20 May 2024
The debt of the Global South must be canceled!

Activists call for the cancellation of the Global South’s debt.

To: Governments of the G7 countries.

In anticipation of the 50th G7 Summit on June 13th-15th, 2024 in Apulia, Italy, we write to you as movements, organizations, activists and groups calling for justice in the ongoing climate and social crises.

We come from the Global South. We are the ones suffering the worst impacts of the climate crisis, produced predominantly by the Global North and particularly by the countries that make up the G7.

As is evident to all the leaders attending the 50th G7 Summit, in recent years climate change has been advancing at an ever-increasing pace instead of slowing down. We are already dangerously overshooting several planetary boundaries, putting billions of lives and essential livelihoods at risk.

A major driver of this and other crises is the debt system imposed by multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF, both of which are led and dominated by the G7 and their representatives. We, Global South countries, are forced to extract resources needed for the production and consumption of the Global North. We are forced to cut down our trees and deplete our soils while being deprived of affordable public services without seeing any meaningful responses to the unfolding impacts of the climate and ecological crisis. All this destruction, only to see our taxes and national resources go into payments of interest rates on an illegitimate debt that we have already paid many times over.

Enough is enough! We claim our right for a self-determined life outside of the neocolonial control of the Global North imposed on us through debt. We're calling out the hypocrisy of this year's G7 summit and its topic. It supposedly focuses on the Global South, but the G7 was formed as a response to the Global South's push for liberation from continued colonial structures. That push included proposing a New International Economic Order in 1974, the reaction to which was the formation of the G7 to consolidate Global North power. How can you claim to talk about the Global South without having us present at the negotiation table? Nothing about us, without us!

Given the nature of the exploitative credit system, it is becoming increasingly difficult to respond to the climate crisis, pandemics and other social and environmental priorities. In order to tackle these challenges we call for the following necessary steps:

Unconditional cancellation of all bilateral, multilateral and private debts of the countries of the Global South;

Sufficient climate finance and funds for Loss and Damages in the form of grants from the Global North;

Further reparations for centuries of colonial exploitation, genocides and climate and ecosystem destruction;

That a Global South task force oversees and has the political, economical and legal power to execute all these demands.

We know that it is not in the G7’s interest to do these things since the purpose of the G7 is to uphold a capitalist and colonial power system of which debt is a major pillar. We are not expecting the G7 to give us debt cancellation, justice and real decolonisation. This is why we need to stand in solidarity to bring an end to the colonial institutions that perpetuate debt and injustice, by organizing globally and taking our political power back. It’s time that the people make politics, not the political elite and the corporations.

Who owes whom? The Global North and the G7 in particular has a historical debt with the Global South. This debt is multilayered: the debt owed because of colonialism and its atrocities; the still ongoing plundering of resources; the death and misery inflicted on the people of the Global South by slavery, apartheid and genocide; the destruction of ecosystems; and the disproportionate appropriation of the atmosphere by centuries of greenhouse gas emissions.

We now take matters into our own hands to abolish the debt system and colonial continuations once and for all. This change has nothing to do with Global North charity or good will, it is simply restorative justice being put into effect.

In solidarity,

End Fossil Occupy Uganda

Debt For Climate Uganda

Debt for Climate MĂ©xico

End Fossil Occupy Tanzania

End Fossil Occupy Nigeria

Agape Earth Coalition

Fridays For Future Zambia

Scientific Rebellion - Mexico

93 verified
  1. Nicholas Omonuk, Climate Campaigner, End Fossil Occupy Uganda, Kampala
  2. Sitali Nosiku, Debt For Climate Zambia, Lusaka
  3. Alupo Caroline, Civil Engineer/ Founder Mothers Rebellion Uganda, MothersRebellionUganda, Kampala
  4. Rosi, Debt for Climate Austria, Linz
  5. Leo Caldana, Activist, United for Climate Justice; Extinction Rebellion Italy, Rome
  6. Issa Sesay, Secretary, Fridays for future Sierra Leone, Freetown
  7. Susanne Gelf, activist, Extinction Rebellion DE, Bonn
  8. Eric Mikalano, Défenseur dés Droits humains, Initiative Bonne Gouvernance des Ressources Naturelles au Kivu, Bukavu
  9. Basti, Climate activist, Extinction Rebellion, Berlin
  10. LĂ©onard Mugisho, Climate advocate, Congolese Action For Nature, Bukavu
  11. Peter Owiti, Public health advocate, Wote Youth Development Projects CBO, Nairobi
  12. Joris, historian, Extinction Rebellion Serbia / Debt for Climate Serbia, Mramorak
  13. Franco Rashid, Communication & Advocacy Officet, Young Think Tank Uganda, Kampala
  14. Silke Gross, Social Worker, Bonn
  15. Tamsir Sallah, Climate Activist, SDGs Ambassadors The Gambia, Arnhem
  16. Uwe Götz, Techniker, XR Climate Activist, Bochum
  17. Owora Patrick, Climate activist/solar technician, End fossil occupy uganda, Kampala
  18. Plant For My Future, NGO, Plant For My Future, Kampala
  19. Kutas Green Foundation, NGO, Kutas Green Foundation, Kampala
  20. Keran Chipasha, Executive director, Musa Community Development and Sustainability Organization, Kasama
  21. Nyabenda Oscar, Civi society, Fracade Burundi, Bujumbura
  22. Crispin Ngakani, National Lead, Climate Clock DRC, Goma
  23. Susanne Edgington, Socialworker, Gewalt-Akademie Villigst, Dortmund
  24. Sherifat ogudugu, Environmental activist, Riseup movement, Lagos
  25. Kenneth Nana Amoateng, AbibiNsroma Foundation, Accra
  26. Roland Olivier Dedi, Fondateur, Réseau des jeunes pour le développement communautaire, Abidjan
  27. Lindokuhle Sibiya, Ambassador, Connecting Climate Minds Sub Sahara, Manzini
  28. Lara Rowland, Human rights advocates, Women Against Violence and Expediency Handling Initiative, Lagos
  29. Philipp Bauer, student, Extinction Rebellion, OsnabrĂĽck
  30. Emma Nantermoz, United for Climate Justice, Extinction Rebellion Netherlands, Amsterdam
  31. Andreina Parogni, Teacher, Extincion Rebellion,Ultima Generazione,Fridays For Future., Rome
  32. Kimberley Didion, Letzte Generation, Halle
  33. Jussa Kudherezera, Development Practitioner, XR Zimbabwe, Mutare, Zimbabwe
  34. Mugerwa Mugisha Fred, Human rights and Environmental Activist, XR Batwa and the global minority, Bundibugyo
  35. Edwin Mumbere, Director, Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment (CECIC), Kampala
  36. Lynn Kemigisha, Student, Makerere University, Kampala
  37. Garfield Bergstedt, Quality Manager, SA Litho Label Printers, Stellenbosch
  38. Francesco Buonamici, Fridays For Future
  39. Tamara Marđetko, XR Serbia, Belgrade
  40. Demba Kandeh, Education/activist, Net Impact The Gambia, Banjul
  41. Eva Papanikolaki, Fridays for Future Greece
  42. Chloe-Louise Fawcett Reilly, Student & Volunteer, Green Party / Global Greens, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
  43. Florence Holzner, Florence Holzner, Wien
  44. Duncan, Reading
  45. Samuel MartĂ­n-Sosa, Climate Activist, Ecologistas en AcciĂłn, Madrid
  46. Convocatoria Ecologista Taranto, Ecologist group, Italy
  47. Laura C Zanetti Domingues, Reading
  48. Martin Reck, Debt for Climate Switzerland, Bern
  49. Yash Agrawal, Lecturer, Fridays For Future, Navi Mumbai
  50. Tommaso Marmo
  51. Nomsa khumalo, Social work, Midlands State University, Harare
  52. Mutsa Violet Mutidzawanda, Climate Justice activist, Futuristic Mindsets Climate Action, Zimbabwe Bulawayo
  53. Stephane Van Haute, Arlon
  54. Wamani David, Medical Doctor, Agape Earth Coalition, Kampala
  56. Marcela Braak, Kompetenzzentrum Migration, Hamburg
  57. miep, teacher, Gent
  58. Vera Briner, Musician, Debt for Climate CH, Zurich
  59. Zoe Grace Salvato-Cutter, Teacher, Medford
  60. Jan Rau, Reasearch Chemist, Letzte Generation, Berlin
  61. Bernhard Seidler, medical doctor and research assistant in medical ethics, Scientist Rebellion, 50931 Köln
  62. gilbert p. rossier mcGoon, teacher, movements of movements, xr and dent4climate, biel / bienne
  63. Serena Micieli, Milano
  64. Ismael, D4C Austria, Graz
  65. Maria Giulia Rodriguez, Mother, None, Lurate Caccivio
  66. Atlas Sarrafoglu, climate activist, Youth For Climate Turkey, Istanbul
  67. Barbara SchĂĽttpelz, Teachet, Koln
  68. Gondyi Nanakyen, Conservationists, Eden Creation Care Initiative, Jos,plateau state
  69. Manon Gerhardt, Press speaker Extinction Rebellion Germany, Berlin
  70. baerenstark, activist, Extinction Rebellion DE, Stuttgart
  71. Yogi, Climate activist, Extinction Rebellion (XR), Berlin, Germany
  72. Nicolò Wojewoda, Europe Regional Director, 350.org, Ireland
  73. Luke Beuning, Student, Letzte Generation, Leipzig
  74. Omar Amin Abulzahab, Letzte Generation/Antirassismus Gruppe, Berlin
  75. Sascha, Letzte Generation
  76. Jana Reekers, Sozialarbeiterin, Letzte Generation, Hamm (Sieg)
  77. Theresa Ziermann, activist, Extinction Rebellion DE, Nuremberg
  78. Gabriela L I M
  79. Rewan Wagner, Berlin
  80. Raouf, Student, Debt for climate, Tunisia
  81. Annika Dencker, Student, Berlin
  82. Laureen Akinyi Ododa, Tour consultant, Tourism Professional Association, Migori
  83. Melani Gunathilaka, Coordinator, Climate Action Now Sri Lanka, Colombo
  84. Alicia Maldonado, Debt 4 Climate
  85. anonymous
  86. Sonia Sali, Activist, Debt for climate italy, Milano
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