19 December 2023
The Stonehenge Debate Must Be Reframed

We write as members of the UK’s archaeological community to urge our sector to come together in taking a renewed and rightful lead in re-framing the current, divisive debate around the Stonehenge Tunnel.

The prominence of Stonehenge in the national and global public imagination means that the debate around the tunnel draws an unprecedented amount of attention. With input from a range of voices, this could be turned into a positive opportunity to effect real transformation in the understanding, scope and implementation of heritage protection and archaeological mitigation in the UK.

In spite of this, archaeologists themselves have been overwhelmingly absent from the discourse. While a number of public figures have shared their views on the project, many of the individual archaeologists and heritage specialists who are best-informed on the subject are unable to comment due to factors which include their professional obligations. Meanwhile, many major organisations representing UK archaeology have distanced themselves from the heart of this politicised and polarised debate.

Into the vacuum has stepped the Stonehenge Alliance, whose increasingly divisive and populist rhetoric directly risks the public understanding of archaeology in the UK for many years to come. Rather than being presented with diverse, informed perspectives, the tone of the matter has been steered, almost single-handedly, by this campaign group and its backers.

The role of archaeological intervention in mitigating impact on heritage has been consistently distorted and misrepresented by the Stonehenge Alliance campaign in spite of persistent requests by archaeologists to tone down their rhetoric.

After years of cuts to the sector, coupled with the politically convenient presentation of archaeology as a barrier to development in planning reform discussions, we simply cannot afford to take another blow.

Archaeological and, in particular, prehistoric heritage can be profoundly powerful in shaping contemporary identities. With many archaeologists and representative bodies remaining mute and public feeling running high, the narrative is skewed towards fringe voices. Even those individuals within the sector who are not bound by client confidentiality agreements face the threat of online abuse, while practitioners working at contentious sites could be at risk simply by doing their job.

UK archaeologists are represented by multiple professional bodies, and include commercial contractors, local government and NGO employees, community heritage practitioners, academics, curators and more. Such a diverse community is naturally home to a great range of perspectives, but regardless of individual or organisation positions, we come together now to directly and openly challenge the misrepresentation of our sector, and especially the fundamental role archaeology plays in the preservation and protection of the UK’s heritage.

We agree upon the following:

With the 80th anniversary of the Council for British Archaeology coming in 2024, this is the perfect time for the heritage sector to unite in working towards a future where archaeology is valued and well-resourced. A powerful, evidence based, voice re-framing the Stonehenge debate is urgently needed. We can all be that voice.

Update 30 December 2023

The Stonehenge debate must be reframed

30/12/23 UPDATE: We have become aware that the full text of the open letter has not been showing for some over the last day or so. We are unsure why this has occurred, and can only apologise for the confusion. The restored original text is below:

We write as members of the UK’s archaeological community to urge our sector to come together in taking a renewed and rightful lead in re-framing the current, divisive debate around the Stonehenge Tunnel.

The prominence of Stonehenge in the national and global public imagination means that the debate around the tunnel draws an unprecedented amount of attention. With input from a range of voices, this could be turned into a positive opportunity to effect real transformation in the understanding, scope and implementation of heritage protection and archaeological mitigation in the UK.

In spite of this, archaeologists themselves have been overwhelmingly absent from the discourse. While a number of public figures have shared their views on the project, many of the individual archaeologists and heritage specialists who are best-informed on the subject are unable to comment due to factors which include their professional obligations.

Meanwhile, many major organisations representing UK archaeology have distanced themselves from the heart of this politicised and polarised debate.

Into the vacuum has stepped the Stonehenge Alliance, whose increasingly divisive and populist rhetoric directly risks the public understanding of archaeology in the UK for many years to come. Rather than being presented with diverse, informed perspectives, the tone of the matter has been steered, almost single-handedly, by this campaign group and its backers.

The role of archaeological intervention in mitigating impact on heritage has been consistently distorted and misrepresented by the Stonehenge Alliance campaign in spite of persistent requests by archaeologists to tone down their rhetoric.

After years of cuts to the sector, coupled with the politically convenient presentation of archaeology as a barrier to development in planning reform discussions, we simply cannot afford to take another blow.

Archaeological and, in particular, prehistoric heritage can be profoundly powerful in shaping contemporary identities. With many archaeologists and representative bodies remaining mute and public feeling running high, the narrative is skewed towards fringe voices. Even those individuals within the sector who are not bound by client confidentiality agreements face the threat of online abuse, while practitioners working at contentious sites could be at risk simply by doing their job.

UK archaeologists are represented by multiple professional bodies, and include commercial contractors, local government and NGO employees, community heritage practitioners, academics, curators and more. Such a diverse community is naturally home to a great range of perspectives, but regardless of individual or organisation positions, we come together now to directly and openly challenge the misrepresentation of our sector, and especially the fundamental role archaeology plays in the preservation and protection of the UK’s heritage.

We agree upon the following:

  1. The monument of Stonehenge is not under threat. Under no proposed plan of action would any construction take place within or adjacent to the monument, and the nearest works will involve the removal of the current A303.

  2. What is at risk is archaeology preserved within the wider landscape setting of the monument and within the wider World Heritage Site. Any intervention must be undertaken to a very high standard under our obligations to UNESCO, the Valletta convention, and to the National Planning Policy Framework.

  3. With the right level of resources, teams of experienced, professional archaeologists would mitigate the impact of the project to a very high standard. This work is already underway and its scope is guided by both the independent A303 Scientific Committee and the planning conditions currently in place. We would like to see the work of that committee - led by Sir Barry Cunliffe and ensuring the highest standards of any necessary mitigation programme - elevated in the public eye. We would also like to see the experience and professionalism of the hundreds of archaeologists who would undertake the work similarly celebrated and supported.

  4. If at any point there is an argument that the professional response put in place under planning conditions is not sufficiently detailed or resourced, the issue should be discussed in the context of the wider situation for archaeology under UK planning law. Archaeological investigation and mitigation should be conducted to the same appropriate levels across the country no matter where the site is. Enhancements for the way archaeology is conducted in the event of tunnel construction in the Stonehenge landscape should translate into enhancement across the sector.

  5. We do not protect Stonehenge because it is sacred, or because of any connection to, or perceived ancestry from, its numerous generations of builders. The framing of the tunnel project as ‘desecration’ is inappropriate and counter-productive to a constructive discussion of how heritage is managed and valued in the UK. These calls risk opening the door to an archaeological narrative of ethno-nationalism. Instead, we unite behind the protection of our prehistoric heritage for everyone, for its global cultural and scientific value.

  6. What is needed is a call for a reasoned position of concern and vigilance. This will help ensure the principles of the National Policy and Planning Framework (NPPF) are implemented and our shared national responsibility as guardians of this important and valued World Heritage Site is seen to be taken seriously.

With the 80th anniversary of the Council for British Archaeology coming in 2024, this is the perfect time for the heritage sector to unite in working towards a future where archaeology is valued and well-resourced. A powerful, evidence based, voice re-framing the Stonehenge debate is urgently needed. We can all be that voice.

