8 May 2024
Prevent Psychological Harm: Open Letter to Oppose the Safety of Rwanda Act

This letter was composed and signed by mental health professionals, including psychologists and psychotherapists working in the National Health Service (NHS), the third sector and beyond. We are deeply alarmed by the violent and traumatic nature of the UK’s Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act (2024). As experts in the field of mental health, we write this letter to expose the catastrophic psychological harm it will cause.

The principal aim of the Safety of Rwanda Act is to deter people from seeking asylum in the UK without prior permission (Home Office, 2024). This, however, was decided despite a lack of evidence (UK Parliament, 2024), which is unprofessional and evidently incorrect given the increase in people arriving via small boats due to a lack of legal and safe routes (House of Commons Committee, 2023).

To seek asylum is a human right (United Nations, 1948). The Act’s blatant violation of this was recognised by the Supreme Court (Amnesty International, 2024) and the UK parliament (House of Commons Committee, 2023). This law may also infringe on the international refugee law of non-refoulement (i.e., the prohibition of returning people to a country where they may face harm) as Rwanda’s legal and judiciary system has previously breached this (United Nations, 2024). Additionally, reports illuminate that Rwanda will likely be unsafe for people with marginalised identities such as LGBTQIA+ (openDemocracy, 2024; Powell, 2023) due to discrimination and abuse (Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, 2021). It is crucial to acknowledge that human rights violations have a traumatic and intolerable impact on individuals, families, communities, societies and nations (Engdhal et al., 2018).

These human rights violations would happen in addition to the trauma experienced throughout migration. Often, people’s journeys are marked by, and not limited to, human trafficking, exploitation, torture, war and persecution (Chen et al., 2017; Carlsson et al., 2018), alongside cultural and personal loss, typically due to family separation (Liddell et al., 2021). Devastatingly, once people arrive in the UK, sanctuary seekers face unfair and hostile treatment by the Home Office, increased uncertainty, immeasurable fear of detention (Pollard & Howard, 2021), and marginalisation in the host society (Liddell et al., 2021).

Exposure to such trauma, which culminates over time, places people at risk of overwhelming mental distress, such as depression, anxiety, loneliness and post-traumatic stress disorder (Blackmore et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2017). This frequently leads to experiences of hopelessness and helplessness, which prevents people from accessing crucial integrated support (BPS, 2022), thus fuelling their emotional pain and destroying their chances of becoming fully-functioning members of society.

What would you hope for if you or anyone you love were to face such challenges? Would you stand for the blatant disregard for and violation of their rights? Would you want others to deny their humanity? Please remember that any person, no matter their life story, now faces the risk of the profoundly damaging act of removal.

There is an ethical and moral obligation to treat all people with compassion and dignity. People fleeing dangerous situations are entitled to a safe and secure life. This is particularly critical considering the grave impact of British colonialism and contributions to wars inflicted on communities from the Global South (Freire, 1970; Fanon, 2001). Moreover, outsourcing our asylum system to other countries abandons our duty to share the global responsibility of providing care to those forced to seek safety elsewhere.

It is imperative that the mental health of people seeking asylum is protected and the violence of this Act be acknowledged. We unite with the general public (Politics, 2024) and stand against this law. We demand an approach that aligns with the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths or beliefs (UK Government, 2014).

We call for you to lead by example, protect human rights and abolish the Safety of Rwanda Act.

Kind regards,

The undersigned


Amnesty International (2024). The State of the World’s Human Rights: United Kingdom. Amnesty International, p.390-393. amnesty.org/en/documents/pol10/7200/2024/en/...

Blackmore R, Boyle JA, Fazel M, Ranasinha S, Gray KM, Fitzgerald G, et al. (2020) The prevalence of mental illness in refugees and asylum seekers: A systematic review and metaanalysis. PLoS Med 17(9): e1003337. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003337

British Psychological Society (BPS) (2022). BPS statement on the damaging mental health consequences of Rwanda deportations. bps.org.uk/news/bps-statement-damaging-mental-heal...

