflection on your own process around gender, transness and affirmative therapy. We further encourage you to seek out appropriate supervisory guidance if you are unsure about any aspect of your work. If you do not feel comfortable or equipped to work supportively and openly with trans and non-binary clients, it is ethical to refer them on to competent colleagues. We suggest a search on the Pink Therapy and Gendered Intelligence therapist directories for such practitioners.

We encourage you to examine your culturally inculcated reactions and responses to this topic and invite you to begin to challenge and work on them, in just the same way you may work on unconscious bias across all the other axes of oppression.

We also remind you that trans and gender-expansive clients seek therapy for all the reasons anyone of any gender might come to therapy. By engaging in these processes of reflection, you will be better placed to support these clients with matters such as depression, anxiety, bereavement, relationship issues etc. without bringing an unwanted and unnecessary pathologising focus to their gender.

For those who are allies and who have already spoken out on behalf of trans clients, thank you. Any therapist who would like to use their voice for change is welcome to join TACTT.

To trans, non-binary and gender expansive therapists and trainees:

We see you. We know that the continued attacks on trans rights – both within and outside the therapy profession – create an emotional burden which you are shouldering while helping your clients to navigate the same environment. We oppose transphobia across the therapy profession and will continue to work to ensure the voices of trans, non-binary and gender expansive therapists and trainees are heard.

To our current and future trans and gender-expansive clients:

We want you to know that you are welcome in the therapeutic space, that you belong here. We want you to feel safe accessing therapy, no matter what you come to therapy for - whether that is support through transition, gender questioning or indeed any other issue not related to your gender. We want you to have competent, supportive, knowledgeable and, above all, safe therapists to work with.

We want you to feel empowered to question a prospective therapist about their stance on trans life to ascertain if they are safe for you to work with.

Guidance such as the Pink Therapy guidance on how to choose a therapist (7) is likely to be helpful. We also suggest asking a therapist if they have experience in working with trans and non-binary people and whether they have either lived experience or extra training in the subject. You can state you are looking for an explicitly trans-affirmative therapist and ask if they consider themselves to be so.

Remember, exploration is an important part of any therapy. But the term 'exploratory therapy' is being increasingly weaponised by those who hold anti-trans beliefs, so ask your therapist what they mean by any terms they use.

Ask for word-of-mouth referrals from trans and non-binary communities. We also suggest searches on directories that are explicitly trans-inclusive, such as Pink Therapy (8) and Gendered Intelligence (9), and to use trans-affirmative or inclusive search terms when seeking a therapist.


  1. https://therapistsagainsttransphobia.org/blog/

  2. psychotherapy.org.uk/news/response-to-tactt-open-l...

  3. openletter.earth/open-letter-to-ukcp-about-their-g...

  4. therapistsagainsttransphobia.org/2023/12/21/holdin...

  5. psychotherapy.org.uk/media/bkjdm33f/ukcp-code-of-e...

  6. bacp.co.uk/events-and-resources/ethics-and-standar...

  7. https://pinktherapy.com/choosing-a-therapist/

  8. https://pinktherapy.com/find-a-therapist/

  9. genderedintelligence.co.uk/professionals/therapist...

Update 06 April 2024

UKCP withdrawal from MOU on Conversion Therapy: Please sign our petition

Yesterday the UKCP announced its withdrawal from the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy (MOU2).

TACTT has published its response here:


This letter also serves as a petition calling for the UKCP to rejoin the MOU2 and for the Board to be removed. Please sign it and if you are a member of UKCP make a note of this in your signature. And please share it far and wide - we invite interested stakeholders as well as therapists and trainees to sign.

TACTT has also published a blog which shares actions we can all take to oppose conversion therapy:


Thank you.

Therapists Against Conversion Therapy and Transphobia

Update 06 April 2024

UKCP withdrawal from MOU on Conversion Therapy: Please sign our petition

Yesterday the UKCP announced its withdrawal from the Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy (MOU2).

TACTT has published its response here:


This letter also serves as a petition calling for the UKCP to rejoin the MOU2 and for the Board to be removed. Please sign it and if you are a member of UKCP make a note of this in your signature. And please share it far and wide - we invite interested stakeholders as well as therapists and trainees to sign.

TACTT has also published a blog which shares actions we can all take to oppose conversion therapy:


Thank you.