1,207 verified
  1. Matt Pope, Archaeologist, UCL Institute of Archaeology, London
  2. Raksha Dave, Hon President CBA, Archaeologist & Broadcaster, London
  3. Tess Machling, Independent researcher, St Albans
  4. Lu Stanton-Greenwood, Aberdeen
  5. Professor Alice Roberts, Biological anthropologist, author and broadcaster, University of Birmingham, Birmingham
  6. Chloe Duckworth, Reader in Archaeological Science & Public Engagement, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne
  7. Cat Lodge, Bristol
  8. Mike Pitts
  9. Grahame Appleby, Archaeologist
  10. Turi King, Archaeogeneticist/Broadcaster, University of Leicester, Leicester
  11. David Connolly, Archaeologist, BAJR, Selkirk
  12. Jim Leary, Senior Lecturer, University of York, York
  13. Tom Booth, Bioarchaeologist, The Francis Crick Institute, London
  14. Sarah Tarlow, Professor of Archaeology, University of Leicester, Leicester
  15. Richard Osgood, archaeologist, Winchester
  16. Catherine Rees, Archaeologist, Conwy
  17. Penelope Foreman, Hon Chair, Chartered Institute for Archaeologists
  18. Sadie Watson, Archaeologist, London
  19. Susan Greaney, Lecturer, University of Exeter, Bristol
  20. Dr Gordon Barclay, Archaeologist, Edinburgh
  21. Matt Beamish, Archaeologist, University of Leicester Archaeological Services, Leicester
  22. Kenny Brophy, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  23. Meredith Laing, Lawyer and archaeologist, Wells
  24. Chiz Harward, Archaeologist, Urban Archaeology, Stroud
  25. Anke Marsh, Palaeoecologist, London
  26. Amy Talbot, Archaeology Planning Consenting Manager, York
  27. Elpidia Giovanna Fregni, Archaeologist, Girne
  28. Paul Everill, Reader in Archaeology, University of Winchester, Winchester
  29. Dorothy Graves McEwan, Archaeologist, Edinburgh
  30. Nicholas Cooke, Archaeologist, Aberystwyth
  31. Kayt Hawkins, Archaeologist, Winchester
  32. Andy ward, Curator & finds specialist, Maidstone
  33. Andrew Nicholson, Archaeologist, Dumfries
  34. David Petts, Associate Professor, Dept of Archaeology, Durham University, YORK
  35. Alan Ford (MCIfA), Archaeologist, Faringdon
  36. Mary Baker, Archaeological tour guide, Archaeotours, Haverfordwest
  37. Gwilym Williams, Archaeologist, London
  38. Claire Harris, Archaeologist, London
  39. Sonia Zakrzewski, Bioarchaeologist, University of Southampton, Southampton
  40. Nigel Jeffries (FSA & MCIfA), Archaeologist, MOLA, London
  41. john oxley MBE FSA, Archaeologist, Independent, Scarborough
  42. Jack Rowe, University of Bradford
  43. Emily Edwards, Archaeologist, Kinver
  44. Malcolm White, Engineer and archaeologist, None, Gloucester
  45. Richard Oram, Archaeologist, Berkshire
  46. Alan Telford, Archaeologist, Allen Archaeology Ltd, Durham
  47. Catherine Frieman, Professor, Australian National University, Canberra
  48. Robin Latour, Geomatics Specialist, Archaeological Services Inc, Hamilton, ON
  49. Rob Hedge, Archaeologist, Worcester
  50. Neil Ackerman, Archaeologist
  51. Sally Chinery, Porthmadog
  52. Duncan Mackay, Archaeologist, Norwich
  53. Rosie loftus BA(hons) ACIFA, Field archaeologist, Wakefield
  54. Rebecca Lambert, Archaeologist, Independent Researcher, London
  55. Christopher Swales, Archaeologist, Dundee
  56. Elizabeth Tideswell, Archaeologist, Kent
  57. Sarah Miles, Archaeologist, Brackley
  58. Philippa Walton, Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Reading, Reading
  59. Yvonne Conchie, Independent Chartered Geographer, Conchie.Co: Rural, Community & Heritage projects, Northumberland
  60. Dan Herbert
  61. Gemma Ward, Archaeologist, Brighton
  62. Angie Wickenden, Experimental archaeologist and potter, Flameworks Creative Arts Facility, Plymouth
  63. Andrew Buchanan, Community archaeologist, WSAG, Wells
  64. Neil Hunter, Redditch
  65. Brown Martin, Archaeologist, Devizes
  66. Jacky Nowakowski, Archaeologist, Independent Researcher, Truro
  67. Jennifer Bates, Assit. Professor of Archaeological Science, Seoul National University, Seoul
  68. Sarah Botfield, PhD candidate in., University of Manchester
  69. Mark Collard MCIfA, Archaeologist, Great Malvern
  70. Stewart Ellinson, Educator, Otley
  71. Mr Simon Walton, Archaeologist & Retired, HAVANT
  72. Alison Klevnäs, Associate Professor, Stockholm University, Stockholm
  73. Debbie Brookes, Archaeologist, Bristol
  74. Petra Wade, York
  75. Catriona Cooper, Senior Lecturer, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury
  76. Alex Beeby, Archaeologist, Lincoln
  77. Judith Winters, Editor, University of York, York
  78. Ruth Halliwell, Independent researcher
  79. Hannah Cobb, Professor of Archaeology and Pedagogy, University of Manchester, Manchester
  80. Gillian Varndell, Retired curator, Ex British Museum, Colchester
  81. Lauren McIntyre, Osteoarchaeologist, Rotherham
  82. Rachel King, Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage Studies, UCL Institute of Archaeology, University College London, London
  83. Tonnie Richmond, retired, Leeds
  84. Dr Patrick Randolph-Quinney, Bioarchaeologist, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne
  85. Will Attard, Archaeologist, Thames Valley Archaeological Services, Reading
  86. Sarah Bockmeyer, Archaeologists, Kiel
  87. Vicki Score, Director, University of Leicester, ULAS
  88. James Harvey, Archaeologist, University of Leicester Archaeological Services, Leicester
  89. Sarah May, Heritage Consultant, Cardiff
  90. John J Johnston, Egyptologist, International Society for the Study of Egyptomania, London
  91. Letty Ingrey, Archaeologist, UCL- Archaeology South-East
  92. Mathew Morris, Archaeologist, University of Leicester Archaeological Services, Leicester
  93. Lorraine Pither, Independent field archaeologist, None, Weymouth
  94. John Dempsey, Archaeology Student, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  95. Mark Knight, Archaeologist, Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Cambridge
  96. Kae Neustadt, MCIfA, Principal Heritage Consultant, Birmingham
  97. Holly Newman
  98. Emily Gal, Archaeologist, Scotland
  99. Ann Clarke, Archaeologist, Freelance, North Berwick
  100. Ian Reeds, Archaeologist, University of Leicester, Leicester
  101. John Thomas, Archaeologist, University of Leicester Archaeological Services, Leicester
  102. Katie Hinds, Archaeologist, Winchester
  103. Dominic Farrugia, Student Archaeologist, University of the Highlands and Islands, Stirling
  104. Catherine Roberts
  105. Andrew Whiting, Project Manager, Poole, Dorset
  106. Ashleigh Harrington-Neal, Archaeologist, Liverpool
  107. Rachel Willis, Horticulturalist and volunteer archaeologist, DGS, Salisbury
  108. Jenny Emmett, Planning Archaeologist, North Wales
  109. Dr Chris Constable MCIFA FSA, Archaeologist, Southwark
  110. Anne Templeton, Archaeologist, Freelance, UK
  111. Matt Bunker, Independent Researcher, Bristol
  112. Chrstine Power, Retired, Salisbury
  113. Jane Corcoran M.A, Former archaeologist, Liverpool
  114. Swogger, Retired Archaeologist, Wrexham
  115. Dr Anna Garnett, Curator, Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology, London
  116. Michelle Penn, Former archaeologist, Dover
  117. Julia Bennett, Heritage consultant, Chris a landlord Associates, Nottingham
  118. Ruth Siddall, Geologist & Archaeometrist, UCL, London
  119. Ellie Colliee, CEO, Bristol
  120. Niall Hammond, Archaeologist, Barnard Castle
  121. L. Meghan Dennis, Archaeological Ethicist, York
  122. Chloe Brownlee-Chapman, Archaeologist and Business Executive, Uncovering Roman Carlisle, Carlisle
  123. Mark Allen, Director, Allen Archaeology Ltd, Lincoln
  124. Tony Hunt, Director, None, York
  125. Paul Whitewick, Youtube, Self employed, ANDOVER
  126. Kate Sheehan-Finn, Archaeologist/Curator, Not currently employed in sector, Hexham
  127. Lisa Brown, Archaeologist, Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, Bath
  128. Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, Professor of Prehistory, University of Vienna, Vienna
  129. Thomas Wicks, Conservator, Wessex archaeology, Salisbury
  130. Isabelle Vella Gregory, Archaeologist, Bedford
  131. Keith Cocker, Retired, Retired Historian, Bolton
  132. Murray cook, Archaeologist, None, Stirling
  133. Clément Boutterin, Geomorphologist, Forfar
  134. Caroline Hardie Hammond, Archaeologist, Barnard Castle
  135. Gali Jaffe‬‏, Archaeologist, Freelance, Berlin
  136. Haydyn Williams, Clackmannan
  137. Dr Stuart McKie, Lecturer in Classical Studies, Open University, Newcastle upon Tyne
  138. Jim Butler, Honorary Secretary, Leicestershire Archaeological & Historical Society, Leicester
  139. Hanna Steyne, Archaeologist, Manchester
  140. Amelia Allen, Historic Buildings Archaeologist, South West Archaeology Ltd, Exeter
  141. Raimund Karl, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology and Heritage, Prifysgol Bangor University, Wien
  142. Dr James Wright, Archaeologist, Triskele Heritage, Nottingham
  143. Peter Reavill, Historic Environment Record Officer, Hereford
  144. Lisa Marlow, Research Ethics Officer, Gold Coast, Australia
  145. Frances Garnett, Archaeologist, LEEDS
  146. Catherine Stallybrass, Textile specialist, Regia Anglorum, Norton, Malton
  147. Jasmine, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  148. Tara Montane, Writer, St Columb Major
  149. Sander Aerts, Environmental Archaeology Manager, Wessex Archaeology Ltd, Salisbury
  150. Rob Bourn, Archaeologist, Orion Heritage Ltd, 44 North Road
  151. Claudia Tommasino, Archaeologist, London
  152. Christopher Seddon, Author, Glanville Publications, London
  153. Vince Simmonds, Archaeologist, Freelance, Bristol
  154. Virva Lompolo, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  155. Rebecca Ryan, Technical Director, Orion Heritage, Leeds
  156. Greg Michaelson, Archaeology research student, University of Aberdeen, Edinburgh
  157. Martin Bates, Geoarchaeologist, Independent consultant and Professor of Practice UWTSD, Llanon
  158. Emily Johnston, Archaeologist, Edinburgh
  159. Tabitha Gulliver Lawrence, Field archaeologist, Colchester
  160. Dominika Czop, Archaeologist, Allen Archaeology Ltd, Lincoln
  161. Gareth Talbot, Archaeologist, Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology, Orkney
  162. Eloise Kane, Wiltshire
  163. Graham Taylor, Ceramic specialist, Potted History, Northumberland
  164. Simon Lucy, Stourport on Severn
  165. Helen Johnston, Cumbria
  166. David Etheridge, Archaeologist, Self employed, Bristol
  167. Diana Blumberg, Archaeological scientist/lab technician, Newcastle University, Brampton
  168. Janet Montgomery, Professor of Bioarchaeology, Dept of Archaeology, Durham University, Durham
  169. Trudy Craig, Archaeologist, Northamptonshire