Carlsson, J. M., & Sonne, C. K. (2018). Mental Health, Pre-migratory Trauma and Post-migratory Stressors Among Adult Refugees. In Mental Health of Refugee and Conflict-Affected Populations: Theory, Research and Clinical Practice (1 ed., pp. 15-35). Springer. link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-97046-...

Chen, W., Hall, B. J., Ling, L., & Renzaho, A. M. (2017). Pre-migration and post-migration factors associated with mental health in humanitarian migrants in Australia and the moderation effect of post-migration stressors: findings from the first wave data of the BNLA cohort study. The Lancet Psychiatry, 4(3), 218-229. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ S2215-0366(17)30032-9

Engdahl, B., Kastrup, M., Jaranson, J., & Danieli, Y. (2018). The impact of traumatic human rights violations on victims and the mental health profession’s response. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 337-355.

Fanon, F. (2001). The wretched of the earth. London: Penguin.

Freire, P. (1970). Cultural action for freedom. Harvard Educational Review and Center for the Study of Development and Social Change.

Gleeson, C., Frost, R., Sherwood, L., Shevlin, M., Hyland, P., Halpin, R., … Silove, D. (2020). Post-migration factors and mental health outcomes in asylum-seeking and refugee populations: a systematic review. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2020.1793567

Home Office (2024). Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill: factsheet. Gov.uk. gov.uk/government/publications/the-safety-of-rwand...

House of Commons Committee (2023). Legislative Scrutiny: Illegal Migration Bill, UK, House of Commons Committee.

IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author): Rwanda: Situation of persons of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity and expression (SOGIE), including their treatment by society and state authorities; state protection and support services (2019–August 2021) [RWA200730.E], 23 August 2021 https://www.ecoi.net/en/document/2061342.html

Liddell B.J., Byrow Y., O’Donnell M., et al. (2021). Mechanisms underlying the mental health impact of family separation on resettled refugees. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2021;55(7):699-710. doi:10.1177/0004867420967427

Migrant Help (2024). Statement in response to passage of the Safety of Rwanda Bill. Migrant Help. migranthelpuk.org/news/statement-in-response-to-pa...

openDemocracy (2024). ‘Safe’ Rwanda is refusing LGBTQ+ asylum seekers, Home Office was told in 2022. opendemocracy.net/en/rwanda-bill-safety-lgbtq-asyl...

Pollard, T., Howard, N. Mental healthcare for asylum-seekers and refugees residing in the United Kingdom: a scoping review of policies, barriers, and enablers. Int J Ment Health Syst 15, 60 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13033-021-00473-z

Politics (2024) British Future/Focaldata poll: Less than a quarter of the public back Rwanda Bill in current form, poll finds. politics.co.uk/news/2024/03/18/less-than-a-quarter...

Powell, A. (2023) ‘Developed’: Administrative Violence in Sexual Diversity Asylum Claims at the UK Home Office. In: Dalton, D., Smith, A. (Eds) Gender, Sexuality and the UN’s SDGs. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Palgrave Macmillian, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-31046-1_3

Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024, c.8. legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2024/8/enacted:Thepurpose...

United Nations General Assembly. (1948). Universal declaration of human rights. un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-...

United Nations (2024). UK Rwanda Bill threatens to undermine independence of judiciary, UN experts say. United Nations. ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/03/uk-rwanda-bill...

UK Government (2014). Guidance on Promoting fundamental British values through SMSC. gov.uk/government/publications/promoting-fundament...

UK Parliament (2024) Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill. hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2024-04-22/debates/7...