Therapists Against Conversion Therapy and Transphobia

1,063 verified
  1. Erene Hadjiioannou, Integrative Psychotherapist / TACTT Member / UKCP Reg., Therapy Leeds, Leeds
  2. Kathryn Nawrockyi, Integrative Counsellor, TACTT member; MBACP (Reg); UKCP (Trainee), London
  3. LV Penman, Integrative counsellor; TACTT member; MBCAP (Reg); UKCP trainee, London
  4. Natalie Clarke, Integrative Psychotherapist, TACTT mber; UKCP (clinical member); MBACP (Reg), London
  5. Kris Black, Integrative Arts Psychotherapist, Child Adolescent Counsellor, TACTT Member; UKCP (clinical member); MBACP (reg),, London
  6. William Smith, Integrative Therapist, TACTT Member; MBACP (Reg.)
  7. Amandine de Schaetzen, Gestalt Trainee Psychotherapist, TACTT member, UKCP trainee member, London
  8. Dr Nikolaos souvlakis, Psychoanalyst, Londoj
  9. Benjamin Ross, Gestalt Psychotherapy trainee, TACTT member, London
  10. Karen Pollock, Counselling in Northumberland, Psychotherapist and Supervisor, Pink Therapy Clinical Associate
  11. Emma Hacking, Counsellor, Private practice, Bristol
  12. Sanjay Joban, Integrative counsellor, London
  13. Bima loxley, Sex therapist, London
  14. Dan Jones, Integrative Counsellor/ Trainee Psychotherapist, TACTT Member, London
  15. Cat Johnston, Counsellor, Supervisor, and Service Manager, Kaleidoscope Counselling Scotland, Glasgow
  16. Ken Clarke, Psychotherapist, MBACP Accred, Norwich
  17. Amy Pearce, Counsellor, N/A, London
  18. Kate Montagu, Trainee psychotherapist, Gestalt centre London, Banbury
  19. Rea Pearson, Clinical Sexologist, TACTT Member, Exeter
  20. Dominic Davies, Psychotherapist & Practice Consultant, Pink Therapy, Brighton
  21. Zak Hulstrom, Integrative Counsellor: TACTT Member; MBACP (Reg); UKCP Trainee, Stroud
  22. Rhi Kemp-Davies, Sex & Relationship Therapist, Pontypridd
  23. Lynda Britchford, Therapist, MNCPS, UKCP Trainee Psychotherapist, TACTT member,, Nottingham
  24. Paul Vigg, PGDip Humanistic Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, MBACP, Rampion Counselling and Psychotherapy, Brighton
  25. Olivia Streater, Dance Movement Therapist/Psychotherapist, EMDR therapist, Private Practice, Basel, London
  26. Shae Harmon., Trainee Psychosexual, TACTT Membertherapist, COSRT, London
  27. Rachel McDonald, Therapist, Oxfordshire
  28. James O'Callaghan, Psychotherapy Trainee, TACTT Member, London
  29. Ryan Holmes, Clinical Psychologist, TACTT Member, London
  30. Gareth Davies, Therapeutic coach, CachingInTheRound.co.uk, Blyth
  31. Kei Lawford, Trainee therapist, The Gestalt Centre, London
  32. Rebecca Harrison, Sex and Relationship Therapist, Newcastle
  33. Isabella Watson, Therapist, TACCT member, MBACP (reg), London
  34. Alexis Caught, Psychotherapist, NHS & Private Practice, Yorkshire
  35. Gigi Engle, Psychotherapist, London
  36. Ilaria Calussi BACP Accred, Clinical Supervisor, London Borough of Hackney, London
  37. Claudia Zitz, GenderPlus
  38. Claudia Zitz, Systemic Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist, Gender Plus, Birmingham
  39. Professor Damien Ridge, Academic & Therapist, University of Westminster, London
  40. Hannah Mackenzie, Trainee integrative psychotherapist, London
  41. Munjeeta Sohal, Therapist in training, London
  42. Susanna Beck, Integrative Therapist (MBACP), Executive Coach, TACCT Member, London
  43. Louisa Harvey, Psychodynamic psychotherapeutic counsellor, Birmingham
  44. Youcef Sheila, Trainee Psychosexual Therapist, Relationships Glasgow, Glasgow
  45. Helen Quin, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Private practice, Brighton
  46. Sharon Sweeney, Carer, Liverpool
  47. Dr Emily Ollman-Hirt, Psychotherapist, Parenthood in Mind, Norwich
  48. Rebecca Bogue, Integrative Counsellor, MBACP, London
  49. Daniel Winstanley, Counsellor, BACP Member, TACTT member, London
  50. Lily Lewis, Charity MD, The Pocressi Initiative, London
  51. Dr Jay Watts, Consultant clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, Qmul, London
  52. Sara Whittaker, Trainee psychotherapist, Gestalt Centre London, Reading
  53. Louise Ogilvie, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, London
  54. Chui-Yee Cheung, Trainee Psychosexual Therapist, CICS, London
  55. Andrew Samuels, Jungian psychoanalyst, Society of Analytical Psychologu, London
  56. Alex White, Counsellor, TACTT member, BACP member, London
  57. Mr DK Green, Psychotherapist & Supervisor, Clinical Associate, Pink Therapy, Chesterfield
  58. Foluke Taylor, writer*therapist, BACP, London
  59. Nika Jelendorf, Psychotherapist and psychotherapeutic counsellor, UKCP reg, MBACP, London
  60. Alex Sanderson-Shortt, Counsellor, Kas Counselling, MNCPS (Prof Accred), TACTT MemberTACTT Member, Northwich
  61. Ms Lenya Samani, Psychotherapist, Private practice, Christchurch/London
  62. Kirsty Sanderson, counsellor, Warrington
  63. Barra badlands, Trainee, Gestalt centre, London
  64. Megan Tailford, Therapist in Training, CICS, Glasgow
  65. Andrew Rivers, trainee counsellor, TACTT member, BACP registered, Liverpool
  66. Joanna Birkett, Clinical Psychologist, University of Westminster, London
  67. Fleur Farish-Edwards, Counsellor, Private Practice - MBACP and MNCPS (Acc.), Chorley
  68. Tara Beazley, Therapist, Edinburgh
  69. Helen Lister, Transactional Analysis Pyschotherapist, Metanoia, Bristol
  70. Lily Lang, London
  71. Sarah Reilly, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Brixton
  72. Paula Dangers, Integrative Counsellor, Minster Centre, London
  73. Alistair Armitage, Hypnotherapist & Counsellor, BACP Member, Carmarthen
  74. Mark Kinnally, Psychotherapist, London
  75. Dr Hettie Malcomson, trainee, TACCT member, Cambridge
  76. Aman Sidhu, Trainee Psychotherapist, Metanoia
  77. Jacquie Jenner, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Trauma Therapist, UKCP MNCIP, Norwich
  78. Dr Charlotte Haylock, Counselling Psychologist, Charlotte Haylock Psychology, London
  79. C Whitworth, Therapist, TACTT Member, Halifax
  80. Jo Harding, Psychotherapist, Private practice, London
  81. Cam Ginty, Trainee Psychotherapist, GPTI/UKCP member, Manchester
  82. Nacho Diaz, Trainee family systemic psychotherapist, London
  83. Oliver O’Donohoe, Integrative Counsellor, From the Ground Up Therapy, London
  84. Loki Grey, Trainee Psychosexual Therapist, N/A, Brighton
  85. Joshua Moritz, Integrative Psychotherapist, UKCP (Reg), London
  86. Jon Blend, Adult and Child Psychotherapist, London
  87. rotimi akinsete, Psychotherpist, London
  88. Carole Shadbolt, Relational Psychotherapist, Independent, Chadlington
  89. Eugene Ellis, Therapist, BAATN, London
  90. Ray Felix Carter, Artist & facilitator, Hythe
  91. George Taxidis, Jungian analyst, Lecturer, British Psychotherapy Foundation, British Psychoanalytic Council, London
  92. Matthew Baskott, Therapist, N/A, London
  93. Shoshi Asheri, psychotherapist, Independent, London
  94. Jack Mason-Goodall, Psychologist and trainee psychotherapist, Bristol
  95. Sarah Jury, Trainee counsellor, n/a, London
  96. Kate E Upshall, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Kate Upshall, GATESHEAD
  97. Tristan Brooks, Psychotherapist, (SNCPS Acc.), Starlight Therapy, TACTT member, Bristol
  98. David Willis, Counsellor and Mental Health Practitioner, Private Practice and NHS Neurodiversity Services, Grimsby
  99. Charlene McAuley, Trainee Gestalt Psychotherapist, Manchester Gestalt Centre, Manchester
  100. Adeola Russell, Group facilitator and Trainee Psychotherapist, UKCP and BACP member, London
  101. Eleanor Hayeswood, Psychodynamic Counsellor, Oxfordshire
  102. Anne Augustine, UKCP trainee psychotherapist, Glasgow
  103. Helen Moss, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Yrok
  104. Thom Fairclough MSc. BA (Hons), UKCP (Accred.) BACP (Accred.), Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor & Trainer, Lancashire
  105. Vincent Goyon, Interative Counsellor, Private Practice, London
  106. Karen Minikin, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Wellington
  107. Ayhan Alman, full clinical member of UKCP, Psychotherapist in Private Practice, Liverpool
  108. Joel Robinson, Counsellor, London
  109. Ronete Cohen, Psychotherapist, NCPS, London
  110. Michelle Cunnane, Counsellor, NHS, Essex
  111. Emma Haynes, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Winchester
  112. Laurie M. Atkinson, Psychotherapist, Nottingham
  113. Liz Mellor, UKCP Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Trainer, Private Practice and SCPTI, YORK
  114. Kirstin Bicknell, Psychotherapist, Cambridge
  115. Mark Watson, Trainee Therapist, SCPTI, Newcastle upon Tyne
  116. Maz Michael, Counsellor, BACP Accredited, BRIGHTON
  117. Claire McComb, Director of Mental Health Services, elop: LGBT Mental Health & Wellbeing, London
  118. Robyn Kane, Trainee, Abertay University, Edinburgh
  119. Antonella Russo-Ball, Child Psychotherapist, Self employed, London
  120. Joel Simpson, Psychotherapist, London
  121. Rebecca Blacka, Counsellor, Private practice, Manchester
  122. Werner Valentin, Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer, Number 42, London
  123. Emmanuelle Smith, Psychodynamic psychotherapist, UKCP, BPC, FPC, LONDON
  124. Lorena Fava, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, London
  125. Jess Wright, Psychotherapist, UKCP Trainee, Bristol
  126. Chris Clark, Psychodynamic Counsellor mBACP regCOSRT, Cardiff
  127. Stacey Duke, Birmingham
  128. Keith Barber, Psychotherapist, UKCP, NSCP, London
  129. Elspeth Chapman, Trainee art psychotherapist, Edinburgh
  130. Josh Smith, Relationship counsellor and systemic trainee, Oxford
  131. Daniel Hoddinott, Counsellor, BACP, York
  132. Gemma Maconie, Psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  133. Sinead Tingley, Counsellor, Serendipity Counselling, York
  134. Jamie McNulty, Psychotherapist, supervisor, UKCP, London
  135. Warwick Holby, Volunteer Counsellor, ELOP, Brentwood
  136. Isabella Lopez-smith, Counsellor, Elop, London
  137. Danny Olive, Therapist, BACP, London