  170. Ed Blinkhorn, Archaeologist, UCL - Archaeology South-East
  171. Joana Valdez-Tullett, Archaeologist, Edinburgh
  172. Dr Emily Stammitti Campbell, Cultural heritage management programme director, Harlaxton college, Grantham
  173. Peter McCrone, Archaeologist, POULTON-LE-FYLDE
  174. Lizzi Lewins, Archaeologist, Archaeology Warwickshire, Reading
  175. Chantal Conneller, Professor of Early Prehistory, Newcastle University, Newcastle
  176. Alison Hatcher, Hampshire
  177. Mike Donnelly, Archaeologist, Oxford
  178. Hannah Pethen, Archaeologist, University of Liverpool, Westcliff on sea
  179. Sharon Clough, Osteoarchaeologist, Oxfordshire
  180. James Heath, Newport
  181. Andy Emery, Geologist, Inverness
  182. Bronagh Rae-Quinn, Archaeologist, Colchester Archaeological Trust, Colchester
  183. Alison James, Archaeologist, MSDS Marine, Belper
  184. Eleanor Johnson, Archaeologist, Cambridge
  185. Kim Wakeham, Archaeologist
  186. Franki Webb, Heritage Consultant, London
  187. Iain Bennett, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  188. Steve Webster, Archaeologist, Self employed, Salisbury
  189. Alison Heke, Archaeologist, Chester
  190. Caroline Jones, Former Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Surrey, Guildford
  191. Mark Fletcher, Field Archaeologist, Matrix Archaeology Ltd, Manchester
  192. Jonathan Seaman, Heritage Consultant, Self Employed, Eastbourne
  193. John Jackson, Archaeologist, Worcestershire archaeology, Worcester
  194. Dr Susan Barton, Historian, Leicester
  195. Jo Scott, Heritage engagement consultant, Northumberland
  196. Christine Smith, Retd Archaeologist, Independent, Belfast
  197. Greg Bailey, Independent researcher, Contemporary TV, London
  198. Stephen White, Senior Archaeologist, Archaeology South-East, UCL Institute of Archaeology, London
  199. Stuart Palmer FSA, Chief Archaeologist, Archaeology Warwickshire, Warwick
  200. Alistair Byford-Bates, Marine Archaeologist, MSDS Marine, Bath
  201. Chris Kolonko-Weet, Archaeologist
  202. Ben Slader, Archaeologist, Wantage
  203. Bill Bevan, Heritage interpreter, Derby
  204. Sean Wallis, Senior Archaeological Consultant, Orion Heritage, Brighton
  205. Amr Al Azm, Professor/Archeologist, Shawnee State University/ATHAR Project
  206. Lesley McFadyen, Lecturer, Birkbeck, University of London, London
  207. Terry Frain, Archaeologist, Self-employed, Newcastle upon Tyne
  208. Ian Parker Heath, Archaeologist, Enrichment Through Archaeology, Buxton
  209. Pippa Smith, Heritage learning and engagement, Freelance, Handling the Past, Cambridge
  210. Richard Harris, Environmental Data Scientist, Intelligent Reality, Balquhidder
  211. Vicky Tregenza, Riding instructor, Unicorn university, Cornwall
  212. Maria Relaki, Archaeologist, The Open University, UK, Leicester
  213. Mark Bleay, Bee keeper, March Harr Apiary, Sheffield
  214. Bj Ware, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford
  215. Linzi Harvey, Archaeologist, Southampton
  216. Audrey Broome, Cardiff
  217. Dr Nicholas Riall, Archaeologist & Historian, Independent scholar, Corsham
  218. Charlotte Walker, Archaeologist, West Northants Council, Northampton
  219. António Reis, Archaeologist-Heritage photographer, Ucl Institute of Archaeology, London
  220. Rob Moss, History Undergraduate, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester
  221. Jemma Picken, Telford
  222. Cailee Mellen, Archaeologist, Edinburgh
  223. John Lewis FSA, Archaeologist, Former General Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Salisbury
  224. James Clark, PhD Researcher, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  225. Fiona, Principal Heritage Consultant, Wakefield
  226. Stefan Bryant, Archaeologist, Archaeology South-East, BRIGHTON
  227. Marina Silva, Archaeogeneticist, The Francis Crick Institute, London
  228. Miles Russell, Principal Academic in Prehistoric and Roman Archaeology, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
  229. Kathryn Price, Archaeologist, University of Reading, Wales
  230. Talya Bagwell, Heritage text proofreader, Self-employed, Exeter
  231. Samara King, Archaeologist, Archaeology South-East, UCL Institute of Archaeology, Colchester
  232. Gill Allmond, Archaeologist, Belfast
  233. Daniel Stahr, Administrator, Reed in Partnership, Eastbourne
  234. Maria Jose Figuerero, Archaeologist, Instituto de Arqueología, UBA, Buenos Aires
  235. Aimee Little, Senior Lecturer in Prehistory and Material Culture, University of York, YORK
  236. Louise Rayner, Archaeologist, UCL Institute of Archaeology, Portslade
  237. Andy Howard, Geoarchaeologist, Bridgnorth
  238. Tom Wilson, heritage consultant, London
  239. Portia Askew, Retired archaeologist, ex MOLA, London
  240. Lauren Hynes, Consultant Archaeologist, Tetra Tech Europe, Liverpool
  241. Edward Stewart, Post-Graduate researcher, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  242. Janice Kinory, Independent Archaeologist, Oxfordshire
  243. Dan Sykes, Archaeologist, Oxford, Bournemouth
  244. Eric Tourigny, Senior Lecturer in Historical Archaeology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
  245. Trista Clifford, Archaeologist, UCL Archaeology South East, Lewes
  246. Stacy Gillis, Lecturer, University of Newcastle, Newcastle
  247. Hilary Calow, PCIfA, Community archaeologist, Warwickshire
  248. Tara Murphy, Heritage consultant, Arup, London
  249. Andrea Dolfini, Professor of Archaeology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
  250. Ruth Shaffrey, Archaeologist and worked stone specialist, Reading
  251. Richard Madgwick, Reader in Archaeological Science, Cardiff University, Cardiff
  252. Victoria Green, Archaeologist, Oxford
  253. James Gerrard, Professor of Roman Archaeology, Newcastle University, Newcastle
  254. Holly Drinkwater, Commercial Archaeologist, Ecus Ltd, Richmond
  255. Eline van Asperen, Technician in Archaeology, Newcastle University, Newcastle
  256. Myra Giesen, Research Associate, Newcastle University, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE
  257. Helen Green, Impact manager (& trained archaeologist), University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  258. Mr Ian Lee, N/A, Birmingham
  259. Brian Kerr, Archaeologist, Retired, Haslemere
  260. Eloise Michael, Archaeology student, University of Southern Queensland, Brisbane
  261. Arran Johnson, Archaeologist, York Archaeology, York
  262. Helen Maclean, Technical Director, Archaeology, Leeds
  263. Anthony Haskins, Group HS&E Advisor, Oxford Archaeology, Watchet
  264. Amanda Wintcher, Archaeologist, Gateshead
  265. Roland Williamson, Replica Maker for Museums and Collectors, Cheltenham
  266. Laura Sanchez-Romero, Anthropological archaeologist, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona
  267. Tania Wilson, Archaeologist, Canterbury
  268. Carolanne king, Archaeologist, retired, manchester
  269. Dr Mark Patton, Lecturer and Author, The Open University, London
  270. Lexi Diggins, Archaeologist & temporary curator, St Albans Museums, Hertfordshire
  271. Sybil Baldwin, Retired, None, Dunoon
  272. John Schofield, Professor, University of York, YORK
  273. Nicholas Crabb, Senior Lecturer in Archaeological Science, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
  274. Ben Price, Archaeological Illustrator, Curious Plum Studios, Derby
  275. Andrew Mcleish, Archaeologist, University of leicester Archaeological Services, Leicester
  276. Cat Gibbs, Engagement Archaeologist, MOLA, London
  277. Hugh Willmott, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield
  278. Katherine Toms, Technical Content Manager, Plymouth
  279. Calum Hall, Commercial Archaeologist, Edinburgh
  280. Gillian Mellor, Retired archaeologist, Oxford
  281. Cassie Fletcher, Archaeology Student, Reading
  282. Chris Butler, Archaeologist, CBAS Ltd, Lewes
  283. Mike Heyworth, York
  284. SheilaBates, Retired Headteacher, Marsden, Huddersfield.
  285. Ian Jenkins, Academic, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Staines, Middx
  286. Fraser Brown, Archaeologist, Lancaster
  287. Farnaz faraji, Research Assistant, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
  288. Ian Brooker, Consultant, Crawley
  289. Robin Fleming, Professor of History, Boston College, Boston
  290. Lauren Neal, Archaeologist, London
  291. Peter Hommel, Lecturer, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
  292. Will Bowden, Professor of Roman Archaeology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham
  293. Ben Moore, Archaeologist, Forensic & Archaeological Investigations, Newcastle upon Tyne
  294. Stephen Dutch, Upholsterer, Trowbridge
  295. Liz Mordue, Archaeologist, Northampton
  296. Christina Pfau, Architectural Historian
  297. Samuel Keenan, Archaeologist, Museum of Copenhagen
  298. Natasha Billson, Archaeologist & Broadcaster, London
  299. Emma Brownlee, Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
  300. David Norcott, Archaeologist, Winchester
  301. Katy Soar, Senior Lecturer in Classical Archaeology, University of Winchester
  302. Nigel Turner, Retired, N/A, Bury St Edmunds
  303. Mike Nevell, Museum Archaeologist, Sale
  304. Sue Dyke, Archaeologist, UHI, Orkney
  305. John Garner, Archaeologist, Gateshead
  306. Jason Clarke, Consultant, Market Harborough
  307. Ben Donnelly-Symes, Archaeological Curator, Northamptonshire Archaeological Resource Centre
  308. Georgina Clipstone, Archaeological Curator, Northamptonshire Archaeological Resource Centre
  309. Patrick Mayer, Archaeological Consultant, Newport
  310. Steven Cleverly, CBA South East
  311. Gail Boyle, Museum archaeologist, Bristol
  312. Emma Hopla, Birmingham
  313. Andy Valdez-Tullett, archaeologist, Edinburgh
  314. Dan Barrett, Archaeologist, Barrett Archaeology, Hereford
  315. Miljana Radivojević, Associate Professor in Archaeological Science, UCL Institute of Archaeology, London
  316. Graham Scott, Archaeologist, Nailsea
  317. MR R J EDEN, Darlington
  318. Richard Conolly, Archaeologist, East Lothian
  319. Sally Pointer, Archaeologist & Heritage Educator, Hereford
  320. Daniel Young, Geoarchaeologist, Crowthorne
  321. Helen Wells, HER Officer, Leics
  322. Kevin Beachus, Archaeologist Rtd., Bath
  323. Peter Capps, Archaeologist
  324. Catherine Charman, Archaeologist, Farnborough
  325. Edward Peveler, Archaeologist, Reading
  326. Andrew Kingan, Retired, None, Corsham
  327. Jim Glazzard, Archaeologist, York
  328. Josh Bower, Archaeologist Supervisor, Newport/Bristol
  329. Bruce Mann, Archaeologist, Aberdeen
  330. Matt Rous, Principal Heritage Consultant, Warminster
  331. Penelope Meadowcroft, Student, None, Manchester
  332. Andrew Reid, Principal Heritage Consultant, Nottingham