423 verified
  1. Dafni Katsampa, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  2. Caile Gordon, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Salford
  3. Elena Opie, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  4. Shannon Marsh, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  5. Emma Gibbard, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Liverpool
  6. Jade Dalton, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, LSCFT, Hull
  7. Beccy Haragan, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Aberdeen
  8. Rupa Patel, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  9. Stephanie Armstrong, Clinical Psychologist, London
  10. Cynthia Nebo, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  11. Georgina Wilkinson, Trainee Clinical psychologist, NHS, Bury
  12. Caroline Bradley, Principal Clinical Psychologist, Centrepoint, London
  13. Katy Brooks, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Lancaster
  14. Bec Broughton, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Colchester
  15. Zoe thomas, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Brighton
  16. Mitchell Kemp, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  17. Crystal Webster, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Chorley
  18. Sopphire Anderson-Grey, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  19. Dorian Campbell, Trainee Clinical Pyschogist, NHS Scotland, Edinburgh
  20. Renato Silveira, Trainee CBT therapist, NHS - IAPT, London
  21. Sheryl Hayfron, Trainee psychologist, Essex partnership university trust, Essex
  22. Bethany Duncan, Trainee psychologist, NHS, Liverpool
  23. Georgia De-Bank, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  24. Hafiza Ali, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, EPUT, Essex
  25. Vivienne Isebor, Clinical Associate in Psychology, NHS, London
  26. Emma McEnaney, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  27. Sophia Ahmed, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  28. Tia Urgasova, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Tia Urgasova, London
  29. Luke Jackson-Hughes, Trainee clinical psychologist, Uel, London
  30. Helen Gowling, Clinical Psychologist, The Divergent Space Ltd, Skipton
  31. Cristina Catania, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  32. Hayley Zambakides, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, LONDON
  33. Dr Sally Morgan, Clinical Psychologist, Haverfordwest
  34. Shaunak Deshpande, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, CPFT NHS foundation trust, Hatfield
  35. Phoebe Toms, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Hertfordshire
  36. Ray Billington, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Liverpool
  37. Tayibah Ahmed, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  38. Rose Simonet, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  39. Lynn Walsh, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Antrim
  40. Jonathan Beavis, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
  41. Sophie Lyles, Clinical associate psychologist, NHS, London
  42. Rhiannon O’Marah, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Lancaster
  43. Maham Haq, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Lancaster
  44. Laurie McLellan, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Chorley
  45. Dan Ramsell, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  46. Laura Wijnberg, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Grampian, Aberdeen
  47. Jennifer Oulton, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool
  48. Rebecca Johnson, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Burnley
  49. Viktoria Stelikou, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Glasgow, Inverness
  50. Noor Ali, CBT therapist, GMMH NHS, Manchester
  51. Adriana Ferrari, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Hull
  52. Sasha O'Connor, Senior Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, Haringey Talking Therapies, London
  53. Anna Rigby, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS
  54. Samantha Burke, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Hertfordshire
  55. Sonali Varma, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  56. Sophie Harrison, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Lancaster
  57. Kyah Sisulu, Trainee Psychologist, NHS, Plymouth
  58. Rosa Marjeta, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Surrey
  59. Jamie Melvin-Freed, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Essex
  60. Elina Broholm, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Plymouth, Plymouth
  61. Aysel Denli, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Edinburgh
  62. kasey reilly, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Glasgow, Glasgow
  63. Angela Bootes, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Dumfries and galloway
  64. Muna Dubad, Clinical Psychologist, NHS
  65. Isobel Bros, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Somerset, Plymouth
  66. Rachael Aitken, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS GG&C, Glasgow
  67. Nadia Cook, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS GG&C, Glasgow
  68. Catriona Kinninmonth, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  69. Nikki Morfey, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Devon