  138. Lissie Wright, Psychotherapist and Trainer, Minster Centre, UKCP Member, London and Cambridge
  139. Sarah Favier, Systemic Family Psychotherapist, UKCP, Birmingham
  140. RS, hairdresser, london
  141. ash denscombe, trainee therapist, university of Brighton, Brighton
  142. Jos Twist, Clinical Psychologists, London
  143. Sally Redmond, Integrative Counsellor MBACP, Trainee Psychosexual Therapist, Private Practice, Peterborough
  144. Kit Way, trainee counsellor, elop, London
  145. Tessi Tricks, Counsellor, BACP, London
  146. A J Ward, Trainee Counsellor, Elop, London
  147. Meriel Whale, Counsellor, Private practice, TACTT and BACP member, LEWES
  148. Rick Hall, Therapist, Private practice, Wallasey
  149. Dr Adam Kincel, Psychotherapist and Trainer, Private practice, London
  150. Danielle King, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, St. Leonards-on-Sea
  151. aery, Program coordinator, elop, London
  152. Tarik Dervish, Therapist, Brighton
  153. Nadia Vidal, Counsellor, ELOP, Ilford
  154. Joe Wood, Trainee Gestalt Therapist, Manchester
  155. jo sparkes, Counsellor, TACTT, London
  156. Anja Boelkow, Integrativ psychotherapist, Ukcp, London
  157. Mariana Panayides, Psychotherapist, London
  158. Esme Davies, Trainee psychotherapist, Elop, London
  159. A Caseley, therapist, London
  160. JO Dalton, Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, Norfolk
  161. Emma Sunerton-Burl, INtergratibe psychotherapist, Dolwyddelan
  162. Jasmine Cooray, Psychotherapist, Private practice, London
  163. Martyna Chrzescijanska, Child Psychotherapist in Doctoral Training, Tavistock Clinic, LONDON
  164. Sabina Fathima Khan, Psychotherapist, Self employed, London
  165. Joanna Brown, Psychotherapist, UKCP reg., Brighton
  166. Alessandra Merizzi, Clincial Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Manchester Gestalt Centre, GPTI
  167. Mehul Elliott-Joshi, Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice; GIDS, Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust, London
  168. Rebecca Esho Greenslade, Psychotherapist & Supervisor, The Feminist Therapy Network, London
  169. Pip Old, Trainee psychotherapist, ELOP, London
  170. Andreea Chirvase, Psychotherapist, BACP, Manchester
  171. anonymous
  172. Christine Jayne Finch, Counsellor and Tutor, Private practice and IAPT services, South Cumbria and online, Dalton-In-Furness
  173. Una Masic, Research Psychologist, Gender Plus, London
  174. Tim Frost, Psychotherapist and Trainer, Private Practice,, London
  175. Yannis Munro, Psychotherapist, TACTT, UKCP, BPC Reg, London
  176. Chris Oxborrow, Psychotherapist, TACTT member, Beyond Counselling, Broseley
  177. Chance Czyzselska, Integrative Psychotherapist, The Relational School, Pink Therapy Clinical Associate, TACTT
  178. Nathan White, LGBT+ Services Administrator, elop, London
  179. Talia Cox, Civil servant and trainee psychotherapist, London
  180. Rebecca ingram, Therapist, Contemplations psychotherapy, London
  181. Stella Duffy, Psychotherapist, London
  182. Cecilia Roberts, Counsellor, Bristol University, Bristol
  183. Emma Hulse, Counsellor and therapist, London
  184. Amy Bramley, Psychotherapist
  185. Sophie Yates, Trainee integrative psychotherapist, London
  186. Chantal Gautier, academic, University of Westminster, London
  187. Cal Marrin, Psychotherapist, London
  188. Sophie Wilkinson, Youth Worker, elop, London
  189. Janice Acquah, Psychotherapist, Private practice, London
  190. Katy Swoboda, Psychotherapist, UKCP reg, MBCAP, Hove
  191. Hannah Zeffert, London
  192. Charles Neal, Retired therapist, Formerly UKCP, AHPP, Pink Therapy, Hastings
  193. Callum Crouch, Integrative & GSRD Counsellor, TransPlus, London
  194. Niki D, psychotherapist, private practice, London
  195. Eiman Hussein, Psychotherapist, London
  196. Oliver Roxon, Trainee therapist, TACTT member; Student BACP member, London
  197. Lucy Martin, Counsellor, BACP, Liverpool
  198. Francis Higgins, Counsellor, Private Practice, Edinburgh
  199. Marianne Morse, Trainee Therapist, CPTA, London
  200. Becky Bonham-Carter, Therapeutic Service Manager, Spectra CIC, London
  201. Sasha Kaplin, Psychotherapist, Psychotherapy & Counselling Union member, London
  202. Ashley Boscoe, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, TransPlus & UCL, London
  203. Julia Cooke, Psychotherapist, Private practice, Knebworth
  204. Ammar Al-Ghabban, Integrative Counsellor, BACP, London
  205. Natalie Bodart, Clinical Psychologist, The Bodart Practice, London
  206. Jack Horgan-Briggs, Dramatherapist, Spectra / Self-employed / BADth, London
  207. Heather Wood, Clinical Psychologist, Gender Identity Development Service, Leeds
  208. Amirah Thornber-Dunwell, Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, NHS, London
  209. Simon Stafford-Townsend, Psychotherapist, The Bristol Therapist, Bristol
  210. chris o'malley, Psychotherapist, Gestalt Birmingham, Birmingham
  211. Sharon Beirne, Gestalt Psychotherapist, UKCP, Liverpool
  212. Becca manning, London
  213. Justine Brooks, Integrative Counsellor, MBACP, Self Employed, LEEDS
  214. Juliet Denham, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Wales
  215. Annette Strzedulla, Systemic Psychotherapist, London
  216. Belinda Harris PhD, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Nottingham
  217. Martha Dunkley, Psychotherapist/director cliniQ, CliniQ CIC, London
  218. Olivia Cunningham, Psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  219. DAWN WILSON, Gestalt Psychotherapist, UKCP, Edinburgh
  220. Lis Hughes Jones, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Cardiff
  221. Janeen Wilson, Dramatherapist & CBT Therapist, Creative Lotus, Croydon
  222. Zara Heber Percy, Jungian Analyst, GAP, Brighton
  223. Rebecca Yeates, Clinical Psychologist, Leeds
  224. Spyros Tsolakidis, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, UCL, London
  225. Robin Dundas, Psychologist, Gender Care, London
  226. Jack Harber, Integrative Counsellor, London Friend, London
  227. Milou Pothast, Psychotherapist, London
  228. Nick Field, Psychosynthesis Therapist/Counsellor, Private Practice, London
  229. Susan Morgan, Trainee counsellor, London
  230. Dr Steven Voy, Consultant Psychiatrist, MBChB MRCPsych, NHS Fife, Edinburgh
  231. Peter Blundell, Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool
  232. Rebecca Smart, Integrative arts paychotherapist
  233. Jake Yearsley, Psychosexual therapist, Private practice: GSRD Tutor at Minster Centre, Tiverton
  234. Filiz Yilmaz, Trainee counsellor, london
  235. Jess Michaelson, Psychotherapist, Manchester
  236. Josephine Shaw, Trainee psychotherapist, UKCP, BACP, London
  237. Dianne Markham, Gestalt Psychotherapist, UKCP, Ayr
  238. Shradha Billawa, Counselling psychologist, TransPlus, London
  239. Dr Paul V Ricketts, Psychotherapist, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Coventry
  240. Mary Turner, Psychotherapist, GPTI, UKCP, Lancaster
  241. Sophie French, Trainee Psychotherapist, Minster Centre, London
  242. PJ Sangalang, Trainee, university of Brighton, Brighton
  243. Beth Clarke, Person-centred Trainee Psychotherapist, The Metanoia Institute, London
  244. Ellis Beardsmore, Trainee psychotherapist, TACTT member,, UKCP reg, Glasgow
  245. Karen Nimmo, Gestalt Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, EDINBURGH
  246. Cam Field, Gestalt Psychotherapist, UKCP, Birmingham
  247. Sunny Hayer, Trainee therapist, Regents university, London
  248. Lucy Watt, Counsellor, Group Facilitator and Academic Lecturer, London
  249. Anissa Sedira, Integrative Counsellor, LONDON
  250. PuiSum Wong, Trainee Psychosynthesis counsellor, Elop, London
  251. Patricia Grey, Integrative Psychotherapist, London
  252. Gareth Vaughan, Counsellor, Worcestershire
  253. Helena Bonett, Trainee counsellor, University of Brighton, Brighton
  254. Graeme Jardin, psychotherapist, BACP, London
  255. Joan Fogel, Group-analytic psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  256. Matthew Metcalf, Trauma-Informed Therapist, Preston
  257. Lily Levy, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University College London (UCL), London
  258. Doron Levene, Psychotherapy and supervision, Relational Spaces, London
  259. Leander Becker, Software Engineer, London
  260. Sarah Lovell, Trainee Therapist and Childrens Wellbeing Practitioner, University of Brighton, Brighton
  261. Issy Snouck, Therapist, elop, London
  262. Ruth Nightingale, Psychotherapist, Dorset
  263. Richard Ainsworth, Trainee Therapist, The Minster Centre, London
  264. Sharon J Gibbons, Counsellor, Talk Together Counselling, PERSHORE
  265. Marika Lisowska, Psychotherapeutic counsellor, UKCP, Edinburgh
  266. Paul Isaacs, UKCP trainee therapist, Metanoia, London
  267. Richard Bagnall-Oakeley, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist, Psychotherapy & Counselling Union; Terapia, London
  268. Marie Darnell, Trainee counsellor
  269. Felicity Johnson Stone, Trainee Counsellor, ELOP (East London Out Project), London
  270. David Collins, Psychotherapist, UKCP member Private Practice, West Sussex
  271. Martin Stone, Jungian analyst, AJA, London
  272. Jane Flint, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Melton Mowbray
  273. Peter Thomas, Counsellor, BACP, London
  274. Sarah Wood, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, London
  275. Sonny Ramtale, Trainee Counsellor, ELOP (East London Out Project), London
  276. Lucy Hill, trainee therapist, Minster Centre, London
  277. anonymous
  278. Clive Patrick Nolan, Therapist & UKCP Trainee Psychotherapist, Clive Patrick Psychotherapy, Abergynolwyn
  279. Maz Martell Tweedy, Counsellor & Clinical Supervisor, Bristol MIND, Stonehouse
  280. JOYLINE GOZHO, Psychotherapist, Private practice
  281. Christina James, Counsellor, BACP, Herts
  282. Louise Platt, Psychotherapist, The Artist Wellbeing Company Ltd, Birmingham
  283. Katy Wakelin, Psychotherapist, Nottingham
  284. Jason Wright, Psychotherapist, Number 42, london