  333. Charlotte Harman, archaeology student, Bristol
  334. Alex Gray, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  335. Mush Jones, Former Archaeologist, Bristol
  336. Cai Mason, Archaeologist, Bristol
  337. Kirsten Dinwiddy, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  338. Peter Keats, Yacht Broker, None, Poole
  339. Mr Thomas C White, Petworth
  340. Stephen Patton, Archaeologist, UCL University - Archaeology South-East, Brighton
  341. Alexis Shepherd, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  342. Emily Wapshott, Archaeologist & Heritage Consultant, Devon
  343. Luke Roberts, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  344. Helen Cresswell-Cox, Archaeologist and Design Historian, Freelance, Oxford
  345. Beth Watson, Heritage Consultant, WSP, Sheffield
  346. Mike Bishop, Archaeologist, Independent Researcher, Pewsey
  347. Elizabeth Owen, Ultrasonographer, HCA Healthcare UK, London
  348. Simon Wood, Senior Archaeologist, Cambridgeshire County Council
  349. Emily Plunkett, Archaeological Consultant, WSP
  350. Alastair Rees, Archaeologist, ARCHAS, Fife
  351. Dave Wagstaff, Energy Analyst, N/A, Coventry
  352. Tracey Smith, Ex archaeologist, Hastings
  353. Katie Marsden, Archaeologist, Wiltshire
  354. Andrew West, Aylesbury
  355. Robert Riddett, Retired, Cardiff
  356. Peter Rowsome, Archaeologist, HYTHE
  357. Kathryn Brook, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  358. Katy Hollowood, Production manager, Cardiff
  359. Clare Jackson-Slater, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  360. Bethany Halliwell, Archaeologist, Leeds
  361. Naomi Brennan, Heritage consultant, Salisbury
  362. Hayley Goacher, Principle consultant archaeologist, Orion Heritage Ltd, Warwickshire
  363. John Rowlands, Industrial Archaeologist, Self-employed, Bangor
  364. MaryAnne Slater, Project Manager, York Archaeology, York
  365. Miriam Cooke, Archaeologist, Broadcaster, Newcastle University, Newcastle
  366. Rachael Capps, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  367. Tealeah Prior, Archaeologist/Heritage Consultant, Brisbane, Australia
  368. Hannah Raines, Ex archaeologist, academic development, University Centre Weston, Weston-super-mare
  369. Fiona Eaglesham, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  370. James Cole, Archaeologist, Univeristy of Brighton, Brighton
  371. Fran Moldaschl, Archaeology Student, University of Aberdeen, Insch
  372. Brian Ross, Concerned archeo tourist, Athens
  373. Aisling Nash, Archaeological Illustrator, Ashtree Heritage, Worcestershire
  374. Tony Le Bourne, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  375. Jessica Butt, Finds Assustant, CBAS Ltd, Lewes
  376. Anna Tyacke, Archaeologist, Cornwall Archaeological Society, Falmouth
  377. Chris Mitchell, Interested bystander, Milton Keynes
  378. John A Lawson, Local Authority Archaeologist, City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh
  379. Nick Daffern, Archaeologist, Dalcour Maclaren
  380. Rosie Howard, Archaeologist, Terra Archaeology, BC
  381. Jan Oldham, Finds Supervisor, CBAS Ltd., Lewes
  382. Jenny Greig, Teacher, Devon County Council, Exeter
  383. Nicola Mulhall, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  384. Cameron McMullan, Archaeologist, OA, Oxford
  385. Bruce Akhurst, Retired, St. Albans
  386. Paul Durdin, Archaeologist, York
  387. Ben Middleton, Trade union official, Prospect, Winchester
  388. Phil Weston, Heritage Consultant, Arcadis, Wakefield
  389. Michelle Alexander, Professor of Bioarchaeology, University of York, York
  390. Mark Stephen Porter, Retired, Individual, Sheffield
  391. Alma Whitten, retired, Machynlleth
  392. Rupert Soskin, Prehistorian, Independent, Aude
  393. Mike Horwood, Retired, Community archaeologist, Cheddar
  394. Trevor Brigham, Archaeologist and editor, Yorkshire
  395. Jennifer Peacock, Proofreader and Editor/Independent Researcher, Aarhus
  396. Marc Stirrup, Blackburn
  397. Carole Bancroft-Turner, Archaeologist, Oundle
  398. Susan Clelland, Archaeologist, Westbury
  399. Lawrence Rees, Archaeologist, Archaeology South East, UCL, Brighton
  400. Clemency Cooper, Community Archaeologist, Cambridge
  401. Adam Yates, Archaeologist
  402. Natasha Davies, Student, Uwtsd, Lampeter
  403. Esther Renwick, Archaeologist, Moder Dy, Shetland
  404. Claire Richardson, Independent Historian and Writer, Peterborough
  405. Thomas Burt, Archivist, Shaftesbury
  406. Tim Wilson, Horticulturalist & Volunteer Field Archaeologist, Poole
  407. Rachel Williams, Archaeologist, Newbury
  408. Nigel Stainer, Retired, Plymouth
  409. Beki Jones, Associate Archaeologist, Dalcour Maclaren
  410. Luigi Signorelli, Archaeologist, LSArchaeology, York
  411. Olivia KC, British museum, London
  412. Fiona Russell, n/a, Glasgow
  413. David Jennings, Archaeologist, University of York, Oldham/York
  414. Lauren Woodard, Archaeologist and museum worker, Museum of London and freelance, London
  415. David Govantes-Edwards, Archaeologist, University of Córdoba, Córdoba (Spain)
  416. Ian Marshman, Archaeologist, Lincolnshire
  417. Justin Ayres, Archaeology Technician, Sheffield
  418. Alex Farnell, Archaeological Consultant, Avalon Planning & Heritage, Exeter
  419. Clive Scoggins, HAMPTON
  420. Julie Wakefield, Retired, Ely
  421. John Swogger, Archaeological Illustrator, John Swogger, Archaeological Illustration, Llanarmon D.C.
  422. Stephanie Ratkai, Archaeologist, freelance specialist, Birmingham
  423. George Hanfrey, Archaeology Student, University of Winchester, Winchester
  424. Will Smith, Archaeological Project Manager, Exeter
  425. Gemma Stevenson, Archaeologist, Essex
  426. Kerry Boughton, Archaeologist, Suffolk
  427. Trevor Williams, retired, Salisbury
  428. Harriet Sams, Archaeologist and academic researcher, Nwyfre Earth, Brampton
  429. Stephen C Appleby, Archaeologist / Conservation Planner, Portsmouth
  430. Stephanie Benzur, Archaeologist, Atlanta
  431. Graham Mullan, retired, Bristol
  432. Helen Phillips, Archaeological Illustrator
  433. Alex Godden, Archaeologist, Southampton
  434. Christopher Down, Archaeologist, UCL Institute of Archaeology, Bognor Regis
  435. Stefan Sagrott, Archaeologist, Edinburgh
  436. Abigail Brown, Archaeologist, Launceston
  437. Linda Wilson, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Bristol, Bristol
  438. Jet Jansen, Archaeologist, Brighton
  439. Keith Butler, Archaeology BA Hons, Pershore
  440. Therese Kearns, Archaeologist, Hampshire
  441. Sally Yalden, Project leader, Romsey
  442. Jack Martin, BSc Archaeology, Exeter
  443. Ian Bloomfield, Director, Caraconnect Ltd, Colchester
  444. Valerie Beattie-Dolan, Hamilton
  445. Dr Gerry McDonnell, Archaeometallurgist, Presteigne
  446. Jonathan Morley, Peasent, Pavers shoes, York
  447. Paul J Faithfull, Retired, Clanfield, UK
  448. Stephen Legg, Archaeologist, Gillingham, Dorset
  449. Talla Hopper, Retired archaeologist, Dunvegan
  450. Nicky Amos, Community archaeology, WSAG. B Sc. FRGS, Wells
  451. Paul mcgowan, Banker, Sk14 4qh
  452. Stephanie Bates, Talybont
  453. Nick Ford, Retired archaeologist
  454. Fiona Gale, Ruthin
  455. Susan Elizabeth Shaw, Retired, Westbury Society Archaeology, Cheddar
  456. Alex Sotheran, Archaeologist, Rotherham
  457. Jacqui Lawson, Retired, Lincoln
  458. Dr Sarah Hudspith, Associate Professor in Russian, University of Leeds, Leeds
  459. John Presley, Engineer, South Brent Community Land Trust, Plymouth
  460. Mick Rawlings, Archaeologist, Andover
  461. Tracy Matthews, Archaeologist
  462. Neil J. Gostling, Associate Professor, The University of Southampton, Southampton
  463. MR STEPHEN G OLD, Stephen Old, Translator, Liverpool
  464. Martin Melville, Retired, London
  465. Shaun Wilson, Archaeologist/Postdgrad, BACAS, Bath
  466. Oscar Aldred, Archaeologist, Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Cambridge
  467. Alice Evans, Pontypridd
  468. Olwyn Pritchard, Independent researcher, Carmarthen
  469. Andrew Newton, Community Archaeologist, NOSAS, Inverness
  470. Ian Beswick, Archaeologist, Manchester
  471. Penny Bickle, University lecturer, University of York, York
  472. Hamish Fenton, Independent Researcher, Chipping Norton
  473. Stephen Kemp, Archaeologist, Cambridgeshire
  474. Peter Davenport, Archaeologist, retired, Bath
  475. Carolyn Kennett, Independent Researcher, Archaeoastronomy Cornwall, Penzance
  476. Tim Daw, Independent researcher, Devizes
  477. Jacqueline Rippert
  478. Stephanie Piper, Lecturer in Archaeology, University of York, York
  479. Gill Hey, Archaeologist, Independent, Kendal
  480. Steve Drew, Retired, Bristol
  481. Joanna Higgins, Archaeologist, South West Peatland Partnership, Cornwall
  482. Ken Feder, Archaeologist, Central Connecticut State University, Winchester, CT, USA
  483. Laura Evis, Senior Lecturer Archaeology, University of Exeter, Salisbury
  484. Jim Parry, Archaeologist, National Trust, Cornwall
  485. Nicki Whitehouse, Prof of Archaeological Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  486. John Howorth, Archaeologist, Copenhagen
  487. Caroline Barter, Community Archaeologist, Westbury Society Archaeology Group, Glastonbury
  488. Katie Hall, Cannock
  489. Paddy Lambert, Archaeologist, Cambridge
  490. Alex Fryer, Archaeologist, Peterborough
  491. Alice Dowsett, Geoarchaeologist, Archaeology South-East (UCL), Brighton
  492. Francesca Southon, Former Archaeologist, Heritage Illustrator, Gardener, London
  493. Kim Watkins, Archaeologist, Self employed, Bath
  494. Debra Johnson, Worthing
  495. Ciorstaidh Hayward Trevarthen, Archaeologist, Dorchester
  496. Julian Munby, Archaeologist, Late of OA, Oxford
  497. Philip Abramson, Archaeologist, Retired, Darlington
  498. IAIN DAVIDSON, Archaeologist, University of New England (AU), ARMIDALE
  499. Claire Boardman, Archaeologist, University of York, York
  500. Lara Band, Archaeologist, Freelance/independent researcher, London
  501. Hazel Wright, Retired, Retired, Redhill
  502. Charlie Cox, Archaeologist, Oxford
  503. Ursula Pearce, Heritage Officer, Fareham
  504. Lucy Marston, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  505. Phoebe Wild, Heritage Consultant, Belper
  506. Nadia Khalaf, Archaeologist, University of Exeter, Exeter
  507. Andy Hazzard, Volunteer Archaeologist, Taunton
  508. Jack Tobias, Archaeology Student, University of Central Lancashire, Preston
  509. Charlotte Addams, Archaeology student and Museum front of house, Yorkshire
  510. Becky Peacock, Archaeologist, OA, Oxford
  511. Mary-Ann Ochota, Archaeology broadcaster and author, Freelance, Hertfordshire
  512. Julia A King, Professor, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City