  70. Emma Quilter, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Hertfordshire, London
  71. Janine Wheeler, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Hertfordshire
  72. Rachel Robert, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS,, London
  73. Ashley Dunira, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  74. Ash Rangasamy, Support workers for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, Torbay Communities, Torbay
  75. Hannah Hammam, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  76. Sasha Kluvitse, Research Assistant, NHS, London
  77. Shiren Goush, Trainee clinical psychologist, Essex Partnership University Trust, Colchester
  78. Laetitia, Trainee clinical psychologist, University of hertfordshire, Hatfield
  79. Natalie Georgiou, CBT therapist, North east London nhs foundation trust, London
  80. Eileen Willie-Pepple, High Intensity CBT Therapist, East London NHS Foundation Trust, London
  81. Chinwe Anyaorah, Therapist, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, London
  82. Georgia Chambers, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Bath
  83. Robyn Duffy, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Scotland, Glasgow
  84. Andrew Wheeler, Psychologist, NHS, Glasgow
  85. Tanser Shinasi, Trainee Clinical psychologist, Hertfordshire university, Hertfordshire
  86. Muhammed, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Sheffield NHS/University, Sheffield
  87. Stella Ogunlade, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Exeter
  88. Khadra Nuur, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Nhs, Glasgow
  89. Taylor Saravanamuttoo, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Glasgow
  90. Danielle Campbell, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Scotland, Hamilton
  91. Isy Price, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Bath
  92. Kathryn Andrew, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Lanarkshire
  93. Milade Adenekan, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  94. Lou Morgan, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Plymouth
  95. Imogen Campbell, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS
  96. Adam King, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  97. Susannah Dart, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  98. Jessica March, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Ipswich
  99. Sali Rizahu, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Liverpool
  100. Michelle Mooney, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Newcastle
  101. Jess Gillespie, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Bristol
  102. Munzar Sharif, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of East London, London
  103. Lucy Tait, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Plymouth
  104. Daniel Pugh, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, CNWL Trust, London
  105. Melissa Akoral, Trainee clinical Psychologist, NHS, edinburgh
  106. Andrea Clark, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Lanarkshire
  107. Amina Mohamedova, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, GMMH, Manchester
  108. Georgia Mooney, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Newcastle
  109. Lucy Desborough, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, London
  110. Cassie Laver, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  111. Eve Webber, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, London
  112. Nushka Marinova, Clinical Psychology, NHS England, Bristol
  113. Jane Street, Retired clinical psychologist, Morden
  114. Frances Holborn, Trainee Clinical psychologist, Copland Gardens, Glasgow
  115. Deanna
  116. Jamilah Musah, Trainee clinical psychologist, Nhs, London
  117. Angela Song-Chase, trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  118. Dr Nicole Samuel, Clinical Psychologist, Centrepoint, London
  119. Sarah Byrne, clinical psychologist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow
  120. Meltem Osman, Clinical Psychologist, Norwich
  121. Vanessa Jay, CAMHS clinician, Homerton, Hackney
  122. Katie Seymour, Trainee Clinical Psychologisr, NHS, Newcastle
  123. Rebecca Chasey, Clinical Psychologist, Exeter
  124. Shaan Jassal, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Hertfordshire/NHS, Herts
  125. Marianne Kidd, Trainee psychologist, Ucl, London
  126. Wendy O'Neill, Clinical Psychologist, Tavistock, Hertfordshire
  127. Rebecca Curran, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Leeds, Leeds
  128. Victoria Taylor, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  129. Rebecca Gardner, Trainee clinical psychologist, LSCFT, Preston
  130. Keyana Mouhitzadeh, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  131. Zeast Kamal, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  132. Ieva Watson, CBT and Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, NHS, Hertfordshire
  133. Anna Griffiths, Educational Psychologist, London
  134. Dr Vanessa Jones, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, London
  135. Dr Sinead Hodgins, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Glasgow
  136. Farihah Hafeez Rizvi, Psychotherapist, NHS, London
  137. Jason Ho, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London
  138. Simon Ungar, Educational Psychologist, London
  139. Emma Moss, CBT Therapist, NHS, London
  140. Madeleine Kelly, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  141. Kimberley Saddler, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, London
  142. Tara Metcalfe, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Dundee
  143. Siobhan Lennon, Art Psychotherapist, NHS, London
  144. Dr Georgia Crockford, Clinical psychologist, MHLD, Kent
  145. Aileen O Connor, Clinical Psychologist, Aileen O'Connor, Galway
  146. Abby, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Norwich
  147. Tricia Hart, Psychologist, NHS, Edinburgh
  148. Charlotte Maxwell, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  149. Blessing Bakare, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  150. Halima, Assistant Psychologist, NHS, Birmingham, Birmingham
  151. Maria Lahab, Senior Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, NHS, London
  152. Dr Miriam Silver, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, BERRI, Derbyshire
  153. Seraj Ahmed, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Norwich
  154. Liam Pikett, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  155. Dr Sophie Doswell, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  156. Candice Williams, Clinical Psychologist
  157. Jo Reed, Clinical Psychologist, Cambridge
  158. Jamie Ferrie, Clinical Psychologist, NHS Tayside
  159. Dr Sarah Parkinson, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cheshire
  160. Sophie Lee, Clinical Psychologist, Social Care, Devon
  161. Leonie Royes, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Birmingham
  162. Dr Charley Blackwell, Clinical psychologist, NHS, Newcastle, UK
  163. Kate Cudmore, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, MPFT, Stafford
  164. Amy Finney, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Birmingham
  165. Sarah Kelly, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  166. Chelsea Addy, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Newcastle upon Tyne
  167. Steve Lovatt, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Staffordshire
  168. Mirela Vasile, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of East Anglia, Ipswich
  169. Dr Jessica Pugh, Clinical Psychologist, London
  170. Anne Bohl-Gorny, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Canterbury
  171. Isabelle Andresen, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Isabelle Andresen, LONDON
  172. Sebastian francis, Trainee clinical psychologist, Nhs, Leicester
  173. Charlotte Huggett, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  174. Pedro Charles, Black or Black British - Any other Black background
  175. Jessica Davies, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  176. Amy Murphy, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, South Staffordshire, NHS
  177. Callum Trainor, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Staffordshire
  178. Muna Esmail, Clinical Associate Psychologist, NHS, London
  179. Bhavika Patel, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, CNWL NHS, London
  180. Anne-Marie Martin, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Colchester
  181. Jennifer Mbanu, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Exeter
  182. Laura Bellussi, Researcher
  183. Chloe Novak, Assistant Psychologist, Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield
  184. Kalliopi Demetriou, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Aberdeen
  185. Aifric McArdle, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Aberdeen
  186. Ekta Mistry, Forensic Psychologist, NHS, Nottingham
  187. Siobhan Tierney, Clinical Lead, NHS, Essex
  188. Alison Alway, Educational Psychologist, Devon
  189. Rachel Kidd, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Scotland, Aberdeen
  190. Dr Louise Peters, Clinical Psychologist
  191. T Mastroianni, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, London
  192. Rachel Dodd, Clinical psychologist, Liverpool university hospitals foundation trust, Liverpool
  193. Dr Claire Browne, Clinical Psychologist, Nhs, Manchester
  194. Elena Somovilla, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, London, London
  195. Lily Bodrell, Trainee clinical psychologist, Sabp, Surrey
  196. Rachel Tucker, Trainee Clinical Psychologist
  197. Katie Webster, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  198. Gabby Blumer, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  199. Laura Pettitt, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  200. Beth Yeoman, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Portsmouth
  201. Louise Martin, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Surrey
  202. Neelam Solanki, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Hertfordshire
  203. Alice Storey, Trainee Clinical Psychologist
  204. Becky Boddy, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Birmingham
  205. Gagan Bangar, Trainee Psychologist, NHS, Surrey
  206. Dr Ryan Holmes, Clinical Psychologist, London
  207. Vicky Jones, Primary care mental health practitioner, Mersey Care, Liverpool
  208. Dr Beatrice Hannah, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  209. Elna Suominen, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  210. Nicola Rogers, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Purley
  211. Tam Roper, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS
  212. Alex Skolnick, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, LONDON
  213. Jennifer Numao-Henriques, Psychotherapist, London
  214. Areej Elgaziari, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, LONDON
  215. Sonya Ralfs, Principal Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  216. Emma Moon, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  217. Dr Annette Bailey, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Ripon
  218. Dr Katie Gulliver, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Maidstone
  219. Jess Toccalino Wright, Trainee Psychotherapist, Bristol
  220. Laura Villa, Clinical Psychologist, London
  221. Dimitra Karachaliou, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Merseycare NHS Trust, Manchester
  222. Rosa Hardy, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Liverpool
  223. Ana-Maria Guzman, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Preston
  224. Krishtina Gurung, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Hertfordshire
  225. Clare Hodgins, Psychotherapist, Dublin
  226. Dr Emma Smith, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  227. Georgie-Anne Quinn, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Greater Manchester
  228. Caasha AbdiRahman, CBT Therapist & Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  229. Dr Anton Barnwell, Clinical Psychologist & CBT Therapist
  230. Saadia, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS
  231. oonagh Duffy, Clinical Psychologist, Glasgow Psychologist Limited, Glasgow
  232. Annie Mitchell, Psychologist, British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology, Newton Abbot
  233. Dr. Fiona MacLeod, Clinical Psychologist, Still Point Psychology, Brighton
  234. Laura Houghton, Trainee clinical psychologist, Mersey care nhs, Liverpool
  235. Lisa Rose, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Nottingham
  236. Dr Rosie Hunt, Counselling Psychologist, Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust, Sheffield
  237. Siobhan Cox, Clinical psychologist, Aberystwyth
  238. Carlos Amartey, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Leicester
  239. Martin Fisher, Accredited Psychotherapist, Primrose Hill Therapist, London
  240. Katie Sydney, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Colchester
  241. Antigone Ikkos-Serrano, Senior Psychological Therapist, Practice Plus Group, London
  242. Dr Rachel Ashwick, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  243. Charmaine Kilonzo, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Leeds
  244. Vicky Bamber, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Liverpool
  245. Tahmid Rahman, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  246. Sophie Randall, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  247. Louisa Jones, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Newport
  248. Chloe Newberry, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff
  249. Charli Babb, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  250. Alie Garbutt, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Newport
  251. Caitlin Sage, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  252. Nicole Singer, Clinical Psychologist, HPFT, Hemel Hempstead
  253. Thomas Jones, Trainee Clinical Psychogogist, NHS Wales, ABERDARE
  254. Zubeda Miah, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  255. Emma Phelan, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Surrey
  256. Sophie Farthing, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  257. Ellie Bray, Trainee Specialist Psychotherapist, Sussex Partnership NHS trust, Brighton
  258. Emily Elkington, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Teesside
  259. Michael Furner, Software Developer, Plymouth
  260. Adam Sawczuk, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Liverpool
  261. Jason Hassan, Trainee Clinial Psychologist, NHS, Norwich
  262. Amber Edwards, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of East Anglia, Suffolk
  263. Emily Quain, Mental Health Nursing Apprentice, NHS, Brighton
  264. Koralia Bentivoglio, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  265. Anna Cooper, Senior Support Worker, NHS, London
  266. Shereen Haffejee, Consultant Child And Adolescent Psychiatrist, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS trust, London
  267. Jessica safadi, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Essex
  268. Sara S. Marques, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cambridge
  269. Michaela Chesters, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Edinburgh
  270. Gemma Parker, Clinical psychologist, Altogether Human CIC, Manchester
  271. Heather Ozanne, Mental health nurse, NHS, London
  272. Katerina Papagavriel, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  273. Dr Emma Karwatzki, Programme Director, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
  274. Abigail Taiwo, Clinical Psychologist, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
  275. Eilish Crilley, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, CNTW, North Shields
  276. Kate Altham, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  277. Dr Jennifer Heath, Principal Lecturer/Clinical Psychologist, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
  278. Dr David Chapman, Clinical Psychologist, The University of Hertfordshire
  279. Litsa Sourla, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Peterborough
  280. Beth Cooper, Clinical associate psychologist
  281. E Hodanci, Clinical Associate in Psychology, NHS, London
  282. Barbara Rishworth, Clinical Psychologist and Academic Lead, University of Hertfordshire
  283. Ibreeze Ahmed, Trainee clinical psychologist, University of Sheffield, Sheffield
  284. Dr Jen Daffin, Community Clinical Psychologist, platfform, Cardiff
  285. Kiran Sidhu, Clinical Psychologist, MPFT, Birmingham
  286. Becky Hardiman, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Cardiff
  287. April Lloyd, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Wales
  288. Trene Rama, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  289. Debbie Hartwell, Clinical Psychologist, Abergavenny
  290. lianne mcdermott, Trainee clinical psychologist, Oxford health NHS, Oxford
  291. Dr Cathy Wood, Clinical Psychologist, Cathy Wood Psychology, Prestatyn
  292. Anna Dyson, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Bristol
  293. Megan Stinton, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cambridgeshire
  294. Dr. Rachel Evans, Clinical Psychologist, University of Bath, Cardiff
  295. Dr Siobhan Moore, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  296. megan pyke, Immediate support counsellor, The employment resilience company, Newport
  297. Sarah Naylor, Trainee Psychotherapist, University of South Wales, Cardiff
  298. Chloe McDaid, Trainee clinical psychologist, Nhs, Cardiff
  299. Karen Howell, Psychologist, BPS, Milton Keynes
  300. Paul Griffiths, Consultant Forensic Psychologist, PJG Psychological Services, SELBY
  301. Geraldine Akerman, Consultant Forensic Psychologist, Forensic Psychology Network, Oxford
  302. Balkes Faily, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  303. Madeline Smyth, Psychologist, Private practice, Cheshire
  304. Rachel Scott, Assistant Psychologist, Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, London
  305. Nyla Moran, Counselling psychologist in training, GCU
  306. Kim Jackson-Blott, Clinical Psychologist, Children's Services, Oxford
  307. Dr Iona Tynewydd, Senior Clinical Psychologist, NHS, North Wales
  308. Ellis Blyth, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Norwich
  309. Theo Sunley, Clinical psychologist, ABUHB CAMHS, Newport
  310. Claire-Marie Heaney, Systemic practitioner, Platfform, Cardiff
  311. Priyendra Tiwari, Assistant Psychologist, Southern Hill, Norwich
  312. Charlotte Griffiths, Forensic Psychologist, NHS, Hull
  313. Garrett Kidd, Assistant Psychologist, West London NHS Trust, London
  314. Krisztina Nemeth, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Norwich
  315. Dr Leah Francis, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Centrepoint, London
  316. Magda Szulik, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  317. Eloise Stark, Trainee Clinical Psychologist and Research Fellow, NHS / University of Oxford, Oxford
  318. Lydia Maurel, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS
  319. Sasha Mitchell, Psychotherapist, Pennine care nhs foundation trust, Manchester
  320. Simran Bains, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Kent
  321. Annie, Trainee CBT therapist, Haringey Talking Therapies, London
  322. Peigi Askew, Clinical Associate in Applied Psychology, NHS, Glasgow
  323. Dr Jayde Dix, Clinical psychologist, London
  324. Naomi murphy, Clinical psychologist, Octopus psychology, Peterborough
  325. Ffion Jenkins, Assistant Psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  326. Maria Ahmed, Cbt therapist, London
  327. Nisha Hickin, Clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  328. Manisha Guru, Assistant Psychologist, NHS, Worcester
  329. Kike Thomas-Smith, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  330. Rashmeet Gupta, CBT therapist, NHS, London
  331. Anna Brown, Counselling Psychologist, Freedom from torture, Newcastle upon Tyne
  332. Laura Kemmis, Freedom from Torture, London
  333. Shoban Adam, Clinical Associate in Psychology, NHS, Stockport
  334. Atiyah Soopee, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Devon
  335. Rachel Johnson, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  336. Laura Winter, Counselling Psychologist
  337. Emily le Couteur, Counselling Psychologist, Change Grow Live, Manchester
  338. Dr Andy Brackett, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Leicester
  339. Katri Seppala, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  340. Genevieve Quartey, Psychologist, CPFT, Cambridge
  341. Hana A, Trainee CP, NHS, Suffolk
  342. Dr Lisa Newton, Clinical psychologist, NHS, Sheffield
  343. Marton Kara, Psychologist, NHS, London
  344. Megan Charles, Family & Systemic Therapist, Freedom from Torture, London
  345. Sophie JONES, Clinical psychologist, Sussex partnership nhs foundation trust, Brighton
  346. Jake Hollis, Clinical Psychologist, Freedom From Torture, Brighton/London
  347. Mel Kakkar, Psychological Therapist, Calm Together Ltd / Freedom from Torture, Gateshead
  348. Dan Kimerling, Psychotherapist, NHS, East Sussex
  349. Rebecca H Clarke, Trainee Clinical psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  350. Niamh O'Sullivan, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  351. Dr Jacqui Scott, Clinical psychologist & Senior lecturer, University of Hertfordshire
  352. Ryhana Ali, Assistant Psychologist, NHS, London
  353. Natalie Kemp, Clinical Psychologist, in2gr8mentalhealth CIC and University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire
  354. Shaquilla Linton, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Peterborough
  355. Maria Qureshi, Clinical psychologist, NHS, London, London
  356. Georgie Ramsay, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Leicester
  357. Dovile Dixon, Trainee clinical psychologist, Leicestershire partnership trust, LEICESTER
  358. Diana Luk, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Leicester/ Manchester
  359. Laura Middleton Curran, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  360. Karina v, Trainee Clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  361. Maeve Torrance, PWP, Vita Health, Bristol
  362. Alana Barnett, Senior Psychological Well-being Practitioner, NHS Oxford Health, Buckinghamshire
  363. Tila Robinson, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Leeds
  364. Chloe Walpole, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  365. Natalie Richards, Trainee Clinical Psychologist
  366. Raha Niakan, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  367. Imelda Minnock, Trainee Clinical Paychologist, UCL, London
  368. Zainab Ogunbadejo, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  369. Alice pace, Trainee clinical psychologist, Nhs, London
  370. Tanya Brennan, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  371. Iram Munir, Trainee Clinical Psychologist (2nd Year), MPFT NHS, Staffordshire
  372. Rhiain Limby, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  373. Luke Alexander, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cardiff
  374. Lucy Sessions, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Leicester
  375. Amelia Balchin, Clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  376. Jess doyle, Trainee psychologist, Nhs
  377. Jennifer Shannon, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, London
  378. Luke Groom, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust, London
  379. Isabel Avery, Psychologist, NHS, London
  380. Nisha Chauhan, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  381. Shivani Patel, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS
  382. Clare Weston, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cambridge
  383. Susi, Trainee clinical psychologist
  384. Tara Hanna, Trainee clinical psychology, Nhs, London
  385. Mark Griffiths, Clinical Associate in Psychology, NHS, London
  386. Dorothy McKay, NET Trauma Therapist, Calm Together Therapies, Sunderland
  387. Sarah Breustedt, Clinical Psychologist, NHS GGC, Glasgow
  388. Antonia Clarke, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Scotland, Edinburgh
  389. Sian Connelly, Assistant Psychologist, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Glasgow
  390. Katerina Syrigou, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  391. Siofra Burns, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Scotland, Glasgow
  392. Ruth Outram, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow
  393. Clare Innes, Trainee Clinical Associate in Applied Psychology, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow
  394. Angeliki Argyriou, Clinical Psychologist, Helen Bamber Foundation, London
  395. Joe Campbell, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  396. S O, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Leicester
  397. Jemma Lang, Psychological Therapist, NHS, Bishopstoke, Eastleigh
  398. Lucy Jenner, Trainee Clinical Psych, NHS, London
  399. Gregory Shields, Doctor, South London and Maudsley, London
  400. Amy Chisholm, Clinical Psychologist, Amy Chisholm, LONDON
  401. Elaine Thomas, Registered Mental Health Nurse, NHS, London
  402. Dr Becky Anderson, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  403. Eirini Melegkovits, Clinical Psychologist, London
  404. Asmita Dhungana, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Cambridge
  405. Jessica Saffer, Clinical Psychologist, London
  406. Chancy marsh, Clinical psychologist, The sycamore private practice, Rayleigh, Essex
  407. Liz malpass, Psychologist, Nhs, London
  408. Theoni Kyriazopoulou, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Norwich
  409. Mhairi Gilmour, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, GGC
  410. Jennifer Sheardown, Trainee clinical psychologist, NHS, Manchester
  411. Alex Perkins, Researcher, NHS, London
  412. Marica Houghton, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS
  413. Emma Russell, Clinical psychologist, NHS, Hove
  414. Naomi Law, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Brighton & Hove
  415. Erasmo Tacconelli, Psychologist, NHS, London
  416. Danielle King, Clinical Psychologist, NHS, Saint Leonards-on-sea
  417. Rachel, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  418. Agata Podstepska, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS, London
  419. Jena Patel, Trainee Clinical Pyschologist, Surrey & Borders NHS Trust / Surrey University, London
  420. Bardana Singh, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Surrey, Guildford
  421. Finn Butterworth Kenny, Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust, Guildford
  422. Matthew Vaughan, Manchester
  423. Fisayo Adunola, Lecturer/Trainee Counselling Psychologist, Reading University, Chelmsford