  285. Zazie Lawson, Clinical psychologist, TransPlus, London
  286. Kristiina Leong, Trainee counsellor, London
  287. Lynsey Searle, Sex and Relationship therapist, Lancashire
  288. Alexandra Cotirta Gruicin, Psychologist, Identity.Education, Timisoara
  289. Kathleen Murphy, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, BACP, Margate
  290. Christine Stevens, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Nottingham
  291. Tracy Hutchings, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Ipswich
  292. Tania Glyde, Integrative Psychotherapist/Counsellor, TACTT, MNCPS, London
  293. Dr Malgorzata Milewicz, Integrative Psychotherapist, private practice, London
  294. Andrea Summers, Psychotherapist, SOUTHSEA
  295. Jenny Clark, Psychotherapist, The Minster Centre, London
  296. Gemma Green, Psychotherapist, Portsmouth
  297. Selena Zafar, Counsellor, Private Practice, Manchester
  298. Clare Harland, Psychotherapist (MBACP), London
  299. Sam Feeney, Counsellor, MBACP, private practice, Huntingdon
  300. Claire Black, Gestalt Therapist, Edinburgh
  301. Mark Elmer, Psychotherapist/psychoanalyst in training, Private practice, Charity organisations, London
  302. sally hine, Counsellor, private practice, redruth
  303. Deirdre MacGinley, Gestalt Counsellor, UKAGP, Hove
  304. Ellis Morgan, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, NCPS, London
  305. vicky hagman, Counsellor/ Gestalt Training Psychotherapist, Glasgow
  306. Gita Agard, Therapist, London
  307. Gilda Flores, Psychotherapist, London
  308. Sam O'Connell, Psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  309. Elizabeth Foster, Counsellor, BACP, York
  310. Drew Luparello-Cibardo, Dramatherapist, London
  311. Karen Wright, Psychotherapist, Kent
  312. Nancy Browner, Psychotherapist, Minster Centre, London/Oxford
  313. Katya Rozental, Therapist in training, NA, London
  314. Adriana Brito, Psychotherapist, UKCP BPC, London
  315. Dave Mann, Gestalt Psychotherapist, GPTI, Matlock
  316. Mark Bodha, Trainee Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, GPTI, Liverpool
  317. Adam Curtis, Therapist, Private practice, Penzance
  318. Fran Washington, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Leeds
  319. Christine Judge, Teacher, CMST, Penzance
  320. Jan May, Psychotherapist, Agip, London
  321. Adele Oti, Psychotherapist, London
  322. Jutta Pieper, Psychotherapist, GPTI, Lancaster
  323. Ruth Mark-Roland, Psychotherapist, Ruth Mark-Roland, London
  324. Alexia, Trainee psychotherapist, London
  325. Carole Ashton, Psychotherapist, GPTI, Pocklington
  326. sissy lykou, Psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  327. Zoe Goodacre, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, NCPS, Swansea
  328. Bogumila Malinowska, Counsellor, PCU, London
  329. Emma Bowers, Psychotherapist in advanced clinical training, Manchester
  330. Angela Kelly, Counsellor, Private Practice, Dorking
  331. Ruth Cohen-Rose, Counsellor and couples therapist, BACP registered, St Albans
  332. Mike Turton, Psychotherapist, GPTI, COLWYN BAY
  333. Erin Stevens, Counsellor, BACP, Ilkley
  334. Bethan Ruth Griffiths, Psychotherapist, B Griffiths Counselling and Psychotherapy, Birmingham
  335. Jenny Tudor, Counsellor in training, MANCHESTER
  336. Alexandra Lacey, Therapist, ISPC
  337. Dr Rob Agnew, Clinical Psychologist and Chair of Section of Sexualities, BPS, British Psychological Society, Section of Sexualities, London
  338. Mike Lawley, Psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  339. Maja Koch, psychotherapist, UKCP, York
  340. Frances Bickerstaff, Trainee therapist, Gestalt Centre, London
  341. Emily Adams, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Manchester
  342. Josh Goulding-Talbot, Psychologist, Birmingham
  343. Zoe Hardie, Therapist, London
  344. Phoebe Webb, Trainee psychotherapist, IPSWICH
  345. Abbie O'Connor, Counsellor, NCPS, London
  346. Sonny Hallett, Counsellor, Self-employed, Edinburgh
  347. Chloe Foster, Counsellor, SUSSEX RAINBOW COUNSELLING, Brighton
  348. C J Williams, Wigan
  349. Victoria Telfer-Smith, Counsellor, vtscounselling, Loughborough
  350. Alison Thorpe, Counsellor, Brighton & Hove
  351. Jo Friston, Psychotherapy student, London
  352. Caz Binstead, Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Private practice, London
  353. Jonathan Morgan, Trainee psychotherapist, London
  354. Adam Deuchars, Mental Health Nurse, NHS, Bristol
  355. CJ Webb, Psychosexual Therapist, Inclusion Thurrock
  356. Morag Borszcz, Counsellor BACP (accred), Private practice, Manchester
  357. Laura Scarrone Bonhomme, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Qeep Ltd., London
  358. Toni Rhoden, Trainee Psychotherapist, UKCP Trainee reg, Bath
  359. Kit Zinovieff, Psychotherapist, London
  360. Isa Delannoy, NCPS Counsellor and UKCP trainee psychotherapist, Eastleigh
  361. Jessica Rewse-Davies, Counsellor, NSCP, Shepton Mallet
  362. James Crawford, Counsellor, MBACP, London
  363. Simon Carmichael, Psychotherapist, BACP, Belfast
  364. Grant Denkinson, Counsellor and Psychotherapist, UKCP and MBACP, Leeds
  365. Matthew Groom, Psychotherapist, Matthewgroom.uk, Poole
  366. Paul Colley, Psychotherapist, Member of NCPS, ADPCA, Psychotherapy & Counselling Union, Keighley
  367. Chris Grant, Psychotherapist and Clinical Sexologist, The Queer Therapist, Glasgow
  368. Kate Ashley, Therapist, BACP, Bristol
  369. TK Vincent, Social Worker & Trainee Systemic Psychotherapist, London Borough of Harrow, London
  370. Simcha Burton, Counsellor, Private practice
  371. Rae Yates, Counsellor, Rachel Yates Counselling, Worthing
  372. Gavin Conn, Counsellor, Private practice, London
  373. David-John Cooke, Therapist, Self-employed therapist, York
  374. Lolita Laguna Crespo, Psychotherapist, Private practice, London
  375. Joanna Groves, Psychotherapist, Manchester
  376. Johnny Donnelly, Therapist, www.johnnytherapy.com, London
  377. Grace Bosworth, Mental health Clinical Practitioner, Clinical Services: Children and Families Local Authority, London
  378. Sarah Pagdin, HCPC Practitioner Psychologist, Private Practice, Warrington
  379. Paula J Williams, Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer, author; Fellow NCPS, Private practice, Glossop
  380. Sarah Harrison-Greaves, Art psychotherapist, Manchester
  381. Alisha Chady, Psychotherapist, BACP, Leeds
  382. MT Talensby, Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Private practice (MBACP), Scotland
  383. Susannah Cardy, Integrative counsellor, BACP, London
  384. ELIZABETH RIDDELL, Psychotherapist, Kaleidoscope Counselling Scotland, GLASGOW
  385. Kate Newman, Integrative Counsellor, MBACP (Reg), London
  386. Sam Merrick, PWP, NHS Talking Therpies, Crawley
  387. Anna Morelle-Grey, Counsellor, Clearview Counselling & Psychotherapy, Cardiff
  388. rahil virik, Counsellor MBACP(Acred), brighton
  389. Caitlin Buon, Psychotherapist, becomings, Edinburgh
  390. Patsy Gough, Counsellor, Private Practice, Brighton
  391. Marina, psychologist, athens
  392. Candace Adams, GSRD psychosexual relationship psychotherapist, Silhouette Therapy, Berlin
  393. Kimberley Graham, Counsellor, Peppermint Counselling, Gorleston
  394. Vicky Eugenio, psychotherapist, UKCP, MBACP, Crawley/London
  395. Maeve Doherty, Trainee Child Psychotherapist, Tavistock and Portman, London
  396. Brian David McMinn, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Liverpool
  397. Hannah Glynn, Trainee Psychotherapist, London
  398. Mary Lynne Ellis, Relational analytical psychotherapist, The Relational School, AGIP, BAPPS, London
  399. Una Cavanagh, Retired Counsellor
  400. Lorna Fulton, Psychotherapist, The Bowlby Centre, London
  401. Lorna Warrington-Gallienne, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Swindon
  402. Bay De Veen, Counsellor, BACP, Hastings
  403. Lyndsay Roberts Rayne, Psychotherapist, Cambridge
  404. Marianne Oakes, Therapeutic Counsellor, Evolve Counselling, Stockport
  405. Birgitta Heiller, Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Sandown
  406. Becky Gant, Therapist, Bristol
  407. Avie Clarke, NHS Psychiatry Trainee and Psychotherapy Student, London
  408. Rachael Peacock, Person-centred Psychotherapist; UKCP, Rachael Peacock Therapy, London
  409. Christa Drennan, Therapist, Supervisor, Sagebytes ltd, CANTERBURY
  410. Louise Tait, Gestalt therapist, Edinburgh
  411. Luan Baines-Ball, Psychotherapist, Baines-Ball & Associates, Leicester
  412. Claire Shaw, Counsellor, Claire Shaw Counselling MBACP, London
  413. Marie Papworth, Psychotherapist, Self employed, London
  414. Sheereen Sidat, Psychotherapist, Sheereen Sidat Counselling, Leicester
  415. Cathy Lasher, Psychotherapist and Director of Training, UKCP, Nottingham
  416. Charley Venables-Bland, Psychotherapist and Supervisor, Leicestershire
  417. Jessica Pons, Psychotherapist, Manchester
  418. Eleanor Kerr-patton, Psychotherapist, Eleanor K Coubselling, Edinburgh
  419. amanda middleton, Psychotherapist and Supervisor, St. Leonards-on-Sea
  420. Kirsty Kell, Therapist, Supervisor, Devon
  421. Rachel May Gould, Counsellor, Minster Centre and LSHTM - Senior accredited member BACP, Brighton
  422. Alison Peters, Psychotherapist
  423. Jayne Olden, Therapeutic counsellor, Manchester
  424. Finn Dowdell, Therapist, The Minster Centre, London
  425. Elaine Miller, Integrative psychotherapist, Bristol
  426. Ro Brown, Trainee counsellor, Brighton
  427. Geoff Sutton, Trainee Therapist, Minster Centre, London
  428. Tyler Hatwell, Psychotherapist, London
  429. Janice Griffiths, Therapeutic Counsellor, Manchester
  430. LeeAnn Sheehy, Art psychotherapist, Artful Thinking, Edinburgh
  431. Charlie Mangas, Counsellor and Psychotherapist, Edinburgh
  432. Fergus Evans, Psychotherapist, Fergus Evans Therapy, Edinburgh
  433. Kathy Engler, counsellor, Private Practice, Huddersfield
  434. Andrew Bryant, Psychoanalytical psychotherapist, Truro
  435. Melanie Peele, Psychotherapist, Private practice, Edinburgh
  436. Huw Rees, Counsellor, MBACP (Reg), London
  437. Tiffany Bottomley, Art psychotherapist, Self employed, Stonehaven
  438. Natalie Wilson, Drama & Movement Therapist, Glasgow
  439. Rachael Oldfield, Psychotherapist, UKCP, BACP, Rachael Oldfield Psychotherapy, London
  440. Ginella Williams, Trainee Counsellor, Maidenhead
  441. Will Davies, Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Will Davies Counselling, Leicester
  442. Nicolas Krivine, Counsellor, Private practice, Putney
  443. Rob Tyson, retired psychotherapist, GPTI, Scarborough
  444. Katrina Hadland, Integrative Psychotherapist, MBACP, Edinburgh
  445. Lucy Furniss, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Bournemouth
  446. Maritxu Arlegui-Prieto, Pluralistic Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Edinburgh
  447. Chris Cleave, Therapist, writer, London
  448. natasha morgan, psychotherapist, UKCP. BACP. Gestalt Psychotherapist, London
  449. Jayne Hatto, Psychotherapist, Child in Mind, Manchester
  450. Valentina Cerutti, Therapist, Manchester
  451. Nicholas Wilson-James, Trainee Counsellor, Canterbury
  452. Vikki Chalklin, Counsellor, Spectra CIC, London
  453. Daniel Lee, Qualified Counsellor (BACP) & Trainee Psychotherapist (UKCP), Metanoia Institute, London
  454. Aoife Nic Charthaigh, Psychotherapist, Norwich
  455. Gladys Diaz, Trainee Gestalt Psychotherapist, UKCP trainee member, London
  456. Graham Colbourne, Psychotherapist, GPTI / UKCP, Kirkcaldy
  457. Anne Marie Sanguigni, Psychotherapist, Spectra London, London
  458. Jade Hoffman, Counsellor, BACP, Edinburgh
  459. Jen walker, Counsellor, Bath
  460. Abi Parkins, Psychotherapist MBACP (Accred.), BACP, Bristol
  461. Serge Nicholson, Psychotherapist, Private Practice plus charitable sector, London
  462. Saya Morton, Clinical psychologist, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, London
  463. Annie Robinson, Therapist, Clevedon
  464. Jessy Cook, Sexual violence Counsellor, Jessy Cook Therapy and Wellness, Lincoln
  465. Eva Karia, Psychotherapist and Supervisor, Processwork UK, Stroud
  466. Rowan Long, Counsellor and EMDR Therapist, Rowan Long Counselling & EMDR, Bath
  467. Fatuma Farah, Psychotherapist and clinical supervisor, The Minster Centre, London
  468. Astro Jones, Counsellor, Flat A, London
  469. Kate Snowdon, Trainee therapist, Edinburgh
  470. Bernd Leygraf, Consultant Psychotherapist, Naos, London
  471. Taylor Broughton, Counsellor, COSCA, Edinburgh
  472. anonymous
  473. Sage Stephanou, Art Psychotherapist
  474. Heather Robertson, Counsellor, Heather Robertson Counselling, Belper
  475. Mark Barren, Counsellor, MBACP, London
  476. Daniella Russo, Trainee Gestalt Psychotherapist, UKCP Trainee Member, London
  477. Lotte Tickner, Dramatherapist, London
  478. David Piner, Pychotherapist, Private practice, Kent
  479. Matthew Thacker, Therapist and lecturer, University Centre Weston, Frome
  480. Chloe Scotney, Clinical Sexologist/Integrative Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Self-employed, London
  481. Aylin Albayrak, Trainee Psychotherapist, London
  482. Sally robbins-cherry, Psychotherapisr, Centre for trans health, Nottingham
  483. Emily Roach, Drama therapist, London
  484. Judi Keshet-Orr, London Diploma in psychosexual and Relationship Therapy, LONDON
  485. Nikki Scott, Trainee Therapist, Brighton
  486. Margaret Ramage, Psychotherapist, (Optional), London
  487. Shelley Cannings, Counsellor, Self employed, Devizes
  488. Claire Murray, Counsellor, NCPS, London
  489. Megan Karnes, Mental Health Professional, Mental Health Consultancy UK Ltd, London
  490. Alexandra Cooper, Counsellor, BACP, London
  491. Alistair Hoyle, Dramatherapist (HCPC), Roundabout Dramatherapy & Attune Dramatherapy, London
  492. Hywel Probert, Counsellor, Birmingham
  493. Gianni Frary, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Staffordshire
  494. Siouxsie Bytheway, Integrative Counsellor MBACP, University Centre Weston
  495. Jo McMahon, Gestalt Psychotherapist, GPTI and UKCP Registrant, Scarborough
  496. Hannah Sterling, Psychotherapist, Bristol
  497. James Falcon-Martini Hallett, Trainee Counsellor/Psychotherapist, BACP, London
  498. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Amendt, emeritus, vormals UniversitätBremen, Wien
  499. Robert Jozsef, Trainee Counsellor, London
  500. Polly Kettenacker, Trainee therapist, Minster Centre (student), London
  501. Rhodri Karim, UKCP trainee Gestalt psychotherapist, Welsh Psychotherapy Institute, London
  502. Gail Simon, Systemic therapist, The Pink Practice
  503. Peter Wells, Psychosexual therapist, Brighton
  504. Melinda Gray, Registered Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Bristol
  505. Annika Pring, Trainee Counsellor, Private Practice, Exeter
  506. EC Gordon, Couples therapist, Relationships Scotland, Glasgow
  507. Emily Hogan Turner, UKCP trainee gestalt psychotherapist, Welsh Psychotherapy Institute, brecon
  508. Alex Thomas, Psychotherapist, at ease therapy, Holywell
  509. Addam Merali-Younger, Counsellor, Bristol
  510. Cora Hilton, Psychotherapist, London
  511. Adeena Black, Counselling Studies MScR student, University of Edinburgh/ American Psychological Association, Edinburgh
  512. Holly Cassidy, Integrative Psychotherapist, London
  513. Toral Patel, School Counsellor, Redmoor Academy, Nuneaton Warwickshire
  514. Sergio Rebelo, Therapist, elop, London
  515. Francis Mote, Trainee BACP counsellor, Brighton
  516. Leah Larwood, Trainee Gestalt Psychotherapist, Charity, Norwich
  517. Jessica Murphy, Psychologist, Rode, Frome
  518. Paula Coles, Psychotherapist, Winchester
  519. Liz Martins, Therapist, Bath
  520. Philip de la Haye, Trainee therapist, Bristol Mind, Bristol
  521. Milo Jones, Software Engineer, FanDuel Ltd, Edinburgh
  522. Heather Pender, Therapist, Bristol
  523. Eadaoin Lynch, Researcher, Scottish Book Trust, Edinburgh
  524. Martin Pollecoff, Chair Ukcp 2016-22, Ukcp, London
  525. Rosie Jones, Clinical Psychologist, GIDS, Bristol
  526. Sarah Davidson, Clinical Psychologist, London
  527. Heather Moore, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Dublin
  528. Robert Challinor, Counsellor, London
  529. Emily Hodgkinson, Psychotherapist, Leicester
  530. Charlie Best, Trainee Psychotherapist, Birmingham
  531. Julia Martin, Psychotherapist, Welsh psychotherapy institute, Bridgend
  532. Susan Lee, Therapist in training, CICS, Oxford
  533. Aidan Kelly, Clinical Psychologist, Gender Plus, London
  534. John Monk-Steel, UKCP Reg Psychotherapist, 51, Leicester
  535. Alexandros N. Constansis, Independent Scholar, York
  536. Max Chamberlain, Practitioner Psychologist, Private practice, Brighton
  537. Shona Grant, Systemic Psychotherapist UKCP rg, Private practice and GIDS, Tavistock & Portman
  538. Sophia Prevezanou, psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer, UKCP Reg, MBACP(Accred), London
  539. Dr Simon Levinson, Clinical Psychologist, East London Foundation Trust, London
  540. Angela Clerkin, Trainee Therapist, London
  541. Jeanine Connor, Psychotherapist, Sea Psychotherapy MBACP, Kent
  542. Nyla Moran, Counseling Psychologist in Training, Edinburgh
  543. Mandy Coghill, Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Wolverhampton
  544. Guy Harries, Trainee counsellor, London
  545. Jill Beason, PsychoTherapist, Banbury
  546. Rosa Banham, Therapist (MBACP), London
  547. Phil Dignum, Counsellor, MBACP, Wolverhampton
  548. Robin Craig Swan-Brown, Service Manager, St Mungo’s, London
  549. Bridget Garrood, Solicitor, It’s All About You Wellbeing, Exeter
  550. Hana Savidge-Walker, Cafe manager, Little Fitzroy, Edinburgh
  551. Susanne Hart, Counsellor, Susanne Hart Counselling Services, Bristol
  552. K Andrews, London
  553. Caroline Baillie, Psychotherapist, Stroud
  554. Julian-Pascal Saadi, Psychologist, South london and maudsley NHS, London
  555. John Daniel UKCP, MBACP, Psychotherapist
  556. Lisa Morrison, Therapist (MBACP), Seahorse Care, Edinburgh
  557. Kimberley Robinson, Trainee therapist, Keep Real, Leeds
  558. Jacqueline Swarbrick MBACP, Counsellor, Safe Haven - Cornwall, Camborne
  559. Mandy Coles, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Saltburn
  560. Louise Sunderland, Art Psychotherapist, London
  561. Sana, Counsellor, Self employed, London
  562. Mary Johnson, Counselling Coordinator, Derby
  563. Leonie Johnstone, Counsellor, MBacp, Doncaster
  564. Caroline Capon, counsellor, Guiding Lights Counselling, North Devon
  565. Max Townley, Psychotherapist, Manchester
  566. Reena Shah, Psychotherapist, London
  567. Danny Porter, Manchester Gestalt Centre, Manchester
  568. Rose Johnson, Concerned parent, Derbyshire
  569. Miranda, Therapist, London
  570. Ember Girling Rogers, MANCHESTER
  571. Jolie Cooper, Hypnotherapist, Medway
  572. Coco Ann, Trainee Therapist, University of Brighton, MindOut, Brighton
  573. Tilly Sellers, Psychotherapist, Scarborough
  574. Lizzy Pennock, Humanistic therapist (BACP), TACCT member, Brighton
  575. Tarun Pamneja, Psychotherapist, Brighton
  576. Isabella Evans-Zoltowski, Trainee Therapist, Regent's University, Hackney
  577. Dennis L Carney, Education, BAATN, London
  578. Lukas Dressler, Counselling Psychologist, Psychotherapy.plus, Brighton
  579. Clemmie Groves, Trainee psychotherapist, Regents, London
  580. Sandra Taylor, Therapist & trainer, Lytham St Annes
  581. Lorna Davies, London
  582. Zoe Weston, Child Psychotherapist, London
  583. Jen Purser, Dramatherapist, Freelance, Brighton
  584. Rebecca Wells, Psychodynamic Counsellor, Brighton
  585. Jamie Vincent, Trainee Child Psychotherapist, Terapia, London, Milton Keynes
  586. Caroline Cox, Integrative Counsellor, MBACP, East Sussex
  587. Dr Gareth Davies, clinical psychologist, NHS, CARDIFF
  588. Shirine shah, Professional trainer, Gendered intelligence, London
  589. Josephine Hughes, Counsellor, Self Employed, Southend-on-Sea
  590. Rachel Sharp, Counsellor, Bristol
  591. Michaela Brooks, Trainee Psychotherapist, The Gestalt Centre, London
  592. Amanda Cromwell, Integrative Therapist, The Minster Centre, London
  593. Asif Farouk, Psychotherapist in training, BCPC, Bristol
  594. Maureen McCamley, Trauma therapist, Brighton Therapy Centre, Brighton
  595. Philip Reilly, Psychotherapist, UKCP reg - BACP Snr. accred, London
  596. Penelope Wenham, Integrative Counsellor, Cherry Plum Counselling, READING
  597. Mick Sands, psychotherapist UKCP reg., London
  598. Rosie Abraham, Dramatherapist, Canterbury
  599. Ioanna Tsikimi, Assistant psychologist, Tavistock and Portman’s, London
  600. Dr Berengere Digard, Early Career Researcher, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
  601. Michelle Moore, Psychotherapeutic counsellor, Norwich
  602. Josh Philpott, Artist, London
  603. David Cadman, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, NHS, Derbyshire
  604. Michael cahalan, Systemic Psychotherapist, Private practice, London
  605. Annetta Tang, Integrative Arts Child Therapist, London
  606. Dawn Hindle, Counsellor, BACP, Stoke
  607. Zeynep Kasap, Psychotherapist, Ryde
  608. Anna Baulch-Jones, Psychotherapist, Sithney, Cornwall
  609. Gwyn Williams, psychotherapist, Core Process Psychotherapy, Cardiff
  610. Tom Edney, Trainee Music Therapist, Stockport
  611. Jane Morgan, Coach, Self employed, Gloucestershire
  612. Jack Jackson, Counsellor, North Wales
  613. Rowan Bloem, Tutor, None (Trans Person), Bristol
  614. Masha Bennett, Trauma Psychotherapist & Supervisor, UKCP, Stockport
  615. Joseph Nicolaou, Assistant psychologist, NHS, London
  616. Laura Knowles-Cutler, Therapist, London
  617. Artie Firth, Student, Bradford
  618. Jeremy O'Sullivan, Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Supervisor & Trainer, London
  619. Lucy van de Velde, Psychodynamic counsellor, Brighton
  621. Shannon Marsh, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, LSCFT, Manchester
  622. Professor Sophie Grace Chappell, philosopher and ethicist, BACP, Dundee
  623. Skye McDade-Burn, Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, London
  624. Jo Lane, Counsellor, London
  625. Fiona Goldman, Ciunsellor, Swansea
  626. Gabriela Enache, Counselling Psychologist, London
  627. Alessandro D'Accordi, Volunteer Trainee psychotherapist, ELOP, London
  628. Eskander Caile Gordon, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, LSCFT, Salford
  629. Tania Barros, Counselling Psychologist and Service Manager, Survivors' Network, Brighton
  630. Marsha Mullish, Psychotherapist, Agip, Abridge
  631. Zeynab El-Murad, Counsellor, BACP, Bristol
  632. Sam Grayston, Counsellor, BACP, London
  633. Kathleen Simon, Trainee psychologist, Camden and Islington nhs trust, London
  634. LJ Loveys Hervoise, Trainee therapist, UKCP, Metanoia, London
  635. Helen Skelton, Psychotherapist, Helen Skelton, Brighton
  636. Elizabeth Hawkins, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Bristol
  637. James Murphy, Retired school teacher, London
  638. Maureen Maguire, Retired, Dunstable
  639. Catherine Lemaitre, Psychotherapist, London
  640. Johanna Murphy, Retired Nurse, Margate
  641. Vernon Farmer, London
  642. Sandro Voi, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, CPFT, London
  643. Annie Bird, Nhs, London
  644. Nisha Virdi, Occupational Therapist, Self-employed, Glasgow
  645. Emma Gibbard, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS LSCFT, Liverpool
  646. Philip Bedwell, HR Professional, London
  647. Ulisses Belucio, Psychotherapist, London
  648. Lucy Manning, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, London
  649. David Vyvyan, Vicar, Diocese of Southwark, London
  650. Mr T M Hunter, Psychotherapist, Cambridge
  651. Simon Carr, Milton Keynes
  652. Meg-John Barker, Writer, Brighton
  653. Richard Walsh, Finance, London
  654. Philippa Weitz, Online therapist and supervisor, Harley Street Online Therapy Centre, Brighton & Online
  655. Ruth Moir, Integrative therapist, BACP, Kent
  656. Mary Yeomans, Trainee Humanistic Counsellor, Kent
  657. Brigitta Mowat, psychotherapist and tutor, Minster Centre, London
  658. Holly Kahya, Counselling Psychologist, LONDON
  659. Jamie Makin, Psychotherapist, London
  660. Munzar Sharif, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of East London, London
  661. Helen Kerridge, Psychotherapist, London
  662. Catherine Orme, Integrative Counsellor, MBACP, London
  663. Alyson Jaffe, UKCP Psychotherapist and Supervisor, London
  664. Penelope Vevers, BACP reg, Counsellor, Sussex
  665. Sam Russell-Small, Psychotherapist/Trainer/Supervisor, London
  666. Andrew Hughes, Counsellor, Bristol
  667. Daniele Sorace, Integrative Practitioner, London
  668. Emma-Ben Lewis, Clinical Psychologist, Brighton
  669. Stephen McIntyre, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  670. Kim Davies, Counsellor
  671. Charlotte Huggett, Clinical Psychologist, Manchester
  672. Andy Schiller, Psychotherapist, UKCP, MBACP, London
  673. Andrea Lawton UKCP, Psychotherapist, The Minster Centre, Manchester
  674. Johanna Novales, trainee therapist, Minster Centre, London
  675. Alexandra Duffy, Trainee Therapist, The Minster Centre, London
  676. Laura Aggett, Clinical Psychologist, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Wiltshire
  677. Joe Wild, Trainee Gestalt Psychotherapist, London
  678. Orrow Bell, Trainee Therapist, Minster Centre, London
  679. Franco Barrovecchio, Trainee Psychotherapist, Minster Centre, London
  680. Sachin Shah, Computers Software, London
  681. Francesca Zanatta, MH researcher and Psychodynamic Counsellor, University College London, BACP, London
  682. Rowe Naomi, Music therapist, Hcpc, Birmingham
  683. Roy Graff, Counsellor, London
  684. Gill Powell, Chelmsford
  685. Rebecca Bright, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Camden and Islington Mental Health Trust, London
  686. Eve Wallman, Psychotherapeutic counsellor, MBACP (accred), London
  687. Dr Elinor MacCormac, Highly Specialised Clinical Psychologist, NHS Welsh Gender Service, Cardiff
  688. Matei Dudu, Systemic Psychotherapist, NHS, Sheffield
  689. Monica Malkani, Psychotherapist, MBACP, London
  690. Francesco Piro, Coursellor/psychotherapsist, private practice, London
  691. Cristina Cont, Art psychotherapist, Nhs, Sheffield
  692. Katy Brooks, Trainee clinical psychologist, LSCFT
  693. Harry Trent, Student Counsellor, Sheffield
  694. Christine Payne, Trainee counsellor, Bristol
  695. Amy Russell, Trainee counsellor, New Dawn, Weston Super Mare
  696. Anna Thomas, Psychotherapist, London
  697. Penny Sofroniou-Izzard, Counsellor, Wickford
  698. Nathan Templeman, Student Therapist, Kent
  699. Tana Lucker, Trainee psychotherapist, London
  700. Anna Barry, Trainee counsellors, BACP, Bristol
  701. Catherine Mellinger, therapist, Together: For Perinatal Mental Health Inc., Waterloo
  702. Halina Pytlasinska, Psychotherapist, Self-employed, Longwick
  703. Kate Lewin, Therapist, NOTTINGHAM
  704. Heather Hughes, Trainee Person-Centred Counsellor, Edinburgh
  705. Rima Hawkins, Psychosexual psychotherapist, www.rimahawkins.com, London
  706. Anna Cope, Psychotherapist, London
  707. Maya Soto Jones, Trainee Integrative Psychotherapist, London
  708. Tiffany Paul, Trainee Counsellor, London
  709. Megan Dalton, Trainee Art Psychotherapist, Goldsmiths, London
  710. Sue Bennington, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Doncaster
  711. Jemma Gray, Trainee Therapist, The Minster Centre, London
  712. Bernadette Wren, Clinical Pschologist & Family Therapist (ret), Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust (honorary), Lewes
  713. Patricia Murphy, CBT THERAPIST, BABCP, Canterbury
  714. Ekaterina Ermakova, Counsellor, London
  715. Dawn Salter, Gentle Changes, Malvern
  716. Ilia Daoussi, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Liverpool
  717. Lizette Nolte, Clinical Psychologist
  718. Dr Rhona O'Brien, Postgraduate Researcher, UAB, Scotland
  719. Russ Wolf, Retired Gestalt Psychotherapist, Edinburgh
  720. Christopher Williams, Therapist, self-employed, London
  721. Faiza Khokhar, Psychologist, London
  722. Julia Ouzia, Trainee psychotherapist, London
  723. Hannah Kenner, Counsellor, London
  724. Natalie James, Trainee counsellor, Liverpool
  725. Melanie Chillag, Counsellor, PAM, Newcastle Upon Tyne
  726. Will Robillard, Student, UCW, Bristol
  727. Jennifer Maidman, Writer, counsellor, Kent
  728. Sophie Thompson, Psychotherapist, Self-employed UKCP and BACP member, Beeston
  729. Rebecca Bow, Senior Welbeing Adviser/counsellor, BCU, Birmingham
  730. David Murphy, Professor, University of Nottingham, Nottingham
  731. Carly Parry, Trainee Counsellor, Bristol
  732. Marina Arvanitaki, Psychologist - Sex Therapisy, Athens
  733. Lorna Hobbs, Clinical Psychologist and Gender Specialist, London
  734. Kellie Turner, Clinical psychologist, Newport, Wales
  735. Nicholas Little, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  736. anonymous, Dramatherapist, Self-employed HCPC, BADTH member, London
  737. Paula Straube, Therapist, Self employed, Edinburgh
  738. Kate Hoyland, Psychologist, BPS
  739. Carys Puleston, Psychotherapist, Self employed, Honiton
  740. Vik Dudley, Therapist, Manchester
  741. Anousha Hosseini, Trainee counsellor/ psychotherapist, TA East London Institute; ELOP, London
  742. Star Atay, trainee psychotherapist (ukcp), CCPE, London
  743. Hannah-Phoebe Bowen, Counsellor, mBACP, London
  744. Milton Sattler, Psychotherapist - MBACP/BPC/ACTO, London
  745. Claudia Adamson, Trainee Integrative Psychotherapist, London
  746. Ana Badescu, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, East Grinstead
  747. Carolyne Taylor, Therapeutic Counsellor, Carolyne Taylor, Yeovil
  748. Abel Brooks, Person-Centred Counsellor, Manchester
  749. Kathryn L. Higdon, Therapist, Self-employed, Edinburgh
  750. Harry Adams, Psychotherapist
  751. Laura Stannard, Psychosexual Therapist, Laura Stannard Therapy, London
  752. Nichola, Trainee therapist, UKCP
  753. Kelly Murray, Counsellor, Bristol