  513. Alexandra Grassam, Chartered Member of the Institute for Archaeologists, Wakefield
  514. Lyndsey Clark, Heritage interpreter, Edinburgh
  515. Rachel Edwards, Former professional archaeologist, Worcester
  516. Nancy Grace, Archaeologist, Freelance, Dorchester
  517. Annsofie Witkin, Project Officer, Oxford Archaeology, Faringdon
  518. Dr Chris Bowles, Museum Director, Former MCIFA and County Archaeologist, Denver
  519. Michel D'havé, Engineer, Executive Manager, Vaduz
  520. Leonie Hucks, Professor, Canterbury Christ Church University
  521. Lorraine Mepham, Archaeologist, Netheravon
  522. Khalil Betz-Heinemann, Anthropologist, Bristol
  523. Kerry Whitehouse, Archaeological Archivist
  524. Joanne Lindsay, Occupational Therapist, NHS, Leicester
  525. Julia Gibbs, Museum Trustee, Middlesex
  526. Charlton Paula, MA Archaeology student, Newcastle university, Houghton Le Spring
  527. Rachel Hosier, Volunteer archaeologist, London
  528. Philip Wooldridge, Mobile trainer, FRASERBURGH
  529. Elizabeth Darlington, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  530. Ben Saunders, Archaeologist, Edinburgh
  531. Kerry Barrass, Visiting Research Fellow, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
  532. Robin Jackson MCIfA, Worcestershire Archaeology Manager, Worcestershire Archaeology, Worcester
  533. Rachel Hall, Archaeologist, Dorchester
  534. Emma Heaton, BA, Sociology/Anthropology, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Minneapolis
  535. Ellen Kendall, Bioarchaeologist, Durham University, Durham
  536. Spencer Gavin Smith, Archaeologist, Independent researcher, Wrexham
  537. Jamie Porter, Archaeologist, Wessex Archaeology, Sheffield
  538. Katerina Karanikas, Archaeologist, Northampton
  539. Philip Cox, Retired, Mansfield
  540. Catherine Parker Heath, Community and Conservation Archaeologist, Peak District National Park Authority, Buxton
  541. Wendy Fletcher, Archaeologist, Leeds
  542. Edward Swenson, Archaeologist, University of Toronto, Toronto
  543. Charli Mansfield, Archaeologist, Archaeology South-East, Sussex
  544. Angie Bolton, Curator of Archaeology, Oxfordshire
  545. John Naylor, Archaeologist, University of Oxford, Oxford
  546. The Void, CruciVerbalist, Bristol
  547. Donal Lucey, Principal Heritage Consultant, Bristol
  548. Rebecca Haslam, Post-Excavation Manager, AOC, London
  549. Rebecca Croft, MALTON
  550. John Mabbitt, Historic Environment Consultant, Gateshead
  551. Siân Thomas, Archaeologist, Cardiff
  552. Helen Edmunds, Retired, Billericay
  553. Claire Gillett, Retired, Ely
  554. Heather Taylor, Worcester
  555. Emily Eastwood, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  556. David McOmish, Archaeologist, Lincoln
  557. Paul Barden, Rochester
  558. Rob Wall, Bristol
  559. Stephen Peberdy, Retired, Leicester
  560. Paul Lyon, Archaeologist, MOLA, Leicestershire
  561. Alex Birkett, Specialist Teaching Technician, University of Bristol, Bristol
  562. Lauren Palmer, Forensic Science Student, Westbury Society, Bristol
  563. Jason Jeandron, Archaeologist, Manchester
  564. Steve Price, Senior Archaeologist, Archaeology South-East
  565. Gulfareen Chohdry, Archaeologist, Freelance, Newcastle upon Tyne
  566. Helen Holderness, Self employed, Sheffield
  567. Colin Coates, Independant researcher
  568. Hilary Bristow, Sailing Secretary (former archaeologist), Independent, Walton-on-thames
  569. David Flint, Retired, Newark
  570. Johan Thibaut, Lawyer, Antwerpen
  571. Kirsty Harding, Archaeologist, Cardiff University, Cardiff
  572. Taryn Nixon, Archaeologist and Heritage Management Advisor, Heritage Works, Devon
  573. Chris Pickard, Archaeologist, Oxford archaeology, Stroud
  574. Yvonne Benney Basque, Archaeologist, Williston
  575. Matthew Spriggs, Emeritus Professor, The Australian National University, Canberra
  576. Dee Whitmore, Member Tameside Archaeological Society, Barnsley
  577. Dr. Christopher Kerns, Professional Archaeologist, Mitchell, Ontario
  578. d rankin, archaeologist, independent researcher, edinburgh
  579. Jennifer Beamer, Archaeologist, Cotswold Archaeology, Cirencester
  580. Louise Johnson, Retired, None, Honolulu
  581. Andrea, Vag Visitor experience team, Bath and North East Somerset, Bath
  582. David Pidduck, driving instructor, Broadstairs
  583. Robyn Pelling, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  584. Leonora O’Brien, Archaeologist, York
  585. Paul Reilly, Archaeologist
  586. Kieran Manchip, Community Archaeologist, Glasgow
  587. Ben Ford, Archaeologist, Oxford
  588. Linda Fibiger, Senior Lecturer in Human Osteoarcharology, University of Edinburgh
  589. stacy Hackner, Lecturer, UCL, London
  590. Nadia Norman, Heritage Coordinator, Stanwick Lakes, Thrapston
  591. Tasha child, Student, Warminster
  592. David Radford, Archaeologist, Oxford
  593. C Hayward, Geophysicist, Edinburgh
  594. Wendy Morrison, Heritage & Archaeology Manager, Chilterns Conservation Board, Chesham
  595. Ian Gover, Retired, Minehead
  596. Andy Hutcheson, Archaeologist, SISJAC - UEA, Norwich
  597. John Boothroyd, Archaeologist, Oxford
  598. Alexandra Johnson, Archaeologist, AOC archaeology, Oxford
  599. Hannah Page, Postdoctoral researcher in Archaeology, University of Pisa, Pisa
  600. Helen Wallbridge, Archaeologist, Southampton
  601. David Drahos, External Affairs Manager, London
  602. Ann Thomas, Retired training consultant and, Tywyn
  603. Dominic Barker, Archaeologist, Southampton
  604. Cath Ross, Archaeologist, Barnard Castle
  605. Quinton Carroll, Archaeologist, Cambridgeshire
  606. Adam Chapman, Historian, General Editor, Victoria County History, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, London
  607. Phil Pollard, Hon. Secretary, Council for British Archaeology, York
  608. Jane Barker, PhD Archaeology Student, University of Manchester, Oldham
  609. Hannah McLean, PhD Candidate, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  610. Jasmine Tomys, Archives Archaeologist, Durham
  611. Heller, Archaeologist, Milano
  612. Anni Byard, Archaeologist and small finds specialist, Oxford
  613. Adelle Bricking, Archaeologist, Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) Cymru, Cardiff
  614. Sarah Jamez, Archaeology student, University of the Highlands and Islands, Isle of Mull
  615. Sarah Hunt, Retail worker, Barnsley
  616. Pearl Porton, Weymouth
  617. Isobel Christan, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  618. Kris Lockyear, archaeologist, Datchworth
  619. Connor Law, Archaeologist, ASE/UCL, London
  620. Cheralynne Lambe, Ex Archaeologist/Educator of our next generation, Linlithgow
  621. Karen Schymanski, Midland
  622. Cat Treadwell, Author, Derby
  623. Adrian Bowyer, retired academic, Chippenham
  624. Kate Ullman, Cornwall
  625. Dr. Clair Le Couteur, Artist and Researcher, Lunatraktors, Hockley
  626. Nick Cronin, photographer, London
  627. Kate Sumnall, Archaeologist Curator, London
  628. Richard Linton, Strategic Town Planner (retired), London
  629. Moss Bryony, PhD Student, University of York, York
  630. Seth Price, Associate heritage consultant, SLR, Sheffield
  631. Dr Paul Murtagh, Archaeologist, Archaeology Scotland, Cupar
  632. Elizabeth Robertson, PhD researcher, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  633. Matthew Lee, PhD student in Archaeology, Durham University, Durham
  634. Stuart Whatley, Archaeologist, København
  635. Rollo Gillespie, Geologist, Volunteer Archaeologist/ Geo Archaeologist, Retired, H&W Earth Heritage Trust., Worcester
  636. Rebecca Davenport, project manager, Birmingham
  637. Kate Fitzpatrick, Archaeologist, Derbyshire
  638. Sue Lee, Archaeology Student, Doncaster
  639. Ines Lopez-Doriga, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  640. Lindsey Büster, University of York/Canterbury Christ Church University, York
  641. Emily Peacock, archaeologist, Trafficking Transformations, York
  642. Richard Morkill, Archaelogist, Self Employed Contractor, London
  643. Florrie Farkas, University of Oxford
  644. mr david jw bailey, company director, djwb and co business advisors ltd, Maulden
  645. Jacky Sommerville, Senior Finds Officer, Cotswold Archaeology, Gloucester
  646. J Davis, Archaeologist, Bristol
  647. Sharon Heath, Teaching Assistant, Empowered Learning Academic Trust, London
  648. Steve Field, Retired, Waterlooville
  649. Laura Burnett, PhD Researcher, Exeter
  650. Brian Muir, EDINBURGH
  651. Jennifer Maxwell-Harris, University of Oxford, Oxford
  652. Mike Brown, Retired, N/A, Swanage
  653. Valerie C. Florea, Bioarchaeologist, University of Reading, Guildford, Surrey
  654. Adam Markham, PhD student in zooarchaeology, UCS, Cambridge, Mass.
  655. Jack Theaker, Historical Ethnomusicologist (undergraduate), Durham University, Durham
  656. Cyril Marcigny, archaeologist, Inrap, Caen
  657. Kate Faccia, Archaeologist & Reseacher, MOLA, London
  658. Julian Schwarzenbach, Management Consultant, Lichfield
  659. Terry O'Connor, Emeritus Professor of Archaeological Science, University of York, Ilkley
  660. Warren Bailie, Archaeologist, GUARD Archaeology Ltd., Glasgow
  661. Natalie Fisher, Classical Archaeologist, Colchester
  662. Megan Donovan, Planning officer, former heritage consultant, Fordingbridge
  663. Blake Galloway, Archaeologist, Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Canterbury
  664. Francesca Benetti, London
  665. Christo Leventis, MSc student, University of Oxford
  666. Maria Pearson, Outdoor educator, Hares in the Wild, Norwich
  667. Sue Handley, Kent
  668. Chris Greatorex, Ass. County Archaeologist, ESCC
  669. Jo Instone-Brewer, Archaeological Geophysicist, Wessex Archaeology, Sheffield
  670. Ben Elliott, Lecturer in Archaeology, UHI, Kirkwall
  671. john Bruce Waston, London and Middlesex Archaeological Soc, Magherafelt
  672. Graham Colebeck, Environmental consultant, Bournemouth
  673. Rebecca Peake, archaeologist, Inrap, Passy
  674. Chris Pine, DAS Ltd, West Wittering
  675. Megan Schlanker, Graduate Teaching Fellow, Uni of Lincoln, Lincoln
  676. Matt Lester, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  677. Ken Hamilton, ELY
  678. Brian Douglas, Retired Broadcast Engineer, , Falkirk
  679. Peter Gardner, MSc student, University of Oxford
  680. Catriona Wilson, Museum curator, Ely
  681. Rachel Woods, York
  682. Catherine Douglas, Archaeologist, Wessex Archaeology, Sheffield
  683. Fiona Vernon, Archaeologist, Tübingen
  684. Jeffery Nicholls, Retired, Orkney
  685. Gary Armitage, ENGINEER, Batley W.Yorks
  686. Geraldine Crann, Retired archaeologist, Chinnor
  687. Hannah Genders Boyd, Outreach Archaeologist, Aberystwyth
  688. John Herridge, Retired HER officer, Lincoln
  689. Lydia Jones, Archaeological Geophysicist, Huddersfield
  690. Becky Wegiel, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Lancaster
  691. Dallas Zimmerman, Independent Researcher, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Johnstown
  692. Nicholas Elsden, retired archaeologist, Oxted
  693. Richard Jackson, Archaeologist, York Archaeology, Sheffield
  694. Luke Bateson, Archaeology Consultant, Leeds
  695. Matthew Kirkman, Museum Chairman, Beaminster Museum, Beaminster
  696. Lluis Bermudo-Ferrer, Field Archaeologist, Jiménez de Jamuz (Spain)
  697. Éilís Weldon, Archaeologist/Geospatial Specialist, Sheffield
  698. Carol-Christina Westley, Retired, Llanfairpwllgwyngylll
  699. Piotr Orczewski, Field archaeologists, Salisbury
  700. Jana Beydoun, graphic designer, MONTREAL
  701. Kate Wescombe, Former archaeologist, Buckinghamshire
  702. Joanne Glynne, admin, LONDON
  703. Claire MacRae, Planning archaeologist, City of York Council, York
  704. Chris Turner, Archaeologist, Minerva Archaeology Ltd, Redhill
  705. Rob Ixer, Petrographer, Institute of archeology, Birmingham
  706. Helen Hall, Bradford
  707. Sara Paton, archaeologist, London
  708. Heather Christie, Archaeologist & Content Creator, ArchaeoPlays, Glasgow
  709. Cilla Millner, Retired, Longfield
  710. Peter Shallcross, Farmer, MA&AJ Shallcross, Salisbury
  711. Bronwen Russell, Archaeologist, Bournemouth
  712. Nigel Pieloth, Retired, Victoria, BC, Canada
  713. Peter Robertshaw, Emeritus Professor, California State University, San Bernardino
  714. Richard Nevell, Archaeologist, University of Exeter, London
  715. Dr Kate Farr, University lecture (retd)r, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton
  716. Denis Bates, Retired
  717. Damion Churchill, Archaeologist, Manchestet
  718. Nicholas Taylor, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford
  719. Tom Dawson, Professor, University of St Andrews, St Andrews
  720. Tara Fairclough, Archaeologist, Somerset
  721. Lucy Parker, Archaeologist, Southampton
  722. Matt Amy, Archaeology and Heritage Consultant, Leeds
  723. Matthew Coman, Commercial Archaeologist, Crewkerne
  724. Tina Gharavi, Academic & Filmmaker, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
  725. Mark Nesbitt, Archaeologist, London
  726. Andrew Fielding, Independent archaeologist, Wigton
  727. Charles Rousseaux, Archaeologist, Oxford archaeology, Oxford
  728. Sally Croft, Cambridge
  729. Electra Rhodes, Archaeologist & Landscape Historian, Hertfordshire
  730. Dr. Ash Lenton MCIFA, Senior Lecturer, ANU, Canberra
  731. Daniel Warburton, Self employed and a Museum Volunteer., Prints of Darkness, Bournemouth
  732. Richard K Morriss, Consultant Archaeologist & Heritage Consultant, Richard K Morriss & Associates, Shropshire
  733. Arvid Javorszki, London
  734. Kristina krawiec, Geoarchaeologist, York archaeology, Nottingham
  735. Richard Grove, Archaeologist, University of Oxford, Oxford
  736. Hana Kdolska, Archaeologist, BAJR, SELKIRK
  737. Chris Cogger, Archaeologist, UCL/SWAT, Rochester
  738. Mike Owen, Retail worker, Private individual, Llanelli
  739. Peter Roberts, e learning systems manager, london
  740. John Lord, Archaeologist and Occupational Therapist, Wiltshire
  741. Sean Thomas, Graphic Designer, Forest hill
  742. Andy Taylor, Archaeologist, Thames Valley Archaeological Services, Reading
  743. Hannah Cutler, Senior Archaeological Officer, Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Ipswich
  744. Richard Morris, Leathley
  745. Chris Morley, Heritage Consultant, Carmarthen
  746. Jamie Lewis, Archaeologist, Dunbar
  747. Charles Jenkins, Dog handler, British Army, OAKHAM
  748. Paul Blinkhorn, Archaeologist, self-employed, Merseyside
  749. Juliet Smith, Archaeologist, Hindhead
  750. Jennifer Jones, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Central Lancashire, Preston
  751. Constance Mitchell, Archaeologist, Worcester
  752. Alex Pryor, Senior Lecturer in Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Exeter
  753. Linda Beever, Volunteer Archaeologist, Huddersfield and District Archaeological Society, Huddersfield
  754. Alistair Barclay, Prehistorian, Salisbury
  755. Daycia Matthews, Coventry
  756. Matthew Reeves, Archaeologist, MAP Archaeological Practice Ltd, Beverley
  757. Hayley Roberts, Community Archaeology Manager, Past Participate, Devon
  758. Martin Fitzgerald, Retired teacher, Dorchester
  759. Graeme Davis, Lecturer, Hastings
  760. Gerard Friell, Archaeologist, retired, London
  761. Tudur DAVIES, Archaeologist, Independent Archaeological Consultant, Cowbridge
  762. Kerry Hopper, Archaeologist, Cambridgeshire
  763. Deborah Priddy, archaeologist, Blandford Forum
  764. Mark Hewson, Archaeologist, CA., Birmingham
  765. Alfred Hawkins, Assistant Curator & Cathedral Archaeologist, Historic Royal Palaces/Portsmouth Cathedral, London
  766. Benjamin Cullen, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  767. Jonathan Foyle, Lecturer, Building Conservation, University of Bath, Bath
  768. Andy Crockett, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  769. Jennifer Strachan, Student Archaeologist, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  770. Carmen Dahlke, Archaeologist, York Archaeology, York
  771. Merle Ochota, Retired, A citizen of our precious past and present world !, Cheshire
  772. Kath Hunter Dowse, Archaeobotanist, Gloucester
  773. John Shepherd, Archaeologist, Bexhill
  774. Chris Brown, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  775. Shane Kelleher, Archaeologist, Shropshire
  776. Daria Adamson, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Cambridge
  777. Ceri Falys, Osteoarchaeologist, Thames Valley Archaeological Services, Reading
  778. Andy Thomas, Archaeologist, Cambridgeshire
  779. Rose Calis, Archaeologist, Red River Archaeology, Bristol
  780. Jennifer Wylie, Heritage Consultant, Bristol
  781. Kate Santon, Ex-archaeologist, Dyffryn Ardudwy
  782. Annemieke G Milks, Archaeologist, University of Reading, Eastbourne
  783. Julie Dunne, Biomolecular archaeologist, University of Bristol, Bristol
  784. Victoria Parsons, Sales assistant, Primark, Yeovil
  785. Matthew J. Champion, Archaeologist, Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia, Norwich
  786. Ed Grenier, Archaeological Project officer, Archaeological Research Services, Sheffield
  787. Abby Bryant, Historic Environment Consultant, Somerset
  788. Katie Hemer, Associate Prof., UCL, London
  789. David Osborne, PhD researcher, Dept of Classics & Archaeology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham
  790. Henry Davis, Historian, Bristol
  791. Charlotte Puntorno, Archaeology and Heritage Manager, MAP Archaeological Practice, Malton
  792. Michael Emra, Archaeologist, Bedford
  793. Kevin Horsley, Senior Archaeologist, RPC Ltd., Liverpool
  794. Kamran Chohdry, Software Architect, AK Solutions, Newcastle upon Tyne
  795. Zoe Richardson, Archaeology project manager, Ecus, Sheffield
  796. Sheena Payne-Lunn, Historic Environment Record Officer, Worcester City Council, Worcester
  797. James Dewhirst, Graduate Trainee Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford
  798. Jonathan Hutchings, Archaeologist, London
  799. Andrew Brown, Senior Heritage Consultant, Headland Archaeology, Edinburgh
  800. Will Odling, Assistant Museum Curator, Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre, Southbourne
  801. David Heke, Photographer, Chester
  802. James Hooper, Director, Historic Productions Ltd, Cirencester
  803. Cheryl Quinn, Archaeologist (retired), Chester
  804. Kat Lynch, Customer relations executive, Rotherham
  805. ElizabethUnderhill, Archaeology consultant, Rocket heritage and archaeology, Newcastle Upon Tyne
  806. Anthony Divey, Retired teacher of Archaeology, Hitchin
  807. Mrs. Sandra Brophy, Kilgarvan
  808. Fabio Silva, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
  809. Rebecca Pullen, Archaeological Investigator, Landscape Archaeology, York
  810. Lucy Koster, Archaeology PhD candidate, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen
  811. Tom Hughes, Museums Access Officer, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Dumfries
  812. Cory Stade, PhD Archaeology, Weymouth
  813. Nick Truckle, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  814. marcus abbott, Archaeologist, Abbott4D, Oxford
  815. David Mennear, Archaeologist, Hartlepool
  816. Rob Penny, Archaeologist, Hood, Frederick
  817. Gary Mills, Archaeologist, Oakford archaeology, Newton abbot
  818. Ash Thornton, Exmouth
  819. Sam Williamson, Archaeological Consultant, Inverness
  820. Carmen Levick, Lecturer, University of Sheffield, Sheffield
  821. Jennifer Ross, Professor, Archaeology, Hood College, Frederick
  822. Gary Ball MSc PCIfA, Archaeologist, Timescape Archaeology, Welshpool
  823. Alistair Thomson, Archaeologist, Devizes
  824. Dan Carter, Archaeologist, Dorset
  825. Andy Wigley, Archaeologist, Shrewsbury
  826. Michael New, Darsham
  827. guy sanders, archaeologist, American School of ClassicalStudis at Athens, Archaia Korinthos
  828. Rohan Kakar, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford
  829. Emily Hellewell, Archaeologist, Bristol
  830. Steve W. Bannes, Professor, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO USA
  831. Nichola Harrison
  832. Phil Hackett, Heritage Manager, Leicester
  833. Paul Tubb, Senior Heritage Consultant, Tetra Tech Europe, FAIRFORD
  834. Alexander Smith, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Oxford
  835. Annie Calder, Archaeological Consultant, AECOM, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
  836. Andrew Marke, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  837. Thomas Whitfield, Leeds
  838. Sally Reckert, Retired, Richmond, North Yorks
  839. Lauren Hunt, Streamer, Kent
  840. Professor Jacqui Mulville, Lecturer, Head of Archaeology and Conservation, Cardiff University, Cardiff
  841. Glynn Seymour, Global LMS Manager, Andover
  842. Julia Best, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, Cardiff University, Cardiff
  843. Jenny Foxon, retired, Leicester
  844. Nick Card, Archaeologist, Ness of Brodgar Trust, Kirkwall
  845. Stacey Escamilla, Archaeologist, Bakersfield
  846. Allan Morton, Archaeologist, Bluestone Research
  847. Ian Brooks, Archaeologist, Engineering Archaeological Services Ltd, Blaenau Ffestiniog
  848. Kim Hunnisett, Archaeologist, Eastbourne
  849. Sean Taylor, Archaeologist, Cornwall
  850. Sarah-Jane Farr, Archaeologist, Liverpool
  851. Paul Hickman, Archaeologist, Blackburn
  852. Patricia Shaw, Archaeologist, Independant, Appleby-in-Westmorland
  853. Callum, Archaeologist
  854. Rowena Banerjea, Research Associate (Geoarchaeology), University of Reading, Reading
  855. Liz Foulston, Archaeologist, Andover
  856. Stephen Bennett, Farnham
  857. Marianne Wells, Bank manager, Aylesbury
  858. Craig Cessford, archaeologist, CAMBRIDGE
  859. Sam Matthews, Archaeologist, London
  860. Tom Pinfold, Heritage and Military, Various, Chester
  861. Chris Lowe, Draughtsman, Desborough
  862. jesse wheeler, Archaeologist, Worcestershire archaeology, Worcester
  863. Beth Williams, Archaeologist, Worcestershire Archaeology, Worcester
  864. Mike Leanjing, Newport
  865. Jenne Pape, Archaeologist studying for MA(Res), Lincoln
  866. Joshua Frost, London
  867. Belinda Potter, Dyslexic Specialist Teacher, N/a, Bracknell
  868. Michael Hitzenberger, Geologist, Geocentricom, Salisbury
  869. Sara Charles, Editor, Institute of Historical Research, London
  870. Chris Stringer, Scientist, Natural History Museum, London
  871. Nicola Elphick, Archaeologist, Archaeology South East UCL, Lancing
  872. anonymous
  873. Helen Shalders, Archaeologist, Retired, Bristol
  874. Sammy Field, Basingstoke
  875. Dr David Cockcroft, Archaeological Officer, Tyne and Wear Archaeology Service, Newcastle upon Tyne
  876. Maggie Henderson, Archaeologist, HB Archaeology and Conservation Ltd, Sussex
  877. Anne Cross, Volunteer, Kent
  878. Amy Thorp, Archaeologist, Salisbury
  879. Howard Bruce, Archaeologist, Vaux sur Vienne
  880. Edward Smith, Curatorial Assistant, Metropolitan Police Museum, London
  881. Josephine Crawley Quinn, Professor of Ancient History, Oxford University, Oxford
  882. Alison Roberts, Curator, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
  883. Dr Gabriel BODARD, Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities, University of London, London
  884. João Rebuge, Archaeologist, Faculty of Arts of Porto University, Marco de Canaveses
  885. Alison VASPE, Psychoanalyst, Andover
  886. Ben Waldman, Former archaeologist, London
  887. Helen potter, Classicist, N/A, Suffolk
  888. Aelfred Downs, Archaeologist, University of Leicester, Leicester
  889. Tim Bolton, Learning Resources Assistant, FE/HE College, Liverpool
  890. Adam Turner, TV producer, recovering archaeologist, Formally University of Reading, Tunbridge Wells
  891. Sophie Unger, Archaeologist, Brighton
  892. Rachel Glaves, Archaeologist, York Archaeology, York
  893. Peter Bye-Jensen, Archaeologist, Vejlemuseerne, Aarhus
  894. Mrs M Mohideen Moore, Heritage development consultant, Freelance, Virginia Water
  895. Aisling Tierney, Lecturer, University of Bristol, Bristol
  896. Diana King, Archaeologist and Heritage Consultant, Foundations Archaeology, Penzance
  897. Hannah Burke, Archaeologists, Foundations Archaeology, Cheltenham
  898. Lenore Thompson, Archaeological researcher/Impact Officer, University of Derby, Sheffield
  899. David Milne, Retired, N/a, Glasgow
  900. Jon Kaines, Archaeologist, Southampton
  901. Alex Brown, Geoarchaeologist, SALISBURY
  902. Dr Gary Duckers, Head of Technology,Information and Planning, Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, Chester
  903. Dom Rossi, Associate archaeologist, London
  904. Sahal Abdi, PhD Researcher, University of Leicester, Glasgow
  905. Julie Edmenson, Psychotherapist, Self employed, Sunderland
  906. Timothy H Darch, Surveyor, WSP UK, Exeter
  907. Emma Baysal, Prehistorian, Ankara University, Ankara
  908. Clive Tillotson, Archaeology Grad, Salisbury
  909. Heather Beeton, Funds Liaison Officer, National Museums Liverpool, Liverpool
  910. Elissia Burrows, Osteoarchaeologist, Invicta Archaeological Services Ltd, Deal
  911. Andy Mayes, Archaeologist, Bristol
  912. Mark Humphreys, SHEFFIELD
  913. Adam Parker, Curator, YORK
  914. Kate Wilson, Retired archaeologist, Formerly Historic England, Durham
  915. Ken Robinson, IT, Milton Keynes
  916. C Anthony Lewis, Plymouth
  917. Andrew Hood, Archaeologist, Foundations Archaeology, Swindon
  918. Tracy Michaels MCIfA, Archaeologist, Foundations Archaeology, SWINDON
  919. Roy King, Managing Director, Archaeological Management Services Ltd, Swindon
  920. Hannah Fluck, Archaeologist, Hampshire
  921. JOANNE MCNICHOLLS, Archaeology post grad, Hellifield
  922. Nathalie Cohen, Archaeologist
  923. Matt Law, Archaeologist, Bristol
  924. Darren Olley, Archaeologist, Eastbridge AS, Leiston
  925. Anja Cessford, University of Cambridge
  926. Suzanne Hyde, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, High Wycombe
  927. Jill Goulder, Archaeologist, Lewes
  928. Sally Jones, Archaeologist Geospatial Specialist, WA, Stroud
  929. Benjamin Sleep, Archaeology and Heritage Consultant, Bristol
  930. Lee Clare, Prehistoric archaeologist, German Archaeological Institute, Istanbul
  931. Camilla Power, Anthropologist, UCL, London
  932. Alison Atkin, Archaeologist and Heritage Engagement Professional, Warrington
  933. James Sutherland, Train Driver, London
  934. Robert Scott Henderson, Barman, Toronto
  935. Heather Millard, Bingley
  936. Kristen Bastis, Archeologist, Private citizen, Washington DC
  937. Kevin MacDonald, Director, UCL Institute of Archaeology, London
  938. Tristan Boyle, Digital Public Archaeologist, Archaeology Podcast Network, Stirling
  939. Robert M Chapple, Retired Archaeologist, Belfast
  940. Andrew Bates, Archaeologist and Craftsman, Ripon
  941. Samuel Hardy, researcher, Bexhill
  942. James Dilley, archaeologist, AncientCraft, Royston
  943. Jamie Wright, Retired archaeologist, Salisbury
  944. Vivian Scheinsohn, Archaeologist, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
  945. Andy Taylor, SEN TEACHING, CHESTER
  946. Eleanor de Spretter Yates, PhD Candidate in Archaeology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
  947. Caoimhe Irvine, Archaeologist, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
  948. Elizabeth Tooes, Arundel
  949. Michael Brown M A, Landscape Historian, Historic Gardener, Northampton
  950. Karen Averby, Historian and Research Consultant, Archangel Heritage Ltd, Birmingham
  951. Lorrae Campbell, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Liverpool
  952. Lucy Hough, Retired, Concerned Citizen, Tinchebray-Bocage
  953. Christian Cooijmans, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
  954. John B Winterburn, Landscape Archaeologist, Solihull
  955. Mark Griffin, Historian, Griffin Historical Ltd, Newtown
  956. Ian Freestone, Archaeological Scientist, UCL Institute of Archaeology, St Albans
  957. Caragh King, Researcher, Eco-event Collective Solutions, Norwich
  958. Peter Carrington, Archaeologist (retired), Chester
  959. Juliet Spedding, Postdoc, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
  960. Elliot Grater, Archaeological Consultant, Edinburgh
  961. Stephen Gilmore, Archaeologist, Northern Archaeological Consultancy Ltd, Belfast
  962. Freyalyn Close-Hainsworth, Carer, Bradford, England
  963. Jake Streatfeild-James, Principal Heritage Consultant, Warwickshire
  964. Philip Collins, Geologist, Brunel University London, London
  965. TimothyDarvill, Archaeologist, Bournemouth
  966. Karen Slade, Independent Researcher of Archaeology sources, Company of Artisans, Melton Mowbray
  967. Janice Hassett, Retired, Stonehenge Traffic Action Group, Salisbury
  968. Andrew Ziminski FSA, Stonemason, Minerva Stone, Frome
  969. Ben Paites, Curator, Colchester Museums, Colchester
  970. Thomas Piggott, Heritage consultant, ashford
  971. Ricke Scott, Retired Police Sergeant, ———, Lockhart
  972. michelle fawcett, Charity worker, Devizes
  973. James Ward-Gwilliam, Birmingham
  974. Rebecca Younger, Archaeologist
  975. Kirsty Stanton, Archaeologist, Aberdeen
  976. Dan Elsworth, Archaeologist, Directory, Greenlane Archaeology Ltd, Ulverston
  977. Helen Bryant, Librarian, Winchester
  978. Neal Mason, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Cambridge
  979. Mark Blondeau, Ely
  980. Mathew Kidwell, Concerned citizen
  981. Hàìghlèàgh Winslade, Archaeologist, Horndean Hampshire
  982. Frances Breen, Archaeologist and Researcher, Manchester
  983. Becky Wallower, Trustee, CBA London, London
  984. Jem Brewer, Former archaeologist and volunteer, Orkney
  985. Ivana Jovanovic, Archaeologist/Curator and Lithic specialist, The British Museum, London
  986. Danny Allsebrook, Archaeologist and historian, Independent, Sheffield
  987. Oliver Good, Archaeologist, Ecus, Salisbury
  988. Ellie Williams, Reader in Archaeology, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury
  989. Sarah Roe, Community Archaeologist, historian, teacher, Leighton Buzzard
  990. Anthony Harley, Retired, South Brent
  991. Chris Brayne, NA, NA, Salisbury
  992. Katherine Roberts, Archaeobotanist, MOLA, London
  993. Portia Tremlett, Public Programme Engagement Officer, The Novium Museum, Brighton
  994. David Hassett, Retired, Stonehenge Traffic Action Group, SALISBURY
  995. Claire Millington, Archaeologist, King's College London, Banbury
  996. Matt Clarke, Retired, Westbury sub Mendip Archaeology Group, Wells
  997. Paul Timlett, Photographer, Salisbury
  998. Noah Breslin, Archaeology Student, University of Manchester, Launceston
  999. Rhonda Fields, retired, Stockton
  1000. Hanne Larsson, Environmental planner, Bristol
  1001. Tim Holt-Wilson, Geoconservationist, Norfolk Geodiversity Partnership, Diss
  1002. Phelim McIntyre, PhD Student, University of Winchester, Liphook
  1003. Hannah MacGuir, Ex-Archaeologist, N/A, Manchester
  1004. Steve MacGuire, London
  1005. Gordon Noble, Professor, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen
  1006. Alysa Isenhower Hill, California
  1007. Courtney Allardice, Field Archaeologist, MOLA, london
  1008. Jan McKernan, Teacher, Salisbury
  1009. Paul Mckernan, Retired, Shrewton
  1010. Fran Langston, Retired, Warminster
  1011. Miriam Weinbren, Geoarchaeologist, Salisbury
  1012. John WADKIN, Retired, Durham
  1013. Andrew MACDONALD, Retired military, Shrewton resident
  1014. Sara Zacks-McGoldrick, Solicitor, Salisbury
  1015. Andrew Shuttleworth, Retired, Resident of Winterbourne Stoke
  1016. Victoria Baldwin, retired, Looe
  1017. Rebecca Enlander, Government Archaeologist, Historic environment division, Northern Ireland, Belfast
  1018. Christine Gilsen, Archaeologist (Retired), Independent, Belfast
  1019. Emma Dowling, Independant cultural / archaeological researcher, Galway
  1020. carolyn Jane gillions, historian, Lucy the Tudor ( trading as Solveig the Viking), PRESTON
  1021. Rebecca Boyd, Archaeologist, Cork
  1022. Paul Welcomme, Retired, None, Clevedon
  1023. Alison Fisk, Archaeologist, London
  1024. Ronald Laverick, Retired, Public, Huntingdon
  1025. Laura Sinfield, Archaeologist, Telford
  1026. Denise Dowdell-Stent, Author, English Tutor and Amateur Historian, Avalonia Productions, Godmanchester
  1027. Breana McCulloch, Archaeologist
  1028. Steven Wassell, Shrewton
  1029. Cullen Cockburn, Archaeologist, AOC Archaeology, Dunfermline
  1030. Nicola Barber, Doncaster
  1031. Wendy Rideout, Retired, Amesbury
  1032. MR WIN SCUTT, Archaeologist, www.archaeology.ws, Ivybridge
  1033. Maria Ferreira-Pike, Full time mother, Resident of the A303 Rat Run, Shrewton
  1034. Jon Baldwin, Retired, Looe
  1035. Richard Harris, Retired, Salisbury
  1036. Jonathan Owen-Jones, Retired, Salisbury
  1037. Victoria Badham-Thornhill, Salisbury
  1038. Mike Badham-Thornhill, Villager, Local person
  1039. Dave underhill, project manager, Wessex archaeology, Nottingham
  1040. LeeAnn Green, Archaeologist, Independent, Austin Texas
  1041. Caroline Berry, Retired, Salisbury
  1042. John Fletcher, Ministry of Justice, Probation Officer (retired)
  1043. Eszter Bánffy, research professor of prehistoric archaeology, Hun-Ren-Inst. of Arch., Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
  1044. Mike Efstathiou, Postgraduate Researcher, Bournemouth University, Broxbourne
  1045. Andy Boyar, Archaeologist, Orkney College UHI
  1046. Paul Wardman, Retired, Milton Keynes
  1047. John Langran, Chair, Southampton Archaeology Society - in a personal capacity, Southampton
  1048. Julian Porter, Retired, SAS, Southampton
  1049. Sarah Carter, Archaeologist, London
  1050. Tim MacKenzie, historian/researcher, Guided Spirits LTD, Lincoln Park
  1051. Nick Oakes, Mature Student, University of Leicester, Rugby
  1052. Jean-Christophe Rioux, Archeologist, NA, Kirkwall
  1053. Sharon Paterson, local villager, STAG, Shrewton
  1054. Caroline Vile, Archaeologist and Built Heritage Consultant, Self employed, London
  1055. Kate Lloyd Jones, Shrewton
  1056. Nigel Hawkins, Retired solicitor, Shaftesbury
  1057. Peter Turner, Geologist, Independent Research, Sutton Coldfield
  1058. Stuart Michael Griffiths, Archaeologist, Oxford Archaeology, Northampton
  1059. Helena Jaeschke, Archaeological conservator, Taunton
  1060. Fiona Baker, Archaeologist, Firat Archaeological Services, Helensburgh
  1061. Hugh Parsons, Retired, Bognor Regis
  1062. Bekky hillman, Archaeologist, Shipston on stour
  1063. David Williams, Cardiff
  1064. Bob Clarke, Swindon
  1065. Jeff Oliver, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen
  1066. Nicola Powell, Archaeologist, Freelance, Buckinghamshire
  1067. Leonora Goldsmith, Historic Environment Record Officer, North Yorkshire
  1068. Lee Sturgess, Reading
  1069. Lucia Potter, Retired, N/A, Barnstaple
  1070. Andy Bradshaw, Archaeologist, Pevensey
  1071. Jasper Sandford-McFadden, Archaeology student, Southampton
  1072. Alison McFadden, Artist/carer, East Hampshire
  1073. Tim Sandford, Education/ volunteer archaeologist, East Hampshire
  1074. Ken Whittaker, Archaeologist, Sittingbourne
  1075. Martyn Neil Cooper, Diggers Forum Chair, Glasgow
  1076. Rachel Tyson, archaeologist, freelance, Stroud
  1077. Lorna, Heritage charity trustee, Inverness
  1078. Iris Holden, retired, London
  1079. Rachel McMullan, Content Creator, Inside Archaeology, Edinburgh
  1080. Andrea Burgess, Archaeologist, Wakefield
  1081. Mr David Roberts, Architecture and Heritage, Montpelier Architectural Designs Ltd, Drayton. Langport
  1082. Phil Harding, archaeologist, Salisbury
  1083. Peter Saunders, Curator Emeritus, Salisbury Museum, SALISBURY
  1084. Anna Jacka-Thomas, Retired teacher, Wingfield
  1085. David Algar, retired, Salisbury Museum, Salisbury
  1086. Emily Taylor, Senior Heritage Consultant, Ecus, Reading
  1087. Hannah, Archaeologist, Sheffield
  1088. Francis Taylor, Hon Hon Vice-President, CBA, Salisbury
  1089. Tim Bale, Stapleford
  1090. Jim Brightman, Archaeologist, Independent, North Yorkshire
  1091. Duncan Ward, Archaeologist, HORSHAM
  1092. Clare Rainsford, Zooarchaeologist, York
  1093. Claire Halley, Community Archaeologist, Ely
  1094. William Megarry, Senior Lecturer, Queen's University, Belfast
  1095. Andrea Bradley, Archaeologist, Bradley-Inge Project Consulting Limited, Dursley
  1096. Harry Manley, Archaeologist, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
  1097. Judith Ralph, Committee member, History Society, Stalbridge
  1098. Maggie NICHOLLS, Retired history teacher, Newcastle Upon Tyne
  1099. Kasia Gdaniec, Archaeologist, Devon
  1100. Andy Chapman FSA, Retired Archaeologist, Northampton
  1101. Ana Catarina Sousa, Prof., University of Lisbon, Lisbon
  1102. CHRISTINA PANERA, Archaeologist, University of Oxford, Oxford
  1103. Charles Lindsay, Retired archaeologist, Parks Canada, Halifax
  1104. Jim Gunter, archaeologist, TALITS, Wiltshire
  1105. Nivien Speith, Bioarchaeologist, Cranfield University, Cranfield
  1106. Steve Chaddock, Culture consultant, University of Queensland, Australia, Witta
  1107. Sheenagh Mckinlay, Stained glass maker, Bromley by bow centre, London
  1108. Dr Richard Massey, Archaeologist, Ridgeway Heritage, Reading
  1109. Jocelyn Willmer, Retired teacher, Combe Martin
  1110. Amy Mercy, MA student, UWTSD
  1111. Deborah Jones, Retired, History Societies, Shaftesbury and Sherborne., Shaftesbury
  1112. Dave Hardiman, Retired, Shaftesbury & District Historical Society, Shaftesbury
  1113. Philip Proctor, Architect, Shaftesbury
  1114. Jan Harding, Retired archaeologist, Hexham
  1115. Tricia Rabagliati, retired, Shaftesbury & District Historical Society, Shaftesbury
  1116. Clare Kirk, Trustee, Cotswold Archaeology, Abingdon
  1117. Geraldine Humphries, Dudley
  1118. Roland Merry, Retired regulatory director, None, Shaftesbury
  1119. Gloria Atwater, Genealogist, Dog trainer, Yerington
  1120. Esther Poulus, Archaeologist, Wantage
  1121. Jess Thompson, Archaeologist, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  1122. Mark Bowden, Landscape archaeologist, Independent, Stroud
  1123. Janet R Spencer, Retired teacher, Private, Marlborough
  1124. Mary Cleaton, Civil Servant, N/A, Newport
  1125. Cath Neal, Freelance archaeologist, Limoges
  1126. Martin Smith, Associate Professor of Biological Anthropology, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth
  1127. Louise Tizzard, Salisbury
  1128. Heloise Meziani, Senior Archaeologist, Wardell Armstrong, Birmingham
  1129. Charlie Anderson, Student, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  1130. Szymon Wroblewski, Student, University Of Glasgow, Glasgow
  1131. Ross Walker, Student, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  1132. Tallie Pasby, Student, University of Glasgow, Stirling
  1133. Aimee Elliott, Archaeology student, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
  1135. Nick Corcos, Archaeologist, Weston-super-Mare
  1136. Kevin Bittlestone, Retired, Eastleigh
  1137. Andy Murray, project management, Major Projects Association, Wirral
  1138. Simon Lloyd, Tilbury
  1139. Mick Robertson, Retired, Hove
  1140. Peter Paterson, Retired, ., London
  1141. Pauline Snaith, Retired, Derby
  1142. Jonathan Plant, Retired, Northwich
  1143. Graham J Watson, Retired, New Eltham
  1144. Neil Coyne, Environmental Consultant, Liverpool
  1145. Dr. Alison McFarland, Associate professor, Former archaeology student and dig volunteer, Baton Rouge
  1146. Jennifer Wexler, Archaeologist, English Heritage, London
  1147. Mark Ross, Retired, Newark-on-Trent
  1148. Jedd Hayward, Retired, Blaenwaun
  1149. John Palmer, Retired Planner, none, Brighton
  1150. Helen Ullathorne, Retired archaeologist, Sheffield University (Cont Adult Learning), Sheffield
  1151. Mr David Morse, None, None, Dublin
  1152. Jörg huber, Psychology, Uni of brighton, Brighton
  1153. Andrew Cooper, Nearly retired Electrical engineer, Gosport
  1154. Mrs Estelle Burton, Retired Teacher, Kingston upon Thames
  1155. Steven Southerden Dive, Retired, Brighton
  1156. Katharine Fletcher, Town Planner (retired), St Albans
  1157. Kevin M Freeman, Director, Freeman McHale Ltd, Altrincham
  1158. Tim Fulcher, Collections Manager, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Kingston upon Thames
  1159. Kieron Finn, Featherstone
  1160. Simon Diggins, Defence Analyst, Self-employed, RICKMANSWORTH
  1161. James Adams, Charity Worker, Compton Dundon, Somerton
  1162. Emma little, Work coach, None, Somerton
  1163. Bill Kruse, East Molesey
  1164. Declan Westwood, Relationship Manager, Arts Council England, Birmingham
  1165. Derek Barnett, Insurance Broker, Tunbridge Wells
  1166. Alan Jenkins, layman, Private citizen, Windsor
  1167. Nicholas Cater, Langport
  1168. Colin Sumner, Retired, Stafford
  1169. Sam Bonnett, Senior lecturer, UWE, Bristol
  1170. Duncan Parsons, Musician, RoughDraftAudio, Sheffield
  1171. Russ Brennan, Operations Manager, N/a, Wellingborough
  1172. Gary Alan Howkins, Retired teacher and author, N/A, Manchester
  1173. Jon Coles, Writer, Pembrokeshire
  1174. Amardeep Sadhra, London
  1175. Vyvyan Duke, Consultant, Duke Associates, Basingstoke
  1176. Reyahn King, Consultant, Formerly York Museums Trust, Edinburgh
  1177. Daniel Ratcliffe, Archaeologist, Statement Heritage, Penicuik
  1178. Charlie McGrory, Retired, None, Larne
  1179. David Ferman, Financial Consultant, One Four Nine Group, Chippenham
  1180. Martin McConkey, Retired, Salisbury
  1181. Paul Keith, Journalist, Freelance, Brighton
  1182. Mark Tosdevin, Museum Archaeologist, retired, Fordingbridge
  1183. David Calcutt, Writer, None, Walsall
  1184. Glen Beamson, CIO, Riverbeam Design, London
  1185. Elizabeth Laino, Councillor, Elmbridge
  1186. Marc Dando, Publisher and scientific illustrator, Plymouth
  1187. Mark Bouch, Company Director, Leading Change Limited, Devizes
  1188. Nigel Coles, Biomedical Scientist, None, Halesowen
  1189. Peter Dunmill, Retired, Warlingham
  1190. Nigel Rothwell, Leader, Chiltern Young Archaeologists Club, Buckinghamshire
  1191. Tristan Disley, Engineer, RAF, Hook
  1192. David McIntosh, Solicitor, N/A, Cockermouth
  1193. Stuart Nathan, Science writer, Freelance; Alcedo Communications, London
  1194. Ellie Griffin, full-time parent, Bulford
  1195. Michael Chapman, Civil Servant, DBS, Prenton
  1196. Simon Grenfell, commercial mediator, Simon Grenfell Mediation, Ripon
  1197. Marcus Tucker, UX Designer, London
  1198. Sam Heath, London
  1199. Ian Bone, Systems Engineer, Dorchester
  1200. Marnix Jansen, Pathohologist, University College London, London
  1201. Stuart Anderson, Applications Analyst, University of Manchester, WILMSLOW
  1202. Peter Maggs, Retired engineer and writer, Mirli Books, Chelmsford
  1203. Graham White, Chartered Engineer, Hampshire
  1204. Harry Roberts, Retired, London
  1205. Owen Hurrell, IT, School, Poole
  1206. Roderick Arkle, Project information manager, Conims Ltd, Wellingborough
  1207. Steve Trow, Archaeologist, Weymouth
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