  754. Zhuo Wang, Psychotherapist, London
  755. Jo Hawkes, Trainee Psychotherapist, UKCP
  756. Sukaina Huq, Trainee Counselling Psychologist, London
  757. Megan Wright, Therapist, Nottingham
  758. Colette Rhodes, Counsellor, London
  759. Agata Jelen, Trainee Counselling Psychologist, NHS, Cambridge
  760. Jasmine Clarke-skillicorn, Trainee counsellor, UCW, Weston-super-mare
  761. Caroline harroe, Therapist, Harmless, Nottingham
  762. Dr Rachel Brown, Psychologist, Trauma Informed, Bristol
  763. Jessica Rudd, Trainee Counsellor, Nottingham
  764. Suzanne Jobe, Trainee therapist, Nottingham
  765. Nicki Patyal, Social worker, Thornton Heath
  766. Sophie Farrell, Trainee Counselling Psychologist, Brighton
  767. Jon Miller, Trainee Psychotherapist, London
  768. Dylan Thomas, Therapist, Harmless, Nottingham
  769. Naomi de barra, Psychologist
  770. Danny Ford, Integrative Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Wakefield / Online
  771. Jenny Oates, Therapist, Private Practice, Sheffield
  772. Sophie Boss, Psychotherapist, www.homa.london, London
  773. Emily Cosgrove, Trainee Psychotherapist, London
  774. Rachael Chisholm, Therapist, North Yorkshire
  775. Jim Kuykendall, Psychotherapist/Supervisor, london
  776. Jess Dalgic, trainee psychotherapist, UKCP, Bristol, UK
  777. Farah Cottier, Course Leader, Supervisor, Psychotherapist, Minster Centre, London
  778. Ben Stewart, Trainee Therapist, The Minster Centre, London
  779. Helen Storey, Psychotherapist, UKCP reg., London
  780. Kid Di Pasquale, student counsellor
  781. Sam Hope, Therapist, Liverpool
  782. Eva Julianna Vajna, Student counsellor, The Minster Centre, London
  783. Sandra Kuehl, Psychotherapist, Brighton
  784. Siobhan Stewart, Counsellor, Step Forward, London
  785. Delete497
  786. Beatrice Stedman Jones, Trainee Psychotherapist, The Minster Centre, London
  787. Sarah Watson, Trainee Gestalt Psychotherapist, Cardiff
  788. Devon Gray, Counsellor, Somerset
  789. Emma mowat, Trainee therapist, Minster Centre
  790. frauke requardt, Existential psychotherapy, London
  791. Ava Winn, Therapist, Glasgow
  792. Skye Blyth-whitelock, Counsellor, Brighton
  793. Mrs Emma Macrae, Counsellor, Glasgow
  794. Sarah Faithorn, Systemic Psychotherapist, NHS, Leeds
  795. Cassandra Geisel, Trainee psychotherapist, Regents University, London
  796. Sadie, Counsellor, Bristol
  797. Avgi Saketopoulou, Psychoanalyst, NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, NYC
  798. Mr. Morgæn M. O'Connor, Trainee psychotherapist, Brighton
  799. Deniz Csernoklavek, Trainee psychotherapist, The Gestalt Centre, London
  800. Naomi, Counsellor, Bristol
  801. Neil Young, Integrative Arts Psychotherapist, Neil Young Therapy, London
  802. Liz Willows, Counsellor & Psychotherapist, BACP, Blakeney
  803. anonymous, Jan, UKCP, Goodfellow
  804. Michele Kirschstein, Counsellor & Psychotherapist, London
  805. Helen wheeler, Psychotherapist, Leicester
  806. Sage Mueller, Psychotherapist, Thundermist Health Center, Providence
  807. Jenny Kermode, Trainee counsellor/psychotherapist, Liverpool
  808. Elena Olga Christidi, Psychologist, Orlando LGBT+, Athens
  809. Nancy Papathanasiou, Clinical Psychologist, Orlando LGBT+, Athens, Greece
  810. Rachel Cooke, Psychotherapist, P-Therapy, London
  811. Elio Micosa, Trainee Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, Birkbeck, London
  812. Marialena Moisiadou, Master's student, marialena.moi@gmail.com, Athens
  813. Jose Veiga, Counselling Manager, London Friend, London
  814. Lisa Baum, Psychotherapist, UKCP, BACP, London
  815. Ellie Rowland-Callanan, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, London Friend and Private Practice, London
  816. E Monxy, Psychotherapist, London
  817. Eve Janes, Therapist, Private Practice, London
  818. David Hansen, Psychotherapist, Leeds
  819. Ann Pellegrini, Psychoanalyst - Private Practice, and Professor, New York University, New York
  820. Debbie Toksvig, Psychotherapist, London Friend, London
  821. TSIRIGOTIS THEODOROS, Psychotherapist, EICP, Crete
  822. Penny Brexer, Student, NSPC, Guildford
  823. Zac Gensberg, Therapist, BACP, Southend on sea
  824. Effy Westenra, Therapist, University of Westminster, London
  825. Anne Bulmer, rt Psychotherapist HCPC BAAT, Scotland
  826. Corrina Preece, psychotherapist and educator, London
  827. Liane Smith, Trainee Therapist, London Friend, London
  828. Sarah Shoraka, Trainee psychotherapist, Metanoia Institute, Plymouth
  829. Becca Gatrell, Psychoanalyst (Trainee), Society for Social and Critical Psychoanalysis, Cornwall, UK
  830. Jen Goff, Person-Centred Experiential Psychotherapist, Jen Goff Counselling and Psychotherapy, Glasgow
  831. Sue Spooner, Counsellor, Private Practice, Southend on Sea
  832. Wendy Priscott, Psychotherapist, Private practice, Stockport
  833. Katia Houghton, Psychotherapist, UKCP, Oxford
  834. Jyoti Gulati, Therapist, Minster centre, London
  835. Cailin edwards, Trainee Person-Centred Counsellor, Metanoia, London
  836. Joanne Strong, Psychotherapist, London
  837. Mariya Naylor, Therapist, West Yorkshire
  838. Helene Fletcher, Semi retired psychotherapist, Private practice, Sheffield
  839. Nick Totton, Body psychotherapist, EABP, Sheffield
  840. Deri Ian Morrow, psychotherapist, ukcp, london
  841. Kate O'Halloran, Embodied-Relational Therapist, Norwich
  842. Leticia Valles, Psychotherapist, London
  843. Tarisha Finnegan-Clarke, Embodied Psycho-spiritual Psychotherapist, Karuna, UKCP Bristol
  844. Jac Trow Flynn, Counsellor, Shipley
  845. Julie Jenner, Integrative Body Psychotherapist, Oxford
  846. Rebecca Wilson Green, Dance Movement Psychotherapist, Brighton & Hove
  847. Rose Randles, Counsellor, London
  848. Elanor Gibson, Counsellor and Assistant Psychologist, BACP/NHS, Bristol
  849. Janet Hills, Body psychotherapist, Ukcp, Near loughbotoughj
  850. Gram Davies, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, UKCP, Tiverton
  851. Terence Nice, Psychotherapist, UKCP CPJA, St. Nicholas at Wade
  852. Lynne Lacock, Counsellor and Senior Lecturer, BACP, York
  853. Joanna Taylor, Trainee therapist, SCPTI, York
  854. Ruth Norman Mason, Counsellor, Private Practice, Brighton
  855. Dr Andy Pendle, Counsellor and senior lecture, York St John University, York
  856. Ms Anju Handa, Inspiring Women Changemakers, Leeds
  857. Mari Winkelman, Therapist, Stroud
  858. Barbara Carrellas, Author, Urban Tantra, New York, NY
  859. Rich Anderson-Baguley, Counsellor, Solihull
  860. Natalie Mitchell, Art therapist, Edinburgh
  861. Marie McGovern, Systemic Psychotherapist, UKCP, Huddersfield
  862. Anna Mark Diget, Trainee - Relational Integrative Psychotherapist, Scarborough Counselling Psychotherapy Training Institute, York
  863. Lucy Kuipers, Psychotherapist, ADMP and UKCP, Lancashire
  864. David Wrenn, Integrative psychotherapist, BACP, Norwich & London
  865. Piotr Mierkowski, Psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  866. Richard Clarke, Counsellor & Supervisor, Essex
  867. Mel Steptoe, Counsellor, BACP, Essex, UK
  868. Elizabeth Day, Psychotherapist, London
  869. Angie Fell, Counsellor and Supervisor, Private Practice, Leeds
  870. Ruth Daly, Therapist, Private Practice, Glasgow
  871. Mardi Kennedy, Sex Therapist (in training), Belfast
  872. Lauren Hunt, Counsellor and Lecturer, York St. John University and Oakdale Centre, Harrogate
  873. Miguel Fredes Carrasco, Psychologist, Independent, La Serena, Chile
  874. Melanie Ersapah, Psychotherapist, London
  875. Clare Morgan, Psychotherapist, Ukcp, Manchester
  876. Agnieszka Jankowska, Trainee Psychotherapist, Metanoia Institute
  877. Paul Smith, Counsellor and Supervisor, SSHC, Cheadle,Staffs
  878. Alex, N/A, Reading
  879. Michal Pawlega, Therapist, Amsterdam
  880. Mel McGrath, Counsellor, London
  881. Jade Howe, Trainee Psychotherapist, SCPTI, Exeter
  882. Mike Shallcross, Psychotherapist, London
  883. Laurynas Sadzevicius, Courier, Falkirk
  884. Hilary Conroy, Social Worker and Senior Lecturer, York St John University, York
  885. Ali Milton-Doyle, Counsellor, London
  886. Lisa Hayter, counsellor, London
  887. Trevor Gillen, Counsellor, Harrogate
  888. David Arnold, Trainee Counsellor, London
  889. Katina Noble, Therapist, Bristol
  890. Stephen Tame, Embodied-relational Therapist, ERTA, Bovey Tracey
  891. Lirona Rosenthal, Clinical and Counseling Psychologist, Lirona Rosenthal Psychologist, london
  892. Kathryn Fox, psychotherapist and mental health author, UKCP, Middlesbrough
  893. Maya Mukamel, Counselling Psychologist, self employed, LONDON
  894. Jules Haley, Counsellor & Supervisor, Private practice, Worthing
  895. May Tomkinson, Counsellor, Manchester
  896. Caroline Tresman, Counsellor, Counsellor Care, Alsager
  897. Jamie Crabb, Therapist, Aashna, Brighton & Lonodn
  898. Peter Palumbo, Psychotherapist, Focus Counselling (Clinical Director), Hull
  899. Louise Wellby, Trainee Therapist, London
  900. Katy Edwards, Counselling Services Manager, Local charity, Cambridge
  901. Emily Cole, UKCP trainee psychotherapist, Karuna, London
  902. Debby Klein, Counsellor, elop, London
  903. Dominic Kelly, Trainee Therapist, Shrewsbury
  904. Albie Cornell, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, London
  905. Juliana Fleig, Trainee Therapist, WGN & Bereft, London
  906. Jennifer Jean-Paul, Integrative psychodynamic counsellor, London
  907. nicole turner, trainee psychotherapist, london
  908. Evaldo Dutra, Senior marketing and communications officer, UKCP, Barnet
  909. Jenna Rachid, Digital Engagement Officer, London
  910. Illary Valenzuela Oblitas, Trainee psychodynamic therapy, Birkbeck University, London
  911. Nia Jane Jones, Registered Nurse & Psychosexual Therapist, London
  912. Mel Heap, Psychotherapist, Bath
  913. Polly Wong, Counsellor, Supervisor, York
  914. Gareth Prosser, Psychotherapist, Gareth Prosser Psychotherapy, London
  915. Ben Bradshaw, Trainee Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Ellesmere Centre Counselling and Psychotherapy Training, Hull
  916. Dr Sahanika Ratnayake, Researcher, UKCP, Cambridge
  917. Elisa Liberati, Cambridge
  918. Dr Kat Rayson, Clinical Psychologist, Cardiff
  919. Enrico Marchiano, Counsellor, Cranstoun, London
  920. Julie Sale, Psychotherapist, Contemporary Institute of Clinical Sexology (CICS), Letchworth Garden City
  921. Tom Edwards, LGBTQ+ Recovery Worker, London Friend, London
  922. Dr Shaun James Bruwer, Psychotherapist, None, London
  923. Dr Dwight Turner, Intersectional Psychotherapist, Education, Eastbourne
  924. Elinor Prędota, Programme Director, We Make The Path CIC, Langholm
  925. C Thompson, Counsellor, Private Practice, Peterborough
  926. Liz Pilley, Counsellor, Private Practice, Ammanford
  927. Bella Jackson, mental health nurse and counsellor, Oxford
  928. Kate McAndre, Psychotherapist, Nottingham
  929. Salvo La Rosa, Integrative Psychotherapy, Salvo La Rosa Psychotherapy, London
  930. Chris Colcomb, Psychotherapist, Talking Works, Hull
  931. Carina Badger, Counsellor, Manchester
  932. Roy McPartland, Psychotherapist, Nottingham
  933. Zena Nicholas, Counsellor, Zena Nicholas Counselling, DN4 5PR
  934. Sally grant, Minster Centre
  935. Alan Wardle, Psychotherapeutic counsellor, London
  936. Kitty Freitag, Counsellor, London Friend, London
  937. Matt Cormack, Therapist, Edinburgh
  938. Sam Briggs, Trainee, Goldsmiths, London
  939. Lucy Lamia Tatarusanu, Psychotherapy Student, London
  940. Chantal Kennedy, Trainee psychotherapist, Goldsmiths, London
  941. Enni Vanhatapio, Psychotherapist, LONDON
  942. LJ Potter, Psychotherapist and academic, Staffordshire university, Stafford
  943. Ria Uttridge, Psychotherapy student, Goldsmiths, London
  944. Anicca Moxley-Wyles, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Nottingham
  945. Denisa Ion, Trainee Counselling Psychologist, London Metropolitan University, London
  946. Vickie Glass, Executive Lead for Therapies, Ipswich
  947. Ellen Ford, Counsellor, BACP, Bury St Edmunds
  948. Georgina Marigold, Psychotherapist, Inclusion Thurrock, London
  949. Rhiannon Reed, Trainee Person Centred Psychotherapist, Bury St Edmunds
  950. Brian Ngo-Smith, Psychoanalyst, Denver, CO, USA
  951. Brett Thatcher, Psychotherapist, Gould Farm, Monterey
  952. Ruth Barrett-Thoburn, Psychiatric Nurse (retired), Cambridge
  953. Paul Jung, Artist, Berlin
  954. Kasia Bailey, Trainee Counsellor, Minster Centre
  955. Morris Richard, Counsellor, Just B Bereavement Support, Leeds
  956. Sophie K Rosa, Trainee psychoanalyst, The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, London
  957. Shawn Rubin, PsyD LP, Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice of Gender Affirming Therapy, VIENNA
  958. Pauline Conroy, Retired counsellor, None, Hereford
  959. Christopher F. Headon, Psychosexual Psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  960. Dr Guy Millon, Psychoanalyst, Society for Social and Critical Psychoanalysis, Exeter
  961. Brennan holt, Counsellor/lecturer, Centre for empathic reparations, Hove
  962. Silva Neves, Psychotherapist, London
  963. Tharanga Sanjeeva, Student, Goldsmiths, London
  964. Jackie Young, Family & Systemic Psychotherapist, If Therapy, Airdrie
  965. Charlotte Rump, UKCP Registered Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Norfolk
  966. Leonie McCarthy, Peterborough
  967. Katie Merritt, Trainee Counsellor, London
  968. Paul Mollitt, Psychotherapist, BACP, BPC, London
  969. Natalie Scott, Psychotherapist, Norwich
  970. Samantha Crapnell, Therapist, Blackburn with Darwen
  971. Julie Gosheva
  972. Charles Brooks, Trainee Psychotherapist, Manchester
  973. Will Lake, Trainee integrative psychotherapist, The Minster Centre, London
  974. Jennifer Hughes, Therapist, Sunderland
  975. Mrs L S DOUGAN, Counsellor/ Psychotherapist, Lesley Dougan Counselling and Consultancy, Wirral
  976. Julianna Pusztai, Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, MBACP, The Red Clinic, London
  977. Zahra Bahrami, Trainee Psychodynamic psychotherapy, The BPF, London
  978. Emma Dowson, Trainee counsellor, Worcester
  979. Helen Jack, Integrative Counsellor, Private practice / student at The Minster Centre, London
  980. belinda hollows, psychotherapist, london
  981. Sally Sales, Psychoanalyst, SSCP, Fowey Cornwall
  982. SOPHIE QUINNEY, Gender Specialist Clinician, NHS but signing in a personal capacity, Cardiff
  983. Jo Taylor-Jones, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Lecturer, Chichester
  984. Miguel A. F. Castillo, Trainee psychotherapist, Brighton
  985. Daniel Goldie, Psychotherapist, UKCP reg, London
  986. Alexander Glynne, Trainee Psychotherapist, Society for Social and Critical Psychoanalysis (SSCP), Falmouth
  987. Mel Perks, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, SSCP, Perranporth
  988. Helen Swords, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, SSCP and BICA, CHESHAM
  989. Marie Dixon, Psychoanalytic psychotherapist, SSCP, St Ives
  990. Hayley Gearon, Psychoanalyst (trainee), SSCP, Falmouth
  991. Karen Michelle Jackson, Penryn, Cornwall
  992. Jo Harrop, Trainee Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, SSCP, St Just, Cornwall
  993. Jacob, Trainee Psychotherapist, UKCP
  994. Stacy Bias, Conversion Therapy Survivor, Glasgow
  995. Tom Greenall, Psychotherapist, SSCP / UKCP Trainee, Helston
  996. DR Katrin Tunstall, GP, NHS, Helston, Cornwall
  997. Shelley England, Trainee psychotherapist, SSCP, Plymouth
  998. Dr Gávi Ansara, Psychotherapist; Relationship and Family Therapist, Ansara Psychotherapy; Centre for Liberating Practices, Unceded Wurundjeri Country
  999. Gosia Garstka, Trainee therapist, Minster Centre, London
  1000. Natasha McIntyre, Trainee Psychological Therapist, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Hove
  1001. Robin H L Evans, Counsellor, BACP(reg), King's Lynn
  1002. Colectivo Trenza, Psicoterapeutas, Colectivo Clínica, Psicoanálisis y Género, Stgo, Chile
  1003. Trinidad Avaria, Psicoanalista, Colectivo Trenza, Stgo, Chile
  1004. Katherine Herrera, Psicóloga, Humana psicoterapia, Concepcion chile
  1005. Dianne Foy, Person centred neurodivergent counsellor, Private practice, Scotland
  1006. Karmela Jones, Psychotherapist, Private practice, BACP, London
  1007. Anna Fielding, UKCP student member, Birmingham
  1008. georgina laing, trainee psychotherapist, london
  1009. Angus Maxwell, Clinical psychologist, Contextual Psychology, Auckland
  1010. Amy L Emmerson, Counsellor, UKCP Trainee status, Hull
  1011. Leilani Mitchell, Psychotherapist, The Link Centre, Crowborough
  1012. Sara Slamkova, Counsellor, Integrative Self Therapy, Derby
  1013. Rowan Hyde, Process Oriented Psychotherapist (trainee), UKCP trainee member, Derby
  1014. Laura Hughes, Suicide Crisis Service Lead, Harmless CIC, Nottingham
  1015. Claire Parsons, Trainee therapist, Purley
  1016. Liz Smears, Psychotherapist, Wirral
  1017. CHRISTOPHER WHITE, trainee psycotherapist, TA East, London, london
  1018. Claire Sims, Counsellor, Revive Counselling Suffolk, Ipswich
  1019. Rhi Kemp-Davies, Sex & Relationship Therapist, Pontypridd
  1020. Nikoletta Karachaliou, Creative Psychotherapist / ADMP and UKCP, Imara, Nottingham
  1021. Molly Hamer-Nickells, Student Psychotherapist, Buckingham
  1022. Michelle Bridgman, Psychotherapist, High Wycombe
  1023. Jess Champion, Psycho-therapeutic Counsellor, LONDON
  1024. Allyson Vuli, Psychotherapist, ADMP, Doncaster
  1025. Lucille Mclennan, trainee psychotherapist, Brighton
  1026. cameron mcnee, Humanistic Psychotherapist (trainee), UKCP, London
  1027. Andy Rushton, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, London
  1028. Lauren Donaldson, CCYP, Hitchin
  1029. Livia Nestianu, Psychotherapist, Leicester
  1030. Hanine Habig, Trainee therapist, Minster Centre, London
  1031. Isabella Leonard, Counsellor, Manchester
  1032. Geoffery Unkovich, Dance movement psychotherapist, Stoke sub Hamdon
  1033. Ivan Rodriguez, Dance Movement Psychotherapist, UKCP Reg., London
  1034. Pete Mosely, Psychological Therapist, NHS
  1035. Joe Moran, Psychotherapist and supervisor (UKCP Reg, MBACP), London
  1036. Liam Kirkdale, Trainee Psychotherapist, Brighton
  1037. Jack Brown, Psychotherapist, MBACP, Manchester
  1038. David Hayter, psychoanalytic psychotherapist, UKCP, Brighton
  1039. Eli King, Trainee psychotherapist, N/A, Brighton and Hove
  1040. Hannah Rapp, Integrative Child & Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, MBACP, London
  1041. Leo Robinson, Trainee counsellor, London
  1042. Jaime Funnell, Trainee Counsellor, Reading
  1043. Sal Campbell, Psychotherapeutic counsellor, London
  1044. Anna Kharbanda, Advanced trainee, Minster centre, London
  1045. Parveen narad, trainee psychotherapist, Newman, West midlands
  1046. Werner Valentin, Psychotherapist, Number 42, London
  1047. Stephanie Oates, Psychotherapist, Montgomery
  1048. Suzanne Fricker, Psychotherapist, Oxfordshire
  1049. Zoe Walker, Occupational Therapist and Trainee Family Therapist, NHS, GLOUCESTER
  1050. Reuben Thomas, Student Counsellor, BACP, Leicester
  1051. Killian Strong, Ecopsychotherapist, HCPC; UKCP Reg., London
  1052. Sara Barratt, Systemic Psychotherapist, AFT, Bushey
  1053. Yuli Angelidou, Systemic Psychotherapist, Sheffield
  1054. Nick Williams, Psychotherapist and supervisor, UKCP member, London
  1055. Natalia Massucco, Trainee Psychotherapist, Metanoia Institute, London
  1056. Myriam Laplanche, Attachment-based Psychotherapist, UKCP / The Bowlby Centre, London
  1057. Mrs Karen Holford, Family Therapist, Self-employed, Hemel Hempstead
  1058. Chris Elcombe, Psychotherapist, UKCP, London
  1059. Lorna Edwards UKCP reg, Systemic psychotherapist, Cardiff
  1060. Joanna Groves, Psychotherapist, UKCP reg., Manchester
  1061. Matilda Allsopp, Trainee Integrative Arts Psychotherapist, IATE, London
  1062. Sarah Ward, Therapist, Private practice, UCKP member, Leeds
  1063. Dora Darvasi, Gestalt therapist, BACP accred., London